Chereads / Raven the Witch / Chapter 8 - chapter 8

Chapter 8 - chapter 8

Nice long chapter, enjoy

I went home that night in Shreya's car I decided, well actually Shreya decided that my 'blinking' needed to be practised. We had also decided that we would tell my mum about the secret together next week we needed a day that mum was home I would invite her to dinner at Shreya's house.

"Mom I'm home" I shouted as I walked in

"In the kitchen" came my mums voice I smiled and walked into the kitchen

"Hey mum what you cooking ?" I asked it smelled great

"Pizza bolognaise" she answered my smile grew pizza bolognaise was my favourite

she made a bolognaise using ingredients from a pizza tomatoes, mushrooms, salami, sweetcorn, cheese basically anything you would find in a pizza

"How long before it's ready?" I asked

"Not long just ten minuites"

"Mum umm I wanted to ask you something"

"What is it?" She asked giving me her full attention I looked at my feet and fiddled with my fingers

"Well it's just that umm well it's uhh Shreya she uhh well she just umm"

"Oh I get it, it's ok Ray I knew this day would come" she rubbed my arm up and down "you can go live with her it's fine, she ...."

"No mom I don't want to live with her" I cut her off whilst holding on to her shoulders she sighed I shook my head and smiled too "I wanted to say that Shreya wanted me to ask you to dinner at her house next time you're off work that's all" I laughed

"Well why didn't you say so you scared me" she told me putting a hand on her heart "and I would love too I'm off this Saturday?" She said

"Perfect I'll go call her" I said as I ran off to phone her whilst mum got back to cooking once planned it finally sunk in that mum would finally know about my secret I was nervous as well as excited I was also scared but at the same time I knew it would be ok it was very confusing.

School was ..... Different on Tuesday I didn't hang with Annie and Andrew I actually hung with Jen and that's it, it was good but not great it was fun but it wasn't Annie and Andrew, but I knew I had to get used it like Shreya said I would live for hundreds if not thousands of years and Annie and Andrew wouldn't that was upsetting. I got a lot of attention that week a lot of sorries from people around school but the bullies were happy and tried to bully me but hey I'm a witch, did I mention that so when Chloe struck so did the witch.

"Hey b***h where do you think you're going?" She shrieked as I was about to walk into my English class on Wednesday afternoon there was a crowd around us already as people wanted to get to class.

"Umm class?" I pointed towards the door on my left just behind me she scoffed and shook her head

"I know it was you that attacked me last year" now I scoffed

"Prove it" I challenged

"I had to cut my hair because of you" she told me I looked at her hair

"It grew back didn't it" she got into my face

"Meet me outside after school I want my revenge" I saw movement on my right I looked and saw Andrew moving forward to help me but I also saw Annie stopping him

"I'll be there" I told her, turned and walked into class I can't believe Annie did that but it was ok I didn't need there help.

After schol I went outside and saw a big crowed, there were more people here then there were inside in the corridor earlier the crowd parted looking down as I passed them to get to the middle, there was a chair, next to the chair stood Chloe holding an electric shaver

"Hey not fair, you said cutting hair not shaving" I told her scared she just smiled

"I didn't say anything Raven I said I cut my hair and I wanted revenge" she said in a sweet voice I turned to leave but her crones blocked my way behind them I saw Annie and Andrew they looked upset just like everyone else then Andrew walked away probably knowing he couldn't watch. the crones walked forward causing me to walk backwards the back of my legs hit something then someone pushed down on my shoulders causing me to sit down on the chair I gasped a little as the shaver turned on

"No Chloe no please I'm sorry ok please don't please" nothing worked she shaved my head and only her and her crones laughed every one else was silent I was glad that they were loyal but that didn't stop me from crying.

Once she finished her and her crones left leaving me there on the chair with my hair on my lap and the flooring.

I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked up through my blurry eyes and I saw Shreya I leaped up and hugged her as fresh tears fell she held me for a long time and when I was cried out I let go

"I'm sorry" I sniffed looking at her tear soaked shirt

"It's fine, are you okay?" I just shook my head "come on let's get you home" I looked around to see everyone had left how long was I here? "You were here for three hours" Shreya answered oh god three hours wow it didn't feel that long.

