Chereads / Lost And Found (Book I) / Chapter 5 - Chapter 3 | Bowling Part II

Chapter 5 - Chapter 3 | Bowling Part II

"Booooom! In your face!" I yelled at Isaac. We were having a bowling war and I just got a turkey making it, so I doubled his points. (A turkey is when you get three strikes in a row)

"Oh, whatever it's not my fault your weirdly good at bowling!" He retorted.

"I'm not weirdly good at bowling you are just weirdly bad!" I giggled back.

"Okay that's enough bowling for one night, let's go eat some pizza." Brynn griped our wrists and yanked us towards the food place.

I was actually having fun! I haven't had this much fun in a long time... Maybe even ever. I mean I had fun with my Nana, but she was more into puzzles then anything and I was bullied really bad at my old school for being an orphan, so I didn't really have any friends there. It's sad I know but without that I probably wouldn't have learned how to protect myself and now that I'm alone I'm going to need that.

We made our way towards the 90s looking pizza dinner in the bowling alley and took a seat waiting for the waitress to take our order. Eventually a woman around 30 came up to us to take our order and we ordered one pepperoni and one ham and pineapple pizza.

I wrinkled my nose and fake gagged. Melina narrowed her eyes at me and said, "what?"

I shrugged, "I just personally think that fruit has no business being on pizza."

She gasps, "pineapple pizza is the world's greatest creation."

I hold up my right hand, "fruit." I hold up my left hand, "cheese." I put my hands together, "abomination."

After about 5 minutes of arguing about pizza everyone at the table stiffens and stares somewhere behind me except me and Melina who are still bickering. We both stop and look at the others.

"What's wrong? I ask with a worried tone and turn my head to look behind me at the front entrance. There were two men and one girl and one boy that couldn't have been older than sixteen. The men looked to be in their 30s. The 2 kids were almost identical, and the men looked big, rugged and mean. Kind of like that man at the gas station. They had scars and beady black eyes. They looked dirty and like they haven't showered in well ever. The scary thing was the kids looked exact same way.

They looked around for a second until their eyes landed on us. They began walking over and I felt myself stiffen also. Every step they took put me more on edge and ready to fight. My fists clenched itching to punch something. What is wrong with me? Usually I only want to fight if I must. As they get closer a putrid stench fills my nostrils and actually makes me gag.

"Do you guys smell that? It smells like a rotting corpse!" I asked

Everyone shared a wide-eyed look and each other before laughing awkwardly "yeah it's them," Scarlett says smirking and pointing at the 4 people walking towards us that now looked pissed. I found myself glaring at them and I don't know why. I'm not usually this hostile.

When they got up to us one of the older men that had blonde hair smirked and looked at me. "I see you've found yourself another weak human pet. What? Mel, Mel wasn't good enough?" He said false pouting and pinched Melina's chin between his fingers. Human? This guy's weird.

"Weak?" I smirked and tapped my chin, "no. Can I kick your *ss?.... Yes."

He snorted, "your nothing but a human!"

"And what are you? A squirrel?" I exclaimed. " Oh, wait your more like a.... Pig and not the cute kind. Where did this come from? I'm usually very quiet unless I have to stand up for myself.

He glares at me as I watch him shift from one foot to the other and his right knee slightly goes outwards forcing a wince and then quickly shifts back to the other foot. The motion was very small, but I still caught it, he has or had an injury there. Before when my nana was sick, I had to pay her medical bills and a regular part time job wasn't going to cut it, so I turned to street fighting. I wasn't very good at first and I lost way more then I won but I slowly got better with time. I started when I was 15 and I wasn't very strong, so I had to be smart and quick. I had to find people's weaknesses and their strengths and use it against them while being careful not to show my own. It still wasn't enough to save her though....

Everyone seemed shocked at what I said and so was I. "We'll see about that kitten." The man gave me a sickening smirk which sent shiver down my spine. He started to walk away but turned back. "Oh, and don't stray too far from the litter... Wouldn't want anything to happen to ya." He declared referring to the rest of the group and walking away.

"Did he just threaten me?" Everyone just stared at me. "Welp if I get murdered you know who did it!" I remarked trying to lighten the mood and everyone just looked at me with straight faces.

"This isn't funny. That man is very dangerous!" Brynn exclaimed. "This is not good."

"So? I can handle myself, trust me." I smirked.

Scarlett broke into a huge grin and hugged me. "Oh my God I love her can we keep her? Pleaaaaase!"

I giggled and tried to act irritated but smiled anyway. "I'm not a dog!"

Noah laughed. " Well this settles it then, Juliette, you are now officially the newest edition to our group!"

I looked around at all the faces of my new friends and they are all smiling. At this moment right now, I know this is exactly where I'm supposed to be, and this is the beginning to an amazing story.