Chereads / Lost And Found (Book I) / Chapter 4 - Chapter 2 | Bowling Part I

Chapter 4 - Chapter 2 | Bowling Part I


I woke up to a cramped neck and a dog licking my face. How nice.

"Teddy stop it!" I giggled and pushed the fluff ball away. I kissed his snout and stood up stretching my arms up as high as I could yawning in the process. I look to my left only to hiss and shield my eyes from the burning sunlight that's being reflected through my window. " Man, I really need to get some curtains..."

I slowly stand holding on to the arm rest of the couch steadying myself as a dizzy lightheaded feeling came over me. I haven't eaten very well in the last couple days maybe I should go grocery shopping. I zombie walked into the kitchen and refilled Teddy's cups while I ate some Doritos. I looked around and noticed that my kitchen looks a lot like my Nana's did. It felt like someone stabbed me in the heart as a wave of pain and sadness washed over me. My eyes started to become glassy and I blinked hard a couple times and pushed it away. I can't change the past but sure as hell can run away from it and besides my tears are all gone by now.

I notice my bags are still lying on the floor, so I take a couple and start lugging them to my room when I hear a soft knock on the door. So gentle I almost didn't hear it.

"Coming!" I shouted dropping all the bags and shuffled to the door. I swung it open to come face to face with beautiful 17-18-year-old girl with light brown hair pulled back into a high ponytail and dark brown eyes that look like they are memorizing every detail they see, and she was holding a plate of cookies. Oatmeal chocolate chip. Yum!

" Umm hi I'm Melina and I live upstairs. My mom wanted me to give these to you," she said holding the plate out to me. She seems very quiet and attentive like she's carefully picking every word from her vocabulary before she speaks.

Her mom must be my landlord. She didn't say she had a daughter. I smiled brightly at her and took the cookies. "Thanks, would you like to come in?" I asked leaving the door open and walking over to place the cookies on the counter.

"Sure." She said quietly. She's seems very shy and timid but not in a bad way. As soon as she walked through the door, she was tackled by Teddy who started licking her face like it was a giant hamburger. She giggled as I pulled the excited puppy off her, "And who might you be?" Her shyness crumbles away instantly.

"His name is Teddy and don't be fooled by his cuteness he'll take any chance to lick you all over the face." I scratched the pup behind the ear.

She smiled and squished his face between her hands, " your so cute! Yes, you are!" She said in a puppy dog voice.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty?" I ask opening the fridge to see it empty, "scratch that looks like my fridge is empty." I shut the door.

"It's okay I can't stay long anyway my friends are coming to pick me up." She said walking towards the door. "Hey, would you like to come with us? We're going bowling."

I think about it for a second and nod, "it would be nice know some people before school starts."

She grins, "great! Meet me upstairs in a half hour?" She asks and I nod as she exits the house.

I walk into my bathroom to have a quick shower leaving my jet-black hair wet and put it in a braid so it will be curly for school tomorrow. I put mascara on the lashes framing my bright green eyes and put on a cute loose pink sweater with ripped skinny jeans and brown ankle boots with 1-inch heels. I paired it with a wolf necklace that was on me when my nana adopted me, I never go anywhere without it.

When I was done, I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door that separated the basement from the rest of the house. The door soon flew open to reveal a beautiful woman with a dirty blonde bob. This must be my landlord I've only seen a picture of her but she's absolutely gorgeous. She smiles brightly at me "Hi you must be Juliette!"

I nodded and smiled at her "hey Catherine umm Melina told me to meet her up here. Catherine looked surprised when I told her that "really? I normally have to force her to make new friends."

I shrug as I spot Melina jogging towards us. When she gets to us, she takes my arm and gently pulls me towards the door. "Come on my friends are outside."

I chuckled and follow her out the front door. I see 2 cars with 2 girls and 2 boys leaning against them. I looked at the left car to see the 2 very handsome boys leaning against it. One of the boys looked about 6 foot 5. Jesus he is really tall! Anyways he was pretty well built, and he had blonde hair and brown eyes. Pretty cute but not my type and the other guy was around 6 feet and had light brown hair and blue grey eyes. He had a 5 o'clock shadow and big nerdy glasses but he pulled them off. I then looked at the right car to see a beautiful blonde girl that seemed to be maybe a year younger than everyone else. She's probably in grade 11 while the rest of us are in grade 12.

She had straight shoulder length hair and light blue eyes and she was taller than my 5'4" height with her 5'6". I then saw a stunning red head with brown eyes, and she was about my height too while Melina was 5'5"

We began walking towards the cars with Melina steering me towards the right one which was a red Jeep while the other was a silver BMW.

"Hi, my name's Brynn," the blonde girl holds her hand out to me and I shook it with a polite greeting. "That's Isaac," she points to the blonde guy, "that's Scarlett," she points to the red head, "And that's Noah." She points to the other guy and they all give me a wave and a grin. I waved back and then make my way into the backseat of the Jeep. "That's pretty much everyone except there is 2 more boys Parker and Luke. They're on a..... business trip with their families." I raised my eyebrow at her. That was a lie. I'm very good at telling when people aren't telling the truth and she wasn't.

After around a 20-minute drive we pulled up to a brick building with bright blue and green neon letters that say Silver blood Bowling Alley.

"Odd name for a bowling alley?" I voice my thought to the girls.

"Uhm... yeah," they say at the same time sharing a look with each other. Okay weird.

We hopped out of the car just as the boys pulled into the almost empty parking lot. After everyone was out of their cars, we made our way into the bowling alley. I looked around to see about ten lanes across the front and on the other side was a desk for shoes and to the right of that was a food desk to get pop and pizza.

After getting our shoes we went all the way to the end lane, which was number 10, they said it was always their lane. There were about 2 other lanes being occupied so there weren't very many people here so that was nice.

"Ready to get your butt kicked in bowling?" I turned around to see Isaac smirking at me.

"I was going to ask you the same thing," I gave him a smirk of my own.