Chereads / Schaffe Fallout (Original) / Chapter 10 - The Chaos Begins

Chapter 10 - The Chaos Begins

A week go by and in Buffalo NY in the old Bills Stadium the Psychics were setting up a giant satellite dish they found. Vince then says, "we found this in Philadelphia this should help us increase our Psychic powers." But then they start hearing big foot steps coming. Vince then says, "they hell is that." they then see Deathbringer Prime come through one side of the stadium. Vince then says, "the fuck is that thing." it was followed By Brotherhood and End Game troops come in with laser rifles that stun people. Vince then says, "This must be Deathclaw's doing he must be here for Jess everyone attack." Ian then comes through the hole with Alan. Ian then says, "crazy plan he come up with." Alan then says, "hey let's hope we live through it to say he a genius for once." Vince's elite Psychics come out they wear armor head to toe holding rifles.

In the Stadium Jess was sneaking around she escape where she was trying get out when she here the noise. Jess then says, "the hell is going on there." Jess then goes to a window to the outside in the arena and see the fighting going on. Jess then says, "well crap they came to bust me out." Jess then back up from the window she then aim her handgun at it and shots it to break it. She then jumps out the window and sneaks around till she sees Ian. Jess then says, "Ian is that you." Ian then says, "Jess there you are you enjoy your week off." Jess then says, "what going on." Ian then says, "we came to get you and stop the Psychics of course." Jess then says, "so where the boss." Ian then says, "he somewhere here take this." Ian then gives her a laser that stuns. Jess then says, "alright then." Jess then joins the fight against the Psychics."

Vince then says, "alright then let's focus taking down the robot." Vince and few other Psychics then use there telekinesis to take it down. Vince then goes to the head and says, "Alright Schaffe it's over." Vince then use his Telekinesis to open the head door to the cockpit. Vince then says, "what." Vince then see Punk in the driver seat. Punk then says, "oh hey how it going." Vince then says, "but where is Schaffe Deathclaw." but then Vince feels a sharp pain in his back he turns and looks and see it and Elite Psychic with a knife. Vince then says, "what the meaning of this." He then takes his mask off to reveal it Schaffe. Vince then says, "what." Schaffe then says, "it been awhile I been staying here for three days and have to say sir your food menu sucks no meat worst few days of my life." Vince then says, "I should knew you try to be smart but you should waited." The other Psychic then toss Schaffe using there Telekinesis. Vince then walks over to him and says, "you have failed Deathclaw." a Psychic then says, "we were given the okay to use Vince." Vince then says, "excellent time now watch our powers get stronger." Vince then turns on the satellite dish. Few minutes pass and Vince doesn't feel anything. Vince then says, "I guess it needs more work." But then he see Schaffe start to freak out. Schaffe then says, "what that noise." Vince then says, "noise I don't here anything." He then sees Schaffe start banging his head of the ground.

Ian then sees the Satellite Dish and says, "No that thing can't be." Jess then says, "what is it." Ian then says, "we need take that dish down now something bad going to happen." Sara then says, "aim for the dish now."

Vince then says, "stop it you fool going crazy over a little noise in your ear." Schaffe then looks at Vince and let's out a monstrous roar. Vince then use his telekinesis and Throw Schaffe through a wall of the arena. Ian and Jess the comes over and tries to go over to where Schaffe was Thrown but was stop by Psychics. Vince then says, "where you going to help him good luck fool." Ian then says, "your the biggest fool here you could killed us all." They then here a roar coming out of where Schaffe was thrown. Ian then says, "no we where to late." They then see a large shadow coming towards the whole. They then see a Deathclaw come out of the hole it was bigger then a normal one it's horns looks like a bulls. Jess then says, "what the fuck." Ian then says, "great were fucked." Vince then says, "could this be that one deathclaw...I see You hide a secret don't you Schaffe." Ian then says, "we need take down that dish." Jess then says, "Is that." Ian then says, "no point lying about thats Schaffe he is El Diablo the Deathclaw that slaughter thousands." Alan then goes to Deathbringer Prime and use the loud speakers, "hey assholes if you want to live the get the fuck out of here if you want live." Everyone the leave out the opening where the robot broke in. Schaffe then looks around and see everyone run from and roar and starts chasing them. Jess then jumps on his back when he went by her. Ian then says, "Jess the hell are you doing." Alan then says, "is she crazy." Jess then get up to his head and he tries to knock her off. She then puts here hand on his head then he falls down and she rolls of his back. Vince then says, "ha in way you didn't have a choice and death was the only way." Ian then says, "sorry Schaffe I guess your luck has run out." But the they see him get up. Vince then says, "What he lives." Schaffe then looks at Jess and smells her. Jess then says, "now sit boy." Schaffe then sits down and starts wagging his tail. Ian then chuckle and says, "no way she made him a dog." Jess then says, "shake." Schaffe then gives her his claw and she shakes his claw. Jess then says, "alright it worked." Ian then says, "wow she just saved everyone here." Vince then says, "if she can do it then maybe I can use him." Vince then starts walking to Schaffe. Schaffe then sees him. Vince then stops there. Schaffe looks at Vince and starts to remember what he did to Rex and roars at him. Ian then says, "he doesn't like you." Schaffe then starts Charging at Vince. Vince then says, "Dammit." Schaffe then tries to claw Vince but he use his Telekinesis on a nearby rock blocks his claw with it. Schaffe then roars and tail whips him

