--The Nydisian Kingdom, The Castle, The Royal Court--
"My King," The guards bowed as Lucian walked through the halls of the royal court and the gates that lead to the castle opened in his wake.
Lucian had left Llewelyn to handle matters at the academy for a few days. His return to the castle was going to be very brief as he would need to select recruits soon.
He had changed into a King's attire and his hair was slicked back neatly as always, except for one strand that rested slightly below his eyebrow.
His footsteps echoed in the marble halls as he pushed both doors of the royal court and sat down on the throne. Those that were in the room bowed respectfully and in awe of their current leader.
"Milord, based on the constable's report, the magistrates of Sareweth sent in a report of several witches practicing magic that has been unaccounted for," the herald said.