I am so tired of my ceiling. The last 2 hours I have just been laying in my bed staring at the ceiling with Teddy's head resting on my arm. By the tingles that feel like tiny needles in my fingers I could tell my arm had indeed fallen asleep. Why can't my brain do that? At least one part of my body is getting some rest because I can't fall asleep at all. I think I'm just home sick, I never really could fall asleep somewhere that wasn't home and even if I did the nightmares would just wake me up.
My arm started to get uncomfortable, so I was forced to move it. "Sorry boy but I'm getting up." I slid my arm out from under the sleeping pup not bothering him in the slightest. That dog is the heaviest sleeper ever.
I stood and walked to the bathroom. I turned the tap on the sink to the coldest setting and let the water run over my hand, but nothing was working. God, I hate this feeling. A limb falling asleep is by far the worst feeling in the world. Eventually the tingling subsided, and instant relief waved over my hand.
I looked at the clock on the nightstand and read 1:22. After we all finished our pizza at the bowling alley, we ordered ice cream and then all made our way to our houses around 6. After that me and Melina watched a Marathon of Harry Potter in my living room and we made it to the end of The Prisoner of Azkaban before she went home, and I went to bed around 11 o'clock. Yep it's been 2 1/2 hours, and I still haven't fallen asleep and I have school tomorrow!
I sighed and reached into my nightstand drawer pulling out a small orange bottle full of little red and white prescription capsules. I hate taking sleeping pills, but I need energy for tomorrow. I got these around 4 months ago. My therapist recommended sleeping pills because of a recurring nightmare I was having.
In the nightmare usually I was in a forest or field and I wasn't alone I had my Nana with me and there was a pack of wolves surrounding us. They were abnormally big and payed no attention to me. My Nana however they tore to shreds. They ripped her to shreds right in front of me and it was like my feet were glued to the ground, I couldn't move at all. I couldn't help her at all. When the sleep paralysis started happening is when my Nana took me to see a therapist.
I popped a pill in my mouth and chugged the water out of my water bottle. When I was done, I cuddled back up with Teddy and prayed that the nightmare didn't come.
I woke up to a loud banging coming from outside my room causing me to shoot up and somehow fall off the bed. I groaned loudly. I am very irritated, and I am not a morning person. I drug myself out of my room and towards the commotion in my kitchen only to find that the banging was coming from the door that joined mine and Melina's house together. I walked up to the door and yanked it open to see a very annoyingly happy red head staring back at me. "Scarlett!" I whined. "I was sleeping."
"Do you know what time it is?!" Scarlett asked. "We have been waiting 10 minutes for you upstairs.
I looked around the corner of the fridge so I could see the stove time and it read 8:07. "Sh*t! I was supposed to be up an hour ago!" I said annoyed with myself. First day of school and I'm going to be late.
I left the front door open and sprinted to my room shutting the door behind me and quickly ran over to my suitcase that I still haven't unpacked. I pulled out a cute maroon long sleeved, form fitted sweater that I tucked into my dark blue ripped jeans. I paired it with white vans, my necklace and some moon shaped earrings. I left my hair in its natural wavy state and applied concealer, lip gloss and mascara. I quickly brushed my teeth and packed bag with my phone, ear buds, wallet, school supplies, and lunch. I swiftly ran up the stairs skipping a couple of steps and straight to the front door where the others were waiting patiently.
"I'm so sorry. You guys didn't have to wait for me," I said out of breath. Damn I am out of shape. I should start running again.
"No, it's fine we're not late yet and if we were it wouldn't matter," Noah reassured me.
I gave them a small smile and shuffled out the door and towards my car with Melina and Scarlett. We decided we would take my car while the boys and Brynn would take Isaac's.
The drive there was alright. Me and the girls got to know each other a little better and Melina and Scarlett are the complete opposite. Melina is quieter and calmer while Scarlett is loud and bubbly. I was really starting to like them. They are the only friends I have ever had, and I'm not used to sharing so when they asked me about my family I froze.
"They're gone..." I whispered back as a reply. I didn't know what else to say and I wasn't ready to talk about it yet.
Either they didn't hear me, or they got the point because they changed the topic quickly. "So, what classes do you have J?" Scarlett asked with the nickname her and the group gave me yesterday.
I pulled into the student parking lot that Melina was giving me directions to and pulled my schedule out of my bag.
Block 1- AP Calculus (12)
Block 2- Art (12)
Block 3- AP biology (12)
Block 4- PE (12)
"Damn I didn't know you were a genius!" Scarlett whistled.
"I'm not a genius," I stated.
"Bull! You're as smart as Melina and that's saying something."
Melina blushed and looked out the window while I just looked at my schedule. "Thanks," I said with a small smile. My Nana always wanted me to get good grades. I hope she's proud.
We all unbuckled our seat belts and hopped out of the car and made our way towards the front office. As we got closer my heart started beating faster. I've been to 5 different schools in the last 2 years and every single one I got expelled from for either defending myself or they found out about the street fighting. This one is different though. This time I'm going to keep my head down and stay out of trouble. This time I won't come home to see the disappointed look on my Nana's face. When she found out about the street fighting, she couldn't have been more disappointed in me and it killed me but now hopefully I'll make her proud.
"You okay?" Scarlett asked with a worried face.
I raised an eyebrow at her and replied with an "I'm fine." I'm good at hiding my emotions so how did she know. Either she is good at reading people or she heard my heart beating which was thumping harder and harder the closer we got.
"Just nervous," I added. She nodded and continued walking.
We entered the front doors of the school and came face to face with the front office lady. She looked about mid-thirties with dirty blonde hair and kind features.
