Chereads / Raven the Witch / Chapter 11 - chapter 11

Chapter 11 - chapter 11

I was awoken by the smell of pancakes, I shot out of bed in a panic remembering the morning of my birthday, I ran downstairs and into the kitchen hoping against hope that I hadn't conjured up the pancakes I looked only towards the table and what I saw brought tears to my eyes

"No, no, no stupid, stupid" I whispered as I saw the plate of pancakes

"Hey Hun, you okay?" I looked up to see my mum at the stove when she saw me crying she put down the spatula and wiped her hands on the apron she was wearing "are you ok, what's wrong sweetheart, why are you crying" mum asked I sniffed before I told her

"The pancakes" I started but she cut me off

"Oh I made them for you, why do you not like them anymore?" I stared at her smiling face

"You made them?" I asked already smiling she nodded I shrieked then hugged her knowing it wasn't me that conjured them

"Oh if I had known I would get a big hug I would've made more" she laughed I laughed too I sat down at the table to start eating

"Raven, Raven" Shreya was shouting "did you think pancakes again?" she shouted as she entered the kitchen I looked towards her with a pancake stuffed in my mouth, I shook my head

"I made them, I Hope you don't mind me using your kitchen, I would've asked but you were sleeping, I didn't want to disturb you" mum announced

"It's fine really, as long as you made me some" Shreya said looking hopeful mum smiled and opened the microwave to reveal another plate

"I kept them in there to keep them warm" Shreya thanked her before she sat down to eat.

After a lovely breakfast we sat in the living room I sat on the couch with my mum whilst Shreya sat in an armchair that I thought was the same age as her when I thought that she glared at me.

"You deserved that, stay out of my head" I told her folding my arms across my chest

"What, what's going on" mum asked looking confusedly at me then Shreya

"Shreya here can read minds, that's her power" I began mum gasped "she's always reading my mind, anyway I was just thinking that, that armchair is probably as old as her, if not older" mum gasped again then laughed I laughed with her when we were finally sober mum asked

"So how old are you, Shreya?"

"Ummm about seven hundred years?, I cant really remember, I stopped counting at five hundred" she said so calm it sounded like normal conversation, my mum was looking at her with a wide mouth she looked at me probably for confirmation I nodded with a smile

"So wait does that mean, *gasp* Raven you will be that age someday?" I nodded again "wow will you miss me?" She said with a smile although her eyes were wet

"Mum of course I will, but there is a way that you could live as long as us" I stated looking at Shreya to make sure it was ok Shreya nodded

"How?" Mum asked

"We know people" I shrugged


"Promise you won't freak?" I asked she nodded quickly

"A vampire" she gasped "and a werewolf" I finished she shook her head covering her mouth with her hands "mum you promised you wouldn't freak" I reminded her that calmed her down

"Vampires are real?" She asked I nodded

"And werewolves" I told her

"Yeah I already knew that" she told us now I gasped

"How?" I asked she shrugged "I've seen them in the woods I saw one when I was little I thought he was a dog so I used to play with him but one day when I was thirteen I was going into the woods and I saw this boy he had taken his clothes off, now I had never seen a naked boy before so I was shocked I was frozen in place as the boy sat on all fours then transformed into the dog I had played with I was finally able to move I screamed, the wolf turned to me he took a step towards me but I turned and ran he growled and chased me all the way home I remember running into the house, it was empty because nan was at work, I went into my bedroom and crawled under the bed, I was crying but stopped as I heard my window opening I took a peak and saw the boy I screamed again he was In front of me in an instant he covered my mouth and said 'I'm gonna let you go but promise you wont scream Zoya please' I nodded my head and with a smile let me go he told me he was a werewolf but he wasn't harmful he only came to play with me when I was little because he thought I could do with a friend he was a great guy, once I got over the shock, he became a good friend, he even came to my wedding he was at all your birthday parties" she was smiling I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion trying to think who it could be my mind was blank I looked at her again she smiled "uncle Troy" she whispered I gasped covering my mouth

"Uncle Troy?, the uncle Troy" I asked not quiet believing it mum just nodded "wow" I said sounding a lot calmer than I was she nodded

"So let me get this straight, you know a were" Shreya asked mum nodded Shreya smiled "small world" we all nodded at that.

We went on to explain to mum that if she was bitten by a were or a vampire she could become one and then live with us forever she said she wanted time to think about that, Shreya and I assured her that no matter what she chose we would support her.

Mum went home that afternoon as she had to go to work I promised her I would be home later too, I spent the afternoon learning how to 'blink' and let me tell you it wasn't easy, I kept ending up in the wrong place, this one time I ended up on the celling and then fell I got a nasty bruise on my head but lucky for me Blake was there, being a vampire he made my bruise better unfortunately he couldn't make my 'blinking' better. oh well I guess I would have to learn the way everyone else learned but I knew it would take me longer to learn than most, as others watched this, therefore, learned it as they grew where as me, I started learning later Shreya had assured me there was nothing wrong with me and that I will get it soon I hoped I would too. I also learned how to throw lightning balls on target it was hard but I grasped it pretty quick once I could throw on target we concentrated more on 'blinking'.

After a week of gruelling sessions I finally was able to blink properly I honestly felt like I was in the army Shreya would wake me up at five every morning but she wouldn't wake me gently no she would throw ice cold water on me, ok so I'm exaggerating the water was warm but still come on I didn't need that. Anyway we would practice from five until eight fifty then she would make me 'blink' to school I never got it right so I would always end up late for school.

Shreya finally smiled when she realised I could 'blink' I was over the moon too I wouldn't be late for school anymore and I was ready to face evil bring it on.