Chereads / Schaffe Fallout (Original) / Chapter 7 - The Drifting Swordsman

Chapter 7 - The Drifting Swordsman

Alan was reading the newspaper in the kitchen. Schaffe comes and says, "anything new." Alan then says, "well there saying that there guy going around the area slicing up mutants and ghouls." Schaffe then says, "Shit your fucked man." Alan then says, "fuck off I'll be fine as long as stay in the store." Schaffe then says, "well that fine dude." Ian the comes in with a smoke in his mouth and says, "sup boss and ugly piece of shit that can walk." Alan then flips Ian off. Ian then says, "anyway we have a letter from Sara." Schaffe then says, "alright a job frm the people we hate the most their lucky we ain't that busy or tell them to fuck off." Schaffe then reads the letter and says, "ah dude she wants us help find this slasher." Ian then says, "well who the hell cares a sword around here." Schaffe then says, "beats me let's just keep busy here but we have to tell Jess she might be in danger because she classifies as a mutant." Ian then says, "yup hopefully he doesn't come around here."

Schaffe then goes to the store and sees Jess at the counter and says, "hey we have a psycho going around killing mutants around here." Jess then says, "alright then looks like I got to wear a hood in here too." Schaffe then says, "yeah we are also task to take him down too." Jess then says, "I see so I should tell you if I see him." Schaffe then says, "yeah the only thing we know about him is that he carry a sword." Ian then comes in says, "hey we just got a call a place in Downtown Troy got fucked by this killer." Schaffe then says, "alright Ian get the boy and we will head out." Schaffe, Ian and Punk head out to place in Downtown Town Troy.

They arrive at the apartment complex in Downtown Troy. Schaffe then says, "this the place." they go in to the building and see a bunch of ghoul corpses sliced up into pieces. Schaffe then says, "damn must a been one hell of a party here." Ina then lights a cigarette and says, "and we weren't invited god dammit." Punk then says, "man this the time to be wise ass." Schaffe then says, "sorry Detective Punk you should know we are the delinquent duo… fine we will be serious man this guy really went to town in here."Ian then says, "I'll say to bad Alan ain't one of these Ghouls. Schaffe then says, "yeah dude." They then see one body moving. Schaffe then says, "oh one still alive." This ghoul was still alive. The Ghoul then says, "oh were am I." Schaffe then says, "still alive I see." The Ghoul then says, "oh thats right

that bastard did this to us." Ian then says, "did you get a good look of this guy." The Ghoul then says, "he carries around a sword the looks the size of him and he wore a respirator on his face." Schaffe then says, "well at least we have a visual what he looks like here." Schaffe then drops a stimpak to the ghoul. Schaffe then says, "well let's head out." they then rode back to the store.

They then enter the garage. Alan then says, "find anything." Schaffe then says, "yeah we got info about him." Schaffe then goes to the phone and inputs the brotherhood number and calls them. Schaffe then says, "hello we have info on the slasher...He wears a respirator and carries sword as big has him… alright see ya never." Ian then says, "alright smoke break." Schaffe then says, "how long is that." Ian then says, "Twenty four seven." Schaffe then says, "saw that coming listen to it for seven years you need better material dude." Ian then says, "oh well it funnier to me." Schaffe then heads to the store were Jess and Punk were Jess was wearing her hood up. Schaffe then says, "hating the sun again huh." Jess then says, "I guess so I still can't believe you guys thought that at first." Schaffe then says, "for real we did thought that." but then they see the front door open and see a man wearing a respirator on his faces he had black hair he was wearing a brown trench coat and was carrying a sword made from a bumper on his back. He then goes to the scrap pile section. Schaffe then says, "hey you two go to the back I think he the slasher.

Jess and Punk then go to the back and watch the cameras. Ian then come and says, "what up." Jess then says, "the Slasher is in the store."

Schaffe then says, "can I help you sir." The man stay quiet and says, "no I'm good." Schaffe then says, "alright."

In the back Ian then gives Punk a tracking device they have for deathclaws. Ian then says, "do what do best Punk." Punk then goes back to the store.

Schaffe then sees Punk with something he goes by the man he then goes in his pocket and grabs a bag of his caps and tosses the tracker in his back pocket and leaves out the front door. Schaffe then thinks, "That my boy born thief." The man then says, "you have nothing I want have a good day." But as he was a bout to leave. Rex the Deathclaw comes in through the garage door. Schaffe then says, "You fucking stupid deathclaw!" The man then sees Rex and gets ready to grab his sword. Rex then sees him and growls at him. Jess then comes from the back room and holds Rex and says, Please don't hurt him." Jess hood comes down revealing her hair. The man then says, "your a fucking mutant too." The man then tries to swing his sword but can't budge it. He then looks and sees Schaffe holding he bumper sword. Schaffe then says, "get the fuck out of my store your ruining my business here." The man then grabs a combat knife out and tries to stab Schaffe in the face but Schaffe lean his head to right it mange to cut his eye patch on his left eye out revealing Schaffe's left deathclaw eye. The man then says, "your freak to huh." Ian then comes with hand gun pointing at the man and says, "drop the knife and get out before I have to clean your fucking brain off the floor." The man then leaves the store. Schaffe then says, "dammit well were closing for a few days never know when that fucking psycho come back." Ian then says, "let's hope he gets caught Punk then enters from the back as he went to through the back door and says, "so what happened." Schaffe then explains what happened. Punk then says, "shit well in his bag for caps he has a name tag that says 'John Justice'." Schaffe then says, "that must be his name." Ian then says, "great this john guy know that you and Jess are." Schaffe then says, "whatever he does we will find out when I'll tell the brotherhood and Albany Guard about it."

Later that evening at dinner table they all sat down but Jess was not present. Schaffe then says, "hey where is Jess at." Punk then says, Maybe she in her room." Schaffe then goes to her room and knocks and says, "hey dinner done Jess." Schaffe then knowtest her door was unlocked and says, "alright I'm coming in." Schaffe then goes in and see she not there. Schaffe then returns to the kitchen and says, "she not in her room." They then go to the cameras and look and don't see her." Schaffe then rewinds it and they find her out side with Rex near the deathclaw pin she was going to put him back when John comes in and chloroform ragged her and kidnaps her and Rex ran away. Schaffe then says, "dammit he got her." Ian then says, "what now boss." Schaffe then says, "I'm going after them we have a tracker on him and I think Jess has her PBP on her just in case." Ian then says, "alright we contact the brotherhood to help." Schaffe then follows the tracker to where John Justice has taking Jess to.