Chereads / The Halfling / Chapter 1 - part 1:The baby

The Halfling

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Chapter 1 - part 1:The baby

"What do you mean you are pregnant? How is that even possible" 

" I don't know but it happened and there is nothing that we can do about it. If you don't want the baby then forget about being with me"

"You know how I feel about you, and this baby isn't going to change anything between us. It never could. To be honest I have always wanted children except I never thought I would be able to have any."

"I am glad to hear that. I also really wanted children and now we both can have what we both have been dreaming about. we can be happy together."

That was what we truly believed, except that didn't completely happened. What really happened was the love of my life was killed right before my eyes and the baby was taken right after he was born. After they took him away they killed me saying they didn't need me anymore. That is how my story ends and how the story of my halfling child began....


The only thing that I know about my parents is what I was told by others. I was taken away from my mother right after I was born. The people say that it was for my own good because she died after giving birth to me. Except I know that they just wanted to be able to use me. I believe this because I am a half vampire and half witch. The people that stole me from my mother made me realize that anyone that is being too friendly is just trying to use me. That is why I ran away from them and am now at an orphanage. I have been here ever since I was 5, and I am now 17 almost 18 years old except I don't believe that vampires or that kind of stuff are real. Nobody ever want's to adopt me because there is a myth that I am cursed. Therefore when I turn 18 I get to leave this place for good. At least that was my plans but plans never go well or to plan, and that is why I am running through the forest to stay alive. A lot of people would be asking why I am running for my life. Well, I will tell you that it all started with a hot summer day. I just wanted to go for a walk in the forest to get some fresh air. Then all of a sudden I was being chased by a bunch of people that said I  had trespassed on to their land. Now I am being chased by those people and there wolfs. Yes wolfs!! Hopefully, I stay alive long enough to say sorry if it is not too late to say so after all I didnt see a sign saying private property...

(Hello I am the author and I will try not to do too many interruptions. but I just wanted to let you know this was all a backstory and that I hope it gets better from here.)   

Cain's POV 

"Why did you enter our lands you filthy mud blood." Said a really mean looking guy that didn't look like he was messing around. To be honest, I was terrified and didn't at all know what he was talking about so I said the first thing that went to mind, and because I was scared I sounded weak and pathetic. Let me just tell you that I hated sounding like that with a passion. 

"W-what are y-you talking ab-bout"

That was when I knew I said something wrong because he and everyone just looked at me like I had two heads. Then they started moving out of someone's way and all I could think was *I am so dead* and a very intimidating wolf came forward.......I was confused. Until it started shifting! WHAT!!! THAT IS NOT NORMAL OR OKAY! and if you thought the look they were giving me before was judging then this one was worst. They all looked like this was a normal thing that happened. Then there was no longer a wolf standing in front of me but a NAKED MAN! um, what. I think he realized that I was mortified and about to pass out. Why might you ask, well he told someone to get him some shorts and then started slowly walking toward me. Once he was right in front of me I did exactly what I didn't want to do and passed out. I know how much more pathetic can I get.

Jake's POV

Just to state, I am the alpha of the Midnight Moon pack and I just turned 19 years old. I am scared I won't find my mate before I go mad. That is when my beta mind liked me...

" Alpha there is a mud blood that crossed our border "

"Alright I will be there in a few"

That is why I am now in my wolf form running through the forest trying to see why someone was willing to trespass into our land. That is until I smelled the sweetest smell coming from the direction the intruder is.  I wonder if the intruder will accept me, after all, I vowed to accept my mate no matter what.

[time skip to Jake getting to the border] 

Once I got there I saw that my mate was trembling by a tree and he didn't seem to know what was happening yet he is a mud blood. Therefore he should know about us were wolfs right. Right? so with that logic, I shifted in front of him not expecting the reaction that I got. Which was him freaking out and looking like he is about to pass out. 

"Hey Black toss me a pair of shorts"

"Yeah! here catch."

Once I put them on I went to try and comfort my mate by slowly walking to him  but as I was two feet away he passed out. Luckily I was close and I caught him before he fell on the ground. 

"Alright, let's get home before wakes up and freaks out again"

Everyone replied at once "Yes, alpha"

Cain's POV

When I woke up I was in a room I didn't know. Then I remembered what happened in the forest and started panicking until a man walked in and started talking.

"Hey, I know this is strange and kind of scary but I promise that I won't hurt you."                               

When he said that I felt kind of reassured and that I was safe, but I don't even know his name. Now that I am a lot calmer I notice how nice and friendly he looked.

"Alright I am a lot calmer now"

"Okay that is good"

"Now that I am calm I have a few questions"

"I thought as much. But okay go ahead. I will answer what I can to the best of my ability"

"Okay, that will work. The first question is what are you?"

"Umm, if I tell you, then please promise me you won't freak out or laugh"

I reluctantly say "Okay I won't" even though I am sure I will.

"Alright, well to tell you the truth I am a werewolf"

"I kind of thought so" After I said that I looked up and the man was looking at me like I had two heads. "What? Did I say something wrong or weird"

"No, it's just I have never met a mud blood that was okay with werewolves"

"Huh, Wait! What is a mud blood? and why do you keep calling me one?"

"Wait you didn't know you were a mud blood?"

"No, but I dought you want to hear my story."

"Shouldn't you ask and not put words in my mouth?" 

"Ok. Would you like to hear my story?"

"I would love to"

"Well, it started at about 18 or less years ago. There was a vampire king who's soul mate was a witch. At first, they didn't accept one another. That was until they both started dying without being with their other half. In turn, they had a child. This child was feared and thought of as evil and dangerous. So people tried to kill the child but didn't succeed. Why you might ask? Well someone beat them to the child and kidnapped it. That part I heard from others the rest I will tell you from my point of view. It was when I was 5 years old I ran away from the people that took me and killed my parents. After I ran away I went to an orphanage, but no one wanted me."

"Why not"

"There was a rumor that I was cursed but really I just didn't want to trust any of them and told the headmistress and the people were just angry that I didn't choose them. So I have lived there ever since I was 5 and I am now almost 18"

"Wow! Wait you never knew your parents?"

"No. Not really. After all, they were killed when I was 4 minutes old and that is my story."

"I have heard of it except everyone thought you died and that no one found your body."

"That is is how the story ends"


"Well, you see the headmistress told me this story but never the ending. I never believed her. Until now that is."

"Wait you didn't think that was your story you just told the story that others have told you. Do you even know what they call the story?"

"Preity much. And of course I know what it is called. It is called the cursed child and his damned parents"

[wow that was a crazy part. But don't worry I will try and post more whenever I can. So, please vote and comment on what you liked and if you would like it to be longer. well that is all for now ]