Chereads / Raven the Witch / Chapter 13 - chapter 13

Chapter 13 - chapter 13

The werewolves, vampires, fairies, and other beings were warned about the Gild his picture was sent out but we hadn't heard from him since that day I had seen him. We even asked the social services about him they assured us that this man had never worked for them I was also told that Mr Cooper was still my social worker and he was on holiday but he had assured them that I would be fine without a social worker until he got back but I was told if I needed a social worker they could send someone out I told them I would be fine that Mr Cooper was right I didn't need a social worker, they also told me that if I saw this man again I should contact the police, they also explained that if my social worker was ever going to change Mr Cooper would tell me first, he would introduce me to the new social worker, these were the rules.

Things became fairly normal over the next few weeks Mr Cooper came to visit after his holiday his boss had told him what had happened, he apologised immensely but Shreya and I both assured him he had nothing to apologise for, that it wasn't his fault. He seemed to relax a bit.

We had almost forgotten what had happened three weeks ago. There was a rapping on the door someone was knocking so much I thought they would break the door, Shreya got a knife then both of us went to open the door we were walking closely together worried, terrified I was shaking, Shreya walked in front holding the knife to her chest we opened the door a bit to see who it was but the person pushed it open, walked in, shut the door, and leaned against it I gasped as I recognised the person to be uncle Troy

"Who are you? What do you want?" Shreya asked him but he was out of breath and because he didn't answer Shreya lifted the knife higher ready to stab him he tried to cower but I stopped her

"Mum, stop, this is uncle Troy" she looked at me confused "he's a werewolf" I told her she dropped the knife then sat next to him on the floor

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know who you were, I thought you were a Gild"

"It's okay" uncle Troy laughed but his voice was strained like he was in pain

"What happened uncle Troy" I asked sitting next to Shreya

"I was attacked, by a Gild" he told us holding his chest in pain. His face was badly bruised, his right eye barely open he was keeping the weight off his left leg so I assumed it was also hurting

"Come on let's get you to the sofa" Shreya said

"You can't lift him mum, he's to heavy" I told her as both of stood

"Well I'm a witch" she stated smugly "I'm a witch, give me strength to pick up this were" she said before she slid one arm behind his neck and the other behind his knees then she lifted him like she was lifting a baby she didn't even look as though she was struggling she walked to the living room, I went in front of her and opened the door for her she nodded a thank you then walked him to the sofa and lay him down he said a thank you

"Mum can we get rid of his injuries?, you know with a spell?" I asked worried, Shreya shook her head

"Our powers don't work on injuries, unless it's our own" she explained, my shoulders sagged how could I help my uncle "but there is someone who can help" she told me I looked at her expectantly, she turned to uncle Troy "but you're not going to like it" she told him

"Who mum, who?" She looked at me "Arimas" she said

"Who's that?" Uncle Troy asked

"He's a vampire" I told him with a smile

"Hah, no chance, there's no way I'm letting him near me, forget it" uncle Troy struggled to say

"What's the problem, uncle? If he can help you, why not?" I asked

"Werewolves and vampires don't get on" Shreya whispered with a hand next to her mouth like she was telling me a secret, she smiled when I just looked at uncle Troy with a wide mouth

"Uncle Troy, you are in no position to argue about this" I turned to Shreya "call him"

"No, don't you dare" he warned

"Shut up" I told him, Shreya left with a nod and a smile,uncle Troy was staring at me

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked he smiled

"You've changed" he started "you're not the same girl you were at the funeral" he finished, I hadn't seen him since dad's funeral

"You've changed too" I shrugged "I mean you're not human anymore" I shrugged, he smiled

"I never was"

"I know, but I didn't know that before. Oh and you have something on your face" I pointed to my eye, he laughed knowing I meant his injured eye but as he laughed his laugh turned into a painful groan "sorry" I hissed knowing my joke caused him pain

"It's fine" he whispered not being able to talk too well

"So, why can't you heal yourself, I thought werewolves had the ability to heal?"

"Yes we do but not when we are attacked with a silver blade" he explained I nodded my head I assumed that silver was werewolves worst enemy.

