Chereads / Angel Squad / Chapter 13 - Chapter 12- The Complicated Things In Life

Chapter 13 - Chapter 12- The Complicated Things In Life

1,930 Words

Point of View (Jenna)

Then the one in yellow spoke up, "I'm so happy you're here, Jenna. You still have so much to figure out. I mean, it's about time you met Pride. We've all been dying for you to meet her!"

I slowly back away, "Why? Why do I suddenly find this creepy?"

"You'll figure it out," the one in green said, looking at a little pocket mirror.

"But do I really want to, though?" I asked.

"Eh, probably not," she responded, shrugging her shoulders, "It doesn't matter, though, because you're being forced to figure it out. It's not just her, either. Not that that would be exactly... easy. I could probably help with shiny, ugly, and annoying."

The one in yellow stepped up, "I'm shiny. I don't have a different name for you to call, though."

"How do I figure it out? I mean, she's obviously my happiness, but how else am I supposed to figure her out?"

The girl in yellow smiled, "I'm actually pretty simple. I just have different things that I like."

"What do you like?"

She grinned, "Mordecai, my friends, and... the sun!"

I laughed, "There's no freaking way that's what you like!"

"Umm... yes way!" she responded, laughing, "That's my favorite thing in the world!"

"The sun is definitely not my favorite thing in the world."

She nodded, "Ya, I know. I"m obviously not gonna be a specific part of you, but I am a part of you."

"Wait... what?" I asked, my mind basically exploding.

"I'm not your likes and dislikes. We're all separate versions of you that come together to make you."

"OH. So, instead of being separate slices of pie that embody different things, they're different layers of the same pie."

She nodded her head, "Yep. Very good, Jenna. I'm really proud of you."

"Thanks. So, you're obviously the positive layer and the girl in green must be the judgemental layer. I think I have an idea of what your names should be." I pointed to the girl in yellow, "Poppy." Then I pointed to the one in green, "Ivy."

Ivy rolled her eyes, "Whatever. You got the opposites, who are ugly and annoying?"

"I don't like those names. You all have colors. Just use them. Who are you, blue?" I asked, looking at the girl who was wearing a whole different dress entirely. It was more like Leah's dress, actually. Then she had short hair that was messily chopped off.

"I don't know. I just came like this. I came this broken," she responded, kind of laughing, "I guess I'm just a glitch in the system."

Ivy rolled her eyes, "I'm pretty sure that's not a thing. This is why I call blue annoying. She always says self-deprecating things and assumes that it's considered a joke. It's not as funny as you think it is, blue."

Blue frowned, looking at the ground, "Sorry, green."

Ivy grumbled to herself angrily, but I just continued, "Anyway, what are your favorite things?"

"The rain, things that make me feel miserable, and... crying myself to sleep," she responded.

"Oh... so it's you," I commented, frowning.

"What?" Ivy asked, concerned, "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing. I'm just familiar with your work, Tessa."

"Thank you," Tessa said, shaking my hand.

I shook my head, "Nope. Give me a hug." I hugged her really tight even though her arms were still at her side. Then I turned to Ivy, "You know, it's not nice to call yourself ugly, Ivy."

"Don't put words in my mouth, Jenna. I did not say that."

"I think I get it. You protect everyone, but you also hurt them... You hate yourself."

"Don't be like that, Jenna. You don't know me at all. My name is Wyman."

"You... have two names?" I asked, tilting my eyebrows.

She nodded, "I'm the double edge sword no one needs, Jenna. I'm the cherry on top, Jenna, and I'm gonna absolutely ruin this pie."

"You're such a freaking puffball," I said, hugging her.

"Augh, why are you being so nice? It's so... gross!"

I laughed, looking over to Poppy, "I love it!" Then, after a little bit, I turned to my moral compass, "Show me the way out. I think I'm ready to go back." Then I heard someone cough, obviously deliberately. I turned to them and realized there was still Pride, "Who are you?"

Pride stepped forward, "I'm pretty sure you know already, Jenna."

"Fine, what do you contribute to the pie?"

Pride grinned, "Love and gender identity."

"Oh no. Why are you here? I'm a cis straight female."

Pride shook her head, "Nope. Don't you remember Amaira? That was true love, Jenna."

I laughed, "And you expect me to what, go back and get married to her? Not to mention I'm not in love with her or girls at all."

"Denial," the girl in green muttered.

My moral compass laughed, "She's right."

"Wow, I didn't know it was attack Jenna day! I would've worn my pajamas. You know, I'm way too far into the day for my personality to attack itself," I exclaimed, halfway wishing the day was over by now, "Whatever. So, she's the one that determines what I love."

"I'm your sexuality, Jenna, and, I'm Amaira. I just love that name right now for some reason," she replied, smiling.

I rolled my eyes, "So, I like girls and boys?"

