Chereads / Raven the Witch / Chapter 12 - chapter 12

Chapter 12 - chapter 12

Hey guys here's another chapter, with a little sneak preview of chapter twenty two enjoy

It was Wednesday evening I had just 'blinked' to Shreya's place, I was sat eating pasta when the doorbell rang.

"who could that be?" Shreya asked I just shrugged she walked out of the kitchen and went to answer the door just as I finished, I put my plate in the sink and went to see who was at the door I saw Mr Marcus stood at the door I could only see Shreya's back but I knew she was tense "yes? can I help you?" She asked him

"Uh yes you probably don't remember me, I'm Steven, Steven Marcus? I'm Ravens new social worker" he explained extending his hand for a hand shake I was now standing just behind Shreya

"Yes Mr Marcus, do come in, please" I greeted Shreya turned to me giving me a death glare, I looked at her questioningly but she looked away

"Yes thank you" Mr Marcus was saying as he walked over the threshold Shreya and I moved out of the way and I led him into the living room

"It's a nice place you've got here" he commented as he looked around the living room after a long pause I thanked him for his comment as I figured Shreya wouldn't thank him

"Umm, may I?" He asked pointing towards the sofa asking if he could sit down

"Oh sorry where are my manners?, of course please" I told him, when he was seated I asked if he wanted a drink he declined

"So why are you here?" Shreya asked rather rudely I glared at her but she just glared back

"Oh umm, well I actually needed to talk to you Raven it's just that well, sometimes when young people meet their biological parents it becomes a roller coaster of feelings, I just wanted to know if you were okay with everything"

"Oh I'm fine" I told him with a wave of my hand

"Well I would like to talk to you, in private, if I may?" The last part was directed towards Shreya

"No out of the question, whatever you want to say to my daughter you say infront of me, she's sixteen, a minor, you cant talk to her alone" Shreya told him

"Actually as a social worker, who works closely with minors, I have every right, by law, to talk to her in private" Mr Marcus told us, I knew this was true because Mr Cooper had done it so many times before, this was different though as my mum had trusted Mr Cooper with my life but Shreya didn't trust this man but that was because she didn't know him, I mean the man works for the social services a service that's there to protect children, not hurt them surely he couldn't be that bad, right?

"Shreya, it's fine, I'll talk to him" I told her she tried to argue but I continued "he's a good man it's fine please trust me" I begged she looked into my eyes knowing I was begging her with them she nodded in the end and left after a final glare towards Steven

"Wow, glad we got rid of her" he joked I looked at him angrily "sorry that was uncalled for, I was just trying to lighten the mood" he explained

"It's fine, now what did you want to ask me?" I asked him

"Well I wanted to know, Raven are you happy here?" He asked

"Yes of course I am" I told him truthfully he nodded

"What do you know about this, this woman your mother?" He asked saying woman and mother with disgust I furrowed my eyebrows and shrugged

"Uhh, she's great, she's fun, she's nice" I shrugged again but he just shook his head

"Do you know her secret?"

"What secret?" I asked he stood up I stood too he stared into my eyes for the longest time then breathed out heavily like he had been holding his breath

"You don't know yet, do you?" He asked I just shook my head with a shrug as if to say 'know what?'

"She's a witch" he told me folding his hands at the back of his head I covered a gasp with my hands over my mouth. How the hell did he know. I remembered the first day we met him when Shreya had said she thought he was a Gild, oh god could that be true? could he be a Gild?, could he have come here to kill Shreya?,to kill us? I had to save her, save us so I did what I did the first time I was told witches existed I laughed, I laughed hard even though I wanted to cry I looked up as I laughed removing my hands from my mouth to my stomach I stopped as tears ran down my face hoping it didn't look like I was crying but laughing instead

"A witch?, really you couldn't come up with something better?, like a fairy, or, or a vampire or a warewolf even? but witch? Where are we?, Salem?, hehehe witch" I laughed putting my hands on my hips

"I'm not joking, Raven I'm being serious, I'm just glad you're not a witch otherwise I would have to kill you too" I gasped Shreya was right he really was a Gild

"WHAT?"I shrieked

"Shhh" he said with a finger to his lips looking towards the door "it's for the best, witches are evil, Raven, they go round killing innocent people they have to be killed" I was shaking my head "I know this is hard for you to understand but she has to be stopped" he whispered loudly

"My mother is not evil" I told him as I cried" I love her and I know she loves me, she is not evil" I ran to the door but before I could open it he grabbed me by the waist and spun us both around then pushed me to the centre of the room

"I will prove it to you, I will prove that your so called mother is a witch he slid his hand into the inside pocket of the navy blue suit he was wearing and pulled out some A5 sized paper that I soon realised were photos he handed them to me I took them and looked they were all of a woman, the same woman, I soon realised that the woman held a resemblance to Shreya all the pictures were black and white "these pictures were taken a over a century in different decades" he told me. I knew these were pictures of Shreya but I wasn't going to tell him that now was I

"This doesn't prove anything" I told him holding the pictures towards him "they could be pictures of ancestors" I told him he just looked down shaking his head then from the same pocket he took out the photos he took out a knife I gasped and started to move back he laughed lightly

"I won't hurt you Raven, you're human, a mortal, I wont hurt you" he revealed I smiled

"Why thank you, you stupid idiot" he looked confused I carried on "powers of the witches rise, knife in my hand" I said quickly raising my hand as the knife disappeared from his hand and appeared in mine he watched in amazement. "So you will hurt my mother, will you?" I asked he shook his head I took a step towards him and he took a step back "you will kill her?, and spare me?" He shook his head again I took another step towards him and he took a step back "my mother is evil, is she?" He shook his head again I laughed lightly I tilted my head to the side "then why do you want to kill her, you're suppose to kill evil beings, rogue witches, then why must you kill my mother?" I shrieked I ran towards him but he was faster and ran out the door I 'blinked' infront of