Shreya entered the room with Arimas close behind her, uncle Troy sniffed, then growled Arimas hissed

"Now, now boys play nice" I scolded, in a tone you would use on children, both men turned their attention to me

"Fine, let's get this over and done with, I've got places to be" Arimas stated as he walked to stand next to me near the sofa

"Oh don't let me keep you" uncle Troy groaned out. Honestly are men really that stupid, he's in pain I mean come on if I was dying and someone like Chloe was the only person that could help, I would take the help... Actually, no I wouldn't I'd rather die, but that wasn't the point

"Fine" Arimas shrugged " I'm out of here" he started walking away, but I grabbed his arm

"Please Arimas, please help him, he's my uncle"

"Your uncle is a werewolf?" He asked I nodded Arimas put his hand on my shoulder "I'm so sorry" he said sarcasm evident in his voice, a growl escaped uncle Troy's throat but he didn't say anything Arimas walked back to my uncle and kneeled next to him.

"I need a knife" Arimas spoke, mum gave him the knife off the table, she had put it there earlier "thanks" Arimas said then holding the knife in his right hand he cut the palm af his left hand starting from under the index finger and cutting diagonally towards his wrist then put the palm towards uncle Troy's mouth. Uncle Troy drank the blood only for about three seconds. What surprised me was that when Arimas removed his hand the cut he had made was gone there was no evidence that he had made the cut. If I hadn't witnessed it I would never have believed it. What was more surprising was that uncle Troy's injuries started to heal, his eye went back to normal, the bruises on his face started to disappear he sat up after about ten seconds of drinking the blood. He felt up his own arms then ran his hands down his chest and stomach then down his legs, with a smile on his face he got up after he was sure he was fine he grabbed Arimas in a bro hug. Arimas squirmed but when uncle Troy whispered a thank you Arimas stopped squirming and told him he was welcome

"Get a room" I shouted and they immediately let go of each other Shreya and I laughed

We convinced both men to stay for dinner and we enjoyed meatballs and spaghetti, well uncle Troy Shreya and I did Arimas just watched as he couldn't eat I did feel bad but all three convinced me that this was normal and part of his life I still felt bad but didn't say anything.

After a few hours of discussing what to do about the Gild Arimas left and soon after uncle Troy left as well promising he'll be in touch

The discussion led nowhere the only thing that could be done was putting curfews in place but that wouldn't be easy as the weres, and vamps were creatures of the night, some fairies worked at night and witches were older than time itself, I mean have you ever tried to tell an adult they had to be home by nine? It was impossible curfews were definitely out of the question.

The next day was no better than the first, we were still no closer to coming up with a solution until I went home to my mum the next day after my time with Shreya.

"Hey mum" I grumbled

"Wow, why the long face? I've never seen you like this" mum asked as she came and sat next to me on the sofa. I explained to her what had happened with the Gild, uncle Troy, and some other beings, I also explained to her about not being able to find a solution to our problem. She was quiet for a bit then after about a minute a smile etched onto her face it was contagious I smiled to

"What?" I asked

"Scooby... Dooby..... Doo" she said in a low voice I looked at her in confusion, Scooby?, the cartoon? How was that going to help? "What does Fred always suggest when they need to get to the bottom of a mystery? She asked with a smile I thought for a bit then I smiled too

"A trap" I told her laughing both of us laughed "I've got to tell Shreya" I told her as I stood and 'blinked' to Shreya's house

"Back so soon" she said when she saw me, but when she saw me smiling and squirming she continued "what?"

"We need a trap" I told her she looked confused "to catch the Gild, we need a trap" she thought for a while pacing the kitchen then after about five minutes of pacing she stopped she walked to the table next to the chair I was currently sitting in, bored, may I add she was smiling

"It could work, we would need bait,"

"To bad Shaggy isn't available" I told her

"Who?" She asked confused

"You know shaggy? Shaggy and Scooby?" she shook her head I looked at her like she had grown another head "never mind" I told her with a wave of my hand "so who will be bait?" I asked she shrugged as if to say she didn't know.

Sorry it's short but I wanted to end it on a cliff hanger

Who do you think will be bait? Next chapter you'll find out stay tuned.

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