" Miss ..... are you alright? "
" please tell me what's wrong? Are you hurt anywhere?"
I couldn't help crying. I had been tortured until my death. I had my lulu back and my parents....
wait my parents !
I sat up and grabbed lulu by the shoulders.
" lulu we're mama and papa ? I need to see them right now"
" oh Miss ..... well master has already left for a meeting with some very important people and the Madam is down in the kitchen getting your lunch together for school. She sent me up to make sure you were up and getting ready for school. Miss if you are feeling ok now let me help you get dressed. You'll be late if you don't start right now. " lulu got up and busied herself with finding my uniform in the closet.
In the the kitchen ... mama ..
Before lulu had time to turn around I was already rushing out of the bedroom and running to the kitchen on the first floor. I hadn't seen my mom in so long and I missed her so much. I reached the kitchen doorway and stopped just as I was about to throw open the door. I heard Su Lin's voice on the other side and felt my whole body shaking with all the rage I felt filling every inch of my body.that fucking bitch ..... I would get my revenge if it killed me . No I wouldn't let it get to that point again I would kill her first. Her and that motherfucker Du Rong!
It wouldn't do if I showed to much of a change as everyone alive now didn't know about the future. So they wouldn't understand my animosity towards Su Lin especially since I had always tried my best to please her and showered her with love in the past. No I had to pretend and put on a mask while I was around her and others. I needed her and everyone to still believe I was the same old Su Mei. But I had to figure out a way to put a rift between Su Lin and I.... something that would crack her fake ass act she played in front of everyone. If I suddenly stopped taking the fall for Su Lin whenever she did something wrong she would become suspicious of me.
Not that cared if she new I changed or not but I needed her to be unaware that way it would be that much more of a shock when I dealt the first blow.
I needed to make everyone see how much of a conniving evil witch she really was. And make everyone see I was the poor saint that was bullied by her dear sister. Because as of right now everyone saw me as the stupid daughter of the Su family and that was only because I had been wrapped around her little pinky finger and always tried to give her everything to make her feel better whenever she cried to me about being adopted.
. This had made me act as if I was stupid and lower my grades so su Lin could be the smart one. I would always defend her to our dad. If she did something wrong I took the blame. I needed to make sure to strip her of her sweet pitiful act.
Then people would start to turn their backs on her. With a smile on my face I opened the door and walked in. Mamma Su was talking to the cook of the family about the shopping list for the week and a sperate list for my 16th birthday.
"Mom?.... Mamma." My voice shook a little as I watched her stop talking.
" yes sweetie.... Su Mei why aren't you dressed you'll be late if you don't get a move on...." she didn't get a chance to finish speaking as I had rushed forward and threw my arms around her burying my face in the crook of her neck and felt fresh tears falling down my cheeks.
" mamma I missed you" it was only loud enough for mamma Su to hear but mamma su just ignored it and hugged Su Mei.
" MeiMei what's wrong sweetie why are you crying? Is it about your birthday party ? I know you wanted that dress we saw last week but honey it's just to grown up for a 16 year old. " as I heard her I remembered the dress she was talking about. I had only wanted it because Su Lin had been whispering in my ear that I was old enough to start choosing my own clothes. That it looked gorgeous on me and since I wanted to please her, i had started arguing for it. mamma su wouldn't buy it for me. Su Lin had told me that she heard mama tell papa she wouldn't buy it for me because I wasn't pretty enough for it or classy enough to pull it off.
And I had stupidly believed it. Of course she had been feeding me those lies since we were small and then pretending to be sweet and proclaiming that she loved me. Because of her lies I often threw tantrums so papa would like su Lin more. Somehow it didn't work and I was still papa's favorite. He just didn't want to spend time on the fake daughter he hadn't wanted to adopt. I had even accused her at the time that she said no to the dress because she said I wasn't pretty enough for it and refused to speak to her. And even though I threw those tantrums mama and papa never got upset. I felt so horrible.
Now I knew Su Lin had been putting lies in my head and if I remembered correctly that dress had been a bit to short and showed a little to much cleavage for a girl of only 16. If my memory was correct they had gone dress shopping on Saturday and the day calendar I saw on the kitchen wall as I walked in said today was Monday April 9th, 2012. So I had been refusing to talk to mama for about 2 days now. Shit ....I felt horrible now.
"No mamma I'm sorry for throwing a tantrum over that dress ... really I don't want it at all. I'm just sorry for the things I said. I'm really sorry for everything. Please forgive me".
" oh baby of course, I love you my sweet girl. " I felt her planting a kiss on my forehead and I cuddled into her embrace holding her tight.