"Yep, you're bisexual, Jenna."

"Ok, goodbye everyone!" I yelled, leaving the way I came. As soon as I left the room, I opened my eyes and I was still in the same spot. I looked over to Mordecai, who soon realized I was looked at him. He held up his picture of the sunset. There was a colorful rainbow in the sky. but all the clouds were grays and blacks. I smiled and put my thumbs up. He smiled, sticking his thumb in paint. He plopped his finger in the corner of the painting. Then I looked at Azariah, wondering what was happening in her head.

Point of View Change (Azariah)

I thought back to when I blacked out to protect my friends. In the back of my mind, I heard this tiny whisper that I knew was the answer. So, I went after it. But then my eyes opened and I was in this weird pink room. I heard the whisper again and so I walked towards them, but as I got closer, I could hear another voice. I heard a voice say, "Go to the other voice. Destiny is the worst. Go to the louder one." Then it got louder. I curled up onto the ground and covered my ears. After the noise stopped, I slowly uncovered my ears and opened my eyes. I looked around to see this girl who looked just like me, but they wore black.

"No, she needs to go to this one," another voice said, "It's probably gonna maker her stronger." I looked to the voice to find another me with yellow clothes.

"Who are you guys?" I asked, making sure I didn't move any closer to either of them.

"I'm the one that tells you what you're supposed to do," the one in yellow replied, smirking.

I thought for a moment and then asked, "What do I do if I come up to a spotlight that just turned red?"

"Race through the intersection, of course!" the one in yellow yelled, smiling.

"Ok, let's go, Mr. mystery choice," I said, following the girl who looked like me who had a black dress.

𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

Point of View Change (Coretha)

Finally, all of them were done, "Leah, where's your weapon?"

She smiled, picking up her bow, "Oh, I just put it down." It was rainbow with purple crystals.

"Wow, that's..." I started, not knowing what to say.

"Colorful, I know. It was just on my mind, I guess. It would've been different if I hadn't forgotten the colors of the lesbian flag."

I nodded, "Oh... yep," not knowing she was a lesbian. Awkward...

"Anyway, what are we doing now?" Leah asked, setting her bow in her lap.

"Target practice... kind of," I responded, snapping my fingers. The four of them looked at the set of targets and dummys. "Azariah, you get the dummy. Leah, you get the target. Jenna and Mordecai, just hang out or something."

"That's so unfair!" Jenna exclaimed, punching the ground.

"What do you plan on doing? Reading the dummy's mind? I mean, feel free to try, but I don't think you'll be too successful..."

"Whatever. Shut up," Jenna said, turning to Mordecai, "So what is your favorite way to release anger? I like just staring at the floor and screaming as loud as I can in my head. What about you?"

"We've already had this conversation. I like to clench my fists until I'm not mad anymore," Mordecai replied, laughing a little bit. I rolled my eyes, turning to Azariah and Leah who were doing pretty bad. Leah figured out how to summon arrows, but she couldn't hit the target and Azariah was just... weak.

I walked over to Leah, "Here, can I show you how to hold the bow?" She nodded and I put my arms around hers, positioning them in the right way.

Point of View Change (Leah)

Coretha put her head right next to mine so she could see the target. Her ear touched mine, which made me shudder in gay happiness. Is this was feeling gay is like? No way. I don't have a crush on Coretha! No way. But in that moment, I knew something, this is probably what having a gay panic is like. Or should I say gay panic attack? Anyway, she positioned my arms around the bow. "Are you ok, Leah? You're shaking so much."

"Oh, sorry. I'm just... really nervous," I responded, "If I can't do this, I won't be able to do any of the other cool things."

"Like what?" she asked, laughing.

I shrugged, "I don't know, like being cupid or something."

"I have a question. Do you think I'll ever find someone?"

I could feel my face get red, "Ya, definitely. I mean, love isn't for everyone, some people just of... need it, I guess."

"Oh ya, asexuals, right? Oh my goodness, your stance is terrible," she said, sitting down behind me. She moved my feet a little bit and then she grabbed an arrow and put it on my bow. "Ok, shoot." I aimed at the target and then let go. It hit one of the outer rings. "That's a lot better! Thank goodness." I shot bow after bow at the target until I realized Coretha had gone over and started to help Azariah. I frowned, shooting the next arrow without even really looking. When I looked to see where it was, I saw that it was right in the middle. I silently celebrated, grabbing another arrow and pulling back the string. I concentrated solely on the target and it hit the target right next to the last arrow. Not great, but not terrible either. I glanced over to Azariah's dummy, which was a lot worse off now. Then I decided to just look over to Coretha, wanting to see if she liked me back, but I don't think she does. Why would she like someone who's only been alive for like sixteen years? Whatever, I told myself, shaking it off. I looked back to the target, getting mad. I wanted to throw something so bad. Why does love have to be so complicated sometimes?