She gave a wide smile and held up a finger to us and pointed to the phone that was against her ear.
I waited patiently for the lady to finish her conversation and turned to the girls, "you guys can go to class if you want. I don't want you to be anymore late."
"Are you sure?" Melina asked and nodded as they started walking down a hall.
I turned back to the lady to see she was still talking on the phone and writing something down on a notepad. "So, Parker Woods and Luke Haynes will be back from their vacation on October 27th?" The secretary spoke into the phone.
Parker and Luke.... Are those the guys that Brynn was talking about? I thought she said business trip. I knew she was lying.
"Okay, thank you for letting me know. Bye." She said before hanging up the phone and looking at me with a kind smile. "Hi. What can I do for you? I don't think I've seen you before," she said tapping her chin.
"I'm new," I answered with a smile of my own
She looked surprised by this and stood up, opening a drawer in a filing cabinet. "We don't get many new students here. Where are you from?"
"New York" I replied which made her even more surprised.
Oh! Really?" She answered. "Full name please?"
"Juliette Raven Emerie."
She pulled out a file and walked over to me. "Here is your map of the school and your locker info and here is everything else that you'll need," She handed me a folder and we said our goodbyes as I opened my map and continued my journey towards math. Most people hate math but it's my favourite subject, other than art and PE.
I shuffled out of the main hall and pulled out my map because this is a decent sized school and I have no idea where to go. Maybe I shouldn't have sent the girls away....
Okay I have AP calculus, so I go left and then right then down the hall and then it's room 47.
I followed the directions I gave myself and passed by stray students that were probably skipping and bulletin boards full of posters for school events. As I was walking though one student caught my eye.
"Hey Noah! Skipping?" I smirked.
He chuckled. "Never. Are you?
I smiled and shook my head. "I'm just a bit lost."
"Oh, what class do you have?" He asked.
"AP Calculus."
"Damn. We've got a smarty-pants!" He ruffled my hair.
"Hey! I worked very hard on my bed Head all night!" I laughed and smoothed my hair down.
He chuckled and pointed down a hall. "The AP classes are down there. How about I walk you?"
I nodded and followed him down a hall. "Hey, you never told me why you were out of class?"
"I just have a free block." Lies. He was lying. He is a terrible liar.
I just nodded and continued walking. I think he knew I didn't believe him, so he quickly changed the subject. "So, what's your favourite colour?"
I smirked. "My favourite colour? Hmm, I'm going to have to go with a light turquoise. You?"
"Navy blue."
I raised my eyebrows, "interesting choice. I pegged you as a warm tone kind of guy."
"Well my favourite colour was red for the longest time."
I nodded as we came to a stop right in front of room 47. I turned to him and gave him a warm smile. "Thanks."
"No problem. See ya later?"
I smiled and nodded. "See ya." I waved goodbye and slowly turned the knob to reveal a classroom full of around 20 students that all turned to me looking pissed as hell that I Disturbed their work. I looked to the teacher to see an older looking man around his mid-sixties with greying hair and very noticeable frown lines. I walked up to him with a kind smile and he just stared blankly back at me. "Late slip?" He said emotionlessly and held out his had like he was waiting for something.
"I'm new, I didn't know I was supposed to get a late slip."
He rolled his eyes and replied, "Name?"
"Juliette Emerie." I muttered, now with a frown on my face. This guy was rude, and he obviously didn't care about anyone but himself.
"My name's Mr. Howard. Please take a seat."
I walked to a desk somewhere in the middle of the room so I could see the board well, but I wasn't right at the front. There was an empty desk on both sides of me and 2 people I didn't know sitting in front of me and behind me. One was a girl with light brown shoulder length hair, brown eyes and she was actually quite pretty. She was sitting in front of me while a younger kid with yellowish blonde hair with glasses and a baseball cap sat behind me.
The girl turned around and looked me over with a judgy face. Yep she was a basic b****. She looked satisfied like she thought I wasn't threatening and thrusted her hand out to me.
"Hi. I'm Megan. And you are?" She requested a little rudely.
I took her hand a little too roughly and shook it. "Juliette." I said with a tight smile. I have a very low tolerance for girls like this and my patience is wearing thin.
She nodded and looked me up and down again. "I hope there with be no problems with you. You don't seem very.... What's the word? Stable."
"I sure hope there will be no problems with you either Megan." I bit out. "You don't seem very.... Perspicacious. Oh, wait you probably don't know what that word means. Let me dumb it down a little. Clever." I glared at her as she scoffed.
"I knew what it meant!"
Don't hit her. Don't hit her. Don't hit her.
"Megan! New girl! Quiet!" The teacher yelled and we both immediately went silent. I don't want to start my first day with a detention.
What even is this girl's problem I just met her, and she hates me for some reason. And unstable? What the hell!
After my favourite subject in the world turned into my least favourite subject because of that b*tch, I gladly picked up my things and raced out of class after the bell rang.
My other classes went by pretty fast and the next thing I knew it was the end of the day. I was yet again staring up at my ceiling. It was around 9:00pm and I just got home from the grocery store and finally stocked my kitchen.
Now I am wondering what I should do for a job. Do I want to get a real job, or do I want to do street fighting again? There's a lot of cons to street fighting. It's illegal for one and if the school finds out I'm gone, but it's good money and it's not going to be easy, even with minimum wage. I'm thinking I'll do both but only street fighting when it gets tough.
I think about it for another half hour before my eyes start to get droopy and I feel an unfamiliar heavy ness. For once I'm falling asleep on time....