The rest of the night was thankfully not full of questions. They didn't pry and I appreciated that. Well all except Luke. He had a few questions but with every question he threw at me I returned the favor. The answers he gave to me were very vague and I'm starting to think he's hiding something. I'm starting to think all of them are hiding something, but can I be mad? No, because I'm the biggest liar in this room.
It was getting late and the guys decided to leave while us girls had a movie night in my living room. We were currently watching '5 Feet Apart'.
"So who is this other guy that is away on a "vacation"?" I used quotations on vacation. "Is he as cool as you guys?" I smiled.
They giggled. "When you get to know him yeah but at first he's.... How do I put it? Intense." Scarlett says as the other girls nod their heads in agreement. "Brynn here even has a crush on him!" We laughed as Brynn's face turns into a tomato.
She whacks Scarlett in the back of the head and whines, "Scarlett! Why would you say that! I do not!" We were all laughing hysterically now, all of us forgot about the movie and eventually even Brynn started laughing. "Okay fine maybe a little bit...."
"You guys want some ice cream?" I asked standing up.
"YES!" They all said in unison.
I chuckled, "Okay what flavor? I have mint chocolate chip and cookie dough.
They told me the flavors they wanted and I got to work on scooping the ice cream into the four bowls. I put spoons into each of the bowls and attempted to carry all of them at the same time into the living room but my plan didn't go so well as a bowl had slipped from my grasp and shattered onto the floor. I cursed as I took a step back from the mess only to step on a piece of glass from the bowl.
"Sh*t J are you okay? Scarlett yelled as she ran up to me steadying me so I wouldn't fall.
"Yeah I'm f-" I hissed as I tried to take a step but it just pushed the glass in further. Scarlett helped me to the couch after I put the rest of the bowls on the counter.
"Let me see." Melina pulled my leg up trying to get a look at it. "You might have to get stitches." She tried to pull out the glass as I cried out in pain. " Scratch that you are definitely going to have to get stitches." She winced leaving the glass alone.
"Why would you try to pull it out!" I hissed.
"All right come on." Brynn said. "We'll drive you to a hospital."
My eyes go wide as I vigorously shake my head. "No, no we can't go to the hospital."
"Why not?! You are bleeding like crazy!"
" Can you get me a towel?" I ask Scarlett who is already standing up. She nods and walks over the the closet I pointed at and gets a towel. I take it from her and prop my foot up on my knee, putting the towel under my foot. I then proceed to take the glass out being very careful not to cause any more damage. Once it is out I press the towel against my foot firmly to try and stop the bleeding. If I go to the hospital they will ask questions, besides I know how to stitch. People bring knives into the street fighting rings all the time. The amount of injuries I have had to stitch up myself has made me pretty good at it.
"Could you also get me the first aid kit from under the sink?" I requested.
She retrieves it for me and I quickly open it with my foot now going numb. I pull out the needle and thread and begin stitching. The girls were shocked to say the least as they watched me stitch myself without a sign of pain on my face as I was so used to it.
"W-when did you learn to do that?" Brynn wonders.
I decide to ignore her question and answer a different one they are probably wondering as it's easier to open up about. "Please don't tell your mom, Melina but I lied about my age. I'm actually 17, that's why I couldn't go to the hospital.
"Oh." they all said as I wrapped up my foot. Hopefully it doesn't get infected.
Scarlett clears her throat, "How come you're on your own? I Mean if you're 17 I'm assuming you didn't just move out.
"I'm not ready to talk about it yet," I sigh and look down.
Brynn smiles, "It's okay you don't have to."
A small smile brightens my face, "thanks guys." I look over the counter. "your ice cream is melting." I chuckled.
After the girls left I decided to head to bed feeling a bit tired. I noticed my foot didn't hurt as much which was a bit odd since usually it hurts more after an hour or so. I soon drifted off to sleep after taking a pill and let the darkness take over.
The next morning I awoke from my slumber to the sound of my alarm sighing because it's time to get ready for school. As I stand I remember my foot and what happened last night. Putting a little pressure on it I notice that it didn't hurt at all any more. I unwrap the bloody bandage from my foot and gasp at what I saw. "What the..." I whispered to myself.
The extremely deep cut has vanished. There is nothing but tiny holes where my stitches are. Did I hallucinate it? Did I stitch my normal skin? No because the girls were there. Okay I'm officially losing it. I looked down a Teddy and sighed. "You saw it didn't you boy? I'm not crazy right?" Teddy tilted his head at me and barked running out of my room.
I guess I better remove these then. I walked out of my room and into the living room to where I left the med kit. After I let teddy outside I pull out a pair of tweezers and scissors to remove the stitches. I slowly cut the first knot and pull it out gently. Soon after my eyes go wide at the sight I see. The little holes were vanishing before my eyes. Maybe its just my brain. Maybe I took too many sleeping pills. I'm trying so hard to think of the explanation so I pull out the next one and the next one and the next one but they just keep disappearing!
"Okay J you're not going crazy. You're not. This is a perfectly normal thing. Yep normal." I rant to myself as if it's helping and run to the kitchen. I pull a knife from my knife block and roll up my sleeve. I push the knife against my skin but I just can't make myself do it.
"Damnit J it's just a little cut you can do this." I move the blade along my arm and wince at the sting as it leaves a small cut and almost instantly the pain went away and so did the cut. My eyes widened and I cut myself again but the same thing happened. I shake my head and put down the knife before rinsing the blood off my arm.
"What is happening to me..."