to a wall near the satellite dish. Schaffe then starts walking towards him. Vince then gets up and says, "you bastard now die." Vince then use his Telekinesis on the Satellite Dish and throws it at Schaffe and gets buried under it. Vince then tries to escape. Jess then points her handgun. Vince then says, "Jessica." Jess then says, "It's over Vincent." Ian then starts digging at the rubble and sees Schaffe return to his normal form and was unconscious. Ian then says, "ha he alright." Sara then comes over and says, "It's like last time when destroyed the dish but this will be then last time." Punk then says, "so when has he been able to turn to one." Ian then says, "we will talk later about time to now the truth." Schaffe then starts getting up and grab his head and says, "ah damn what happened." Sara then says, "well their satellite dish fell on you it over we won." Punk then says, "but.." Ian then says, "sorry boss you knocked out for must of it." Schaffe then says, "what ever." Schaffe gets up and his cloths were tattered on thing was left was his pants. Schaffe then says, "dammit." They all return back to there normal lives. Vince and the Psychics were then put in Brotherhood custody. Sara keep her word and destroyed the satellite dish so it may never be used again. Schaffe and Crew returned back to his home to his store.

Schaffe and Tyler were talking in the store. Schaffe then says, "you like to work here why not." Tyler then says, "yeah that last battle we lost a few soldiers and now they want to help the psychics leaving me by self for now." Schaffe then says, "fine by me always love another gun."

In the New York Capital Building Sara, Ian and Alan bring Punk and Jess to talk about what happened. Punk then says, "so your going to tell us now about what happened." Ian then says, "alright the first thing I ask is to not tell Schaffe about what you saw." Jess then says, "don't you think he should know." Ian then says, "Jess what you going to say you slaughter thousand of people how you think he react." Punk then says, "but you think dad would done that." Alan then says, "it was his Idea boy." Punk then says, "what my father told you to never tell Schaffe." Ian then says, "we are the only one who knows the truth the other thought he came through a hole from the outside." Sara then says, "as you know five years ago the Philadelphia massacre or the night that El Diablo was born and he slaughter all those innocent refugees none survived and we are known survivors this was part of Project from the former Leader of The Brotherhood, Max Majors he wanted to make the ultimate soldier and I think you knew was the test subject was." Jess then says, "so if what your say is that he planned to slaughter them." Sara then says, "yes he was even put us there and hope we would die to but we survived all four us." Punk then says, "damn." Ian then says, "he even threaten us to keep all a secret from anyone or kill us." Sara then says, "but their was one who didn't listen who even gave the information away and that was Phil." Punk then says, "your saying my dad was killed by the brotherhood." Sara then says, "no but we hired an assassin I don't know who he hired that secret he brought to his grave." Jess then thinks, "she lied they know who they hired but let Schaffe tell him." Ian then says, "to think it's been five years after Phil's death Schaffe fell into depression him and Phil were as close as brothers but he got out of it when he went to a doctor we found him lay on the floor." Alan then says, "he was rehab then went to find Phil's Son which is you Punk two years back." Sara then says, "now that dish is gone for good maybe those refugees can finally rest in piece." Ian then says, "yeah but we will continue to hide this sin." Alan then says, "we always theorize how react to it and we figure he won't take well." Punk then says, "alright I won't tell him for my dad." Jess then says, "I don't even know if I want to tell him it probably make him sad." Ian then says, "alright now that done let's head back." They then head back to the jeep. Ian then says, "hey Jess I just want to say thanks you save us all what you did." Jess then says, "yeah it was in the moment but it worked out." they then head back to the Store.

Ian then says, "hey Schaffe were..." Ian then sees Schaffe chewing on a bone. Schaffe then says, "Oh hey welcome back." Ian then says, "oh what the fuck is with the bone." Schaffe then says, "I don't know for some reason I feel like chewing on it strange but I like it." Schaffe then continue the bone. Ian the says, "alright then well I'll be right back." Ian then leaves the Kitchen and thinks, "note to self ask Jess to fix the dog problem..." (End Of Schaffe Fallout)