Chereads / Schaffe Fallout (Original) / Chapter 11 - Going on Vacation

Chapter 11 - Going on Vacation

Schaffe and his good chum Ian Smokeroach where just going through store inventory marking what been sold, stolen or still have. Ian then says with boredom "number 237539." Schaffe then says, "number 237539 is a sniper rifle with good optical with night vision color cameo was sold for 3000 caps." Ian then says with a sigh of relieve "thank god inventory is over it only took us a week but it done I guess it time for my 358th smoke break of the day then go fuck with some cars how about you Schaffe my man." Schaffe then says, "well either go to bed or play some old video games I found on a job." Ian then says, "Old games huh maybe I should try some." Schaffe then says, "why not some of these games are better to play with a friend and plus these what made me want to become a programmer back before the nuke." Ian then says, "sounds good probably later though this old mustang I found in a junk yard was almost in good condition when I found it almost done." they both high five each other and went to go do there things. Schaffe then enters the store area where it was complete empty no one was in there but one. He then sees at the counter Jess leaning back in her chair sleeping. Schaffe then says, "hey Jess." Jess then get startled and falls back in her chair. She gets up and grabs a bat and says, "what did we get robbed." Schaffe then says, "at ease there Solider we not robbed I was wondering how much we made so far today." Jess then says with disappointment "uhm well we made nothing today we been like this for a few days now." Schaffe then says, "damn did they get to armmed again." Jess then says, "what do you mean by that." Schaffe then says, "well last time when this happen they all got to armmed up and we lost business so I dress up like a thug and cause trouble around this fine city of Albany after that they flooded in." Jess then says, "well we don't need to go that extreme now." Schaffe then says, "well you maybe be right that was when we got started and barley had a cap to our name." Schaffe then went to his workshop where he goes and mess with computers and technology. Schaffe gets too work on his latest invention a portable gaming device that plays old games if he can get this nail down he can sell these to kids and make fortune from it. But as he starts to think about how the store is at the moment and feels really down about. He looks at the old thug cloths he had and think about it and says, "but I don't want to go to jail again I sleep there more then my own bed some times." Schaffe then went to the deathclaw pen to check on them. He sees that there okay. Schaffe then goes to the garage and sees both Ian and Alan the ghoul working on the mustang it was red painted. Ian then says, "okay Al give her a start you disgusted freak." Alan then says, "fine you fucking flesh bag of lung cancer." Alan then turns the key and engine blew they both says, "oh fuck me." Schaffe then says, "how it going boys." Alan then says, "oh fucking great the engine keeps fucking with us it been a fucking project though." Ian then says, "so what's up." Schaffe then says, "well if you knowtest our lack of business of the store." Ian then says, "so we going around town again like last time." Schaffe then says, "I was thinking about it but I may come up with new plan I came up with a better idea." they keep talking they then call a meeting with everyone Jess, Punk and Tyler Nocturne and Schaffe then says, "well if you heard or figure it out we haven't had any customers lately." Punk then says, "then we raid Albany tonight right." Schaffe then says, "not exactly." but Schaffe felt a sense of proudness from that. Schaffe then says, "well we decided to go on a vacation." Tyler then says "wait for real a vacation where to?" Schaffe then says, "we are heading to Florida, Miami to party hard and hopefully not wake up in place we don't regret." Jess then says, "when are we heading to Miami." Ian then says, "tomorrow at noun it will take us a day or two but we will get there." so they all get packed and ready to go to Miami, Florida but they don't know what awaits them.