" mamma sis may not care about being late but I do. I have a reputation to uphold and need to be on time for the first test of the year. Sis may always get last place in examinations but I don't. It is already a sad thing that Su Mei brings shame on the family for not doing well on examinations but must she also bring me shame by making me late to school?"
Mamma and I looked over at Su Lin. Before I could fully feel angry at her for blatantly trying to make mamma look down on me by throwing my bad grades in my face mamma Su responded. " Su Lin your sister tries her best and that's all we want from you both. Besides don't you see how upset your sister is this morning? Of course it's natural for her to want to express her apologies to me. Does this mean you need to shame her? No! You must help her Su Lin not make her feel bad about herself. " mamma Su was giving Su Lin a disappointed look.
Huh.... usually this would work in Su Lin's favor because I followed her advise on rebelling and being rude however since I had apologized and was being sweet mamma was on my side currently. I could use this to my advantage.
" mamma sis is right I have brought shame to the family with my grades.... ****sniffle*** but I promise to try even harder from now on so I can make the Su family proud. I'll make sure to always be on time if not early to school. I'm sorry sis I wasn't thinking this morning. I was just so upset and all I could think about was how I ignored mamma for 2 whole days. Please forgive me" I sniffles and let another few tears fall down my cheek.
" oh sweetie it's ok you don't need to apologize I know you will try harder from now on. Don't cry my sweet girl. " she kissed my forehead and pulled me close in her arms and from where I stood I could see Su Lin trying to hide her ugly face and forcing a calm face. But as soon as mammas next words came out her appearance turned ugly.
" Su Lin you should apologize to your sister. "
" what? Why! It's true her grades are horrible why should I apologize when I only speak the truth?"
Su lin had her arms crossed and an angry look on her face. I looked at mamma and saw the displeasure on her face. " mamma it's ok don't be angry with sis. It doesn't bother me so much. I'll go get ready quickly so we can go to school. " with that I kissed mamma on her cheek tenderly and rushed out of the kitchen to get ready. As the door closed I could here mamma reprimanding Su Lin about being a nice sister like me who had tried defending Su Lin even though Su Lin had been unkind.
Smiled to myself and laughed once I was in my room. Lulu was ready for me the minute I got in the room. As I started changing she she helped clip my hair up on either side and handed my school bag to me.
" hurry Miss you really have to get going if you are going to beat the morning bell."
I smiled at lulu and hugged her again.
" thank you lulu.... for everything"
I kissed her cheek and then left lulu standing there a bit surprised but smiling herself.
I rushed downstairs and met mamma and Su Lin at the front steps. Uncle Li was ready by the car.
" here you go sweetie eat fast before class starts. Have a nice day and try your best on the test." Mamma kissed my forehead and I smiled up at her.
" ok mamma I promise." Then entered the car as uncle li opened the door to the limo.
Did I mention my family is rich enough to own a 3 limos? One for mamma and one for papa and one for both Su Lin and I. Uncle Li took care of us while mamma and papa both had uncle Lu. As mamma didn't really go out uncle li would take mamma wherever she needed to go if uncle Lu wasn't available.
Inside the car Su Lin stared at me angrily.
I looked at her with a face of innocence.
" Su Mei you shouldn't bring any more shame on the Su family I am only saying this for your own good. Also you have to remember that you got mammas attention just now but it'll go away again in a little while so you have to try and get there attention again by doing bad. That way mamma and papa will look at you more. "
I listened to her hiding my anger with a sweet face.
" but sis wouldn't it be better if I try to be good and do better? From what I saw this morning mamma seemed to really respond to my being good?" I said looking at her with innocently pitiful eyes.
Su Lin looked at me a little surprised.
I was practically telling her I had been acting but saying it in such a way that she couldn't go yelling at me that I had purposely acted sweet and pitiful to mamma to make her look bad. She had to proof other than the hint I just gave.
I looked out the window the rest of the way to school. As soon as the car stopped and uncle li opened the door for us Su Lin got out first and walked haughtily to class leaving me to rush after her. We were in separate classes. She was in class 1 and I was in class 6. The better grades you had the higher the class rank and the lower the grades the lower the class rank. Jensen since my grades were bad I was put in class 6. My class was also on the first floor while Su Lin's was on the 2nd floor. So I reached my classroom faster while Su Lin was made to rush to the elevator.
Yes our school had enough funding for elevators. I mean this was a school for the nations rich children after all. So even if I was somewhat late the teachers wouldn't dare be overly stern. I was in the doorway to my classroom when Mrs. Gao saw me appear.