Once home Shreya sat me down on the couch she made me hot chocolate as I sat drinking she spoke "have you forgotten what you are?" She asked I looked at her in confusion then I clicked on I'm a witch I laughed out loud I'm a witch


"No Raven an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, just get your hair back that will upset her what ever she does let her, just erase it, she'll never figure out what happened"

I smiled this was perfect counter attack

"Powers of the witches rise my hair please come back" all my hair came back I smiled "thanks Shreya" I hugged her

"you're welcome, now tomorrow when you go to school just tell everyone she shaved a wig that you put on because you knew she would do something like this" I laughed this was perfect.

Next day I walked to school smiling bright people gasped and whispered then Jen came up to me

"Oh hey Jen"

"Don't hey me what happened to your hair"

"Oh I curled it you like?" She shook her head

"Chloe shaved it how did you .... Oh it's a wig?" She asked

"A wig? No my dear what I was wearing yesterday was a wig this is my real hair"

"You wore a wig yesterday?"

"Yeah I knew she was going to cut my hair so I wore the wig"

"So why did you cry so much" I knew this question was going to come I mean I had cried for three hours

"I thought she was going to cut the hair but she shaved it I thought the shaver would cut through the latex and shave my real hair but when I got home I found out it hadn't reached my own hair" she just nodded smiling seemingly believing me

"well I'm glad you're ok, I tried to talk to you yesterday but you pushed me away you called me Annie and pushed me away" she looked upset

"I'm sorry Jen I promise I'll never do that again" she smiled, that morning people asked what happened I told them what I told Jen and luckily they all believed me.

At lunch as I was eating pasta I felt someone behind me they pulled my hair I screamed as I got hold of the hand and squeezed hard they let go instantly I lifted the hand as I got up then I spun around and threw Chloe's hand towards her she took a few steps back

"There was no way I shaved a wig yesterday" she commented rubbing her wrist I saw something in her eyes worry?, anger?, no she was scared Shreya was right this was great I could get revenge but this was much better"

"So where did you get the shaver, Chloe, the pound store?" I asked everyone laughed

"No" she shouted everyone laughed more

"Well it must have been cheap, I mean it didn't even cut through the latex"

"No I definitely shaved your hair, I don't understand" she said the last part looking down at the floor

"Awww poor little Chloe, can't take the truth" I crooned like I was talking to a baby she hmphd

" I will get you back" she told me

"I'll be waiting" I shouted as she ran out of the dining hall. I saw a smile on Andrews face as he got back to eating. Maybe if I wanted my friends back I had to work on Andrew. Huh maybe I'll start working on him tomorrow i mentally shrugged and sat down to eat I saw Jen staring at me with her mouth hanging open

"What?" I asked she shook her head then closed her mouth

"That .... Was ..... Amazing" she stated slowly i just smiled "she seemed so upset" Jen added looking at the exit that Chloe had ran through "oh well, you win some you lose some" she shrugged causing both of us to smile then she went back to eating as did I.

"Hey Ray" that was Andrew we were currently standing outside school waiting for our parents to pick us up I looked towards him then turned away without saying anything for a while he looked away too not wanting to push me

"It's Raven not Ray" I said in the end he just nodded "I wanted to thank you for walking away yesterday and not staying to watch" I added just as Shreya pulled up I quickly walked away not wanting him to say anything

"Was that Andrew" Shreya asked

"Yeah, he wanted to talk but I wasn't interested" I told her as I wiped away a stray tear she rubbed my thigh with one hand I held her hand showing it was ok I smiled towards her she smiled sadly too

"Maybe you should hear him out" I quickly shook my head no he wanted no needed to be loyal to Annie, she already thought I betrayed her if she thought Andrew betrayed her too she would break

"You're a good person, you know that?" I just smiled I didn't feel like a good person but I had two mothers and great friends Annie only had her dad and Andrew she needed him more than I did.

When we got to the house everyone was there Arimas, Blake, Ruby, and a lot of other people I had met at the party my smile grew and I looked towards Shreya

"We figured you needed cheering up" she told me I screamed in happiness and ran towards Ruby first she hugged me and screamed too

"Women" someone stated sarcastically it sounded like Blake

"I'm so glad you're here" I told her then looking at the others I added "all of you" they just smiled then we sat and talked we talked about yesterday and how Chloe shaved my head they were upset and hugged me more then I told them about how my hair grew back that made us all laugh

"Your hair looks great" Ruby told me

"Thanks" I told her with a laugh

"It looks the same" Blake announced Ruby and I laughed harder "what, it does" he told us looking at Arimas for support but Arimas just shook his head

Hope you enjoyed the chapter please comment