Chereads / Schaffe Fallout (Original) / Chapter 9 - Un Wanted Guests

Chapter 9 - Un Wanted Guests

Schaffe and Jess finally return to the shop. Schaffe then says, "get the first aid Jess that fucker stabbed me pretty good." Jess then says, "yeah it should be..." They then feel like they were getting pushed to ground by something don't know what. Schaffe then says, "the hell." Jess then says, "no." They then see a bunch of people come out of the back they all have strange color hair and eyes. Schaffe then says, "Psychics" they all bring out Ian, Alan, Punk and Angel all in handcuffs. Ian then says, "man it hard to smoke with these on." Alan then says, "Shut the fuck up this isn't the time for your jokes." Schaffe then says, "what the fuck is going on in my store." Schaffe then sees a man with blue hair and red eyes come out in white clothing. Jess then says, "Vince." Vince then says, "Jessica we finally found you why you run away from us your family." Jess then says, "because your a psychopath thinking we can take over New York State." Vince then says, "we can you see sister we finally found way to increase our power but I can see you don't want to believe in us so we will show you when we succeed let's bring her home." They then pick Jess up and hand cuff her. Schaffe then says, "some family." Vince then says, "Schaffe Deathclaw I have heard of you but since you keep my sister alive I shall you all go but you must forget this night ever happened." but then they hear something growling at the door. They look at the door and sees Rex has comeback home. Jess then says, "Rex." Schaffe then says, "get out of here Stupid now." Rex starts growling at Vince. Vince then says, "A young deathclaw." Jess then says, "Rex get out of her now." Vince then says, "I see you have formed a bond with this creature." Vince then starts walking towards Rex. Jess then says, "Please don't Vince don't do it." Vince then says, "now Jess you need to be punished for running away from us now." Vince then places his hand on Rex head and use his Telekinesis to squishing his brain killing him Rex then drops to the floor. Jess then says, "Nooo." Jess then starts tear up. Angel then says, "warning stress level is raising." Vince then says, "what are talking about machine." but then they see Schaffe getting up. One Psychic then says, "what he being pushed down." Vince then says, "what is he a monster." Schaffe then starts walking towards Vince. Another Psychic tries to force him down but no use he just keeps walking. Schaffe then clinches his right fist. Schaffe then punches Vince in the face with his right hand. Vince flies into shelf behind knocking things on over. The Psychic then dog pile on him point guns at him. Vince then gets up and see blood coming out of his mouth. A Psychic then says, "what should we do with him." Vince then says, "I'm a man of my word no harm comes to them we got what we want let's head back home." They then bring Jess outside. Vince then says, "well hopefully we don't have to come back." Schaffe then says, "Vince one day I will kill you." Vince then says, "good luck with that." Vince and Psychics then leave with Jess.

The next morning Schaffe was digging a hole for Rex outside behind the store. Ian then comes out and says, "how it going, need a hand." Schaffe then says, "no I'm about done." Schaffe would then Put Rex's body in the hole and buries him. Ian then says, "It feels like deja vu." Schaffe then says, "yeah like when we buried Phil few years ago." Ian then says, "yeah it was wild ride back then to." Schaffe the says, "I'm going after them." Ian then says, "your crazy they are fucking Psychics we see what Jess can do but whole army." Schaffe then says, "what should we do then you can tell Jess didn't like it." Ian then says, "well we need an Army there only four of us plus a robot." Schaffe then says, "true then I'll ask Sara for help." Ian then says, "what you hate the brotherhood you know what they made you do to Phil made you become a fucking drug addict because you were fucking depressed about it and now." Schaffe then says, "I don't care the last eight years fucked me over and now I'm ready to fuck it back." Ian then says, "alright then I'll call Sara then." Schaffe then says, "Thanks Ian." Ian then says, "hey you know I'll have your back now if any one going to die in the hole with yeah might as well be me." Ian then goes back in to call Sara. Schaffe then gets up and holds Rex collar up and says, "don't worry Rex I'll save her for you."

Later that Evening Schaffe, Ian, Alan meet Tyler and Sara in the Store. Sara then says, So why you call us here." Schaffe then says, "well I need an Army to fight Psychics." Sara then says, "your kidding right a fight against Psychics that sounds like suicide." Schaffe then says, "come on Sara I need your help." Sara then says, "then make me an offer." Alan then says, "hold on what no one told me about this." Schaffe then says, "sorry I thought you would over react." Schaffe then says, "okay how about half price on jobs." Sara then says, "fine but I want to add this I want Seventy five percent off for the brotherhood in the store and when this over I want the Psychic to not get killed we will take them into custody." Ian then says, "oomph." Schaffe then says, "alright fine then." Alan then says, "are you fucking crazy now!" Schaffe then says, "hey now I know this might sound like shit but we can.." Alan then says, "I don't fucking care about Jess our trying to get us all fucking killed." Schaffe then says, "So what wait for them to come fuck us in the ass when they can't be stopped!" Ian then says, "hey come on guys let's sit down." Alan then says, "you going with it what those Cigarettes finally start killing your fucking brains!" Sara then says, "he come on boys listen to Ian you guys need calm down." Alan then points a handgun at Schaffe's head and says, "stupid crazy fucking bastard maybe it time you be put down!" Schaffe then gets closer were the gun is in his face and says, "go ahead big guy let's see how much balls you if you have any left." Ian then Point his handgun at Alan and says, "Put the fucking gun down Alan." Schaffe then Points his gun at Ian and says, "if anyone going kill this mother fucker it going to me." Sara then says, "hey put the guns down you think Phil wants this." Alan then says, "yeah he would tell this shit head it fucking bad idea he was the smart one!" Schaffe then says, "yeah but he knows what right!" they all then looks at the photo of them back in the day with Phil and they lower their guns. Alan then says, "you think he be here arguing with us." Schaffe then says, "he the one who ended the fights." Ian then puts a cigarette in his mouth and lights it and says, "that feels like ages ago now." Alan then says, "your get lung cancer one day how you smoke." Ian then says, "just looking at you gives me cancer." They then laugh. Ian then inhales and says, "so boss what the plan for our deaths." Schaffe then says, "do you remember that one project we did and didn't want to tell Sara." Sara then says, "what this." Ian then says, "that thing we found in the junkyard I forgot about because we fixed it up and hid in our warehouse." Sara then says, "so what is it." they then walk to the garage door and open door to the ware house where Ian and Alan keep their cars. They then see a giant robot that has a metal deathclaw head and claw. Sara then says, "the hell." Ian then says, "well we found an old liberty prime from the brotherhood in the junkyard and we were bored so we built him into this Deathbringer Prime." Sara then say, "dammit." they then Start planing for this mission to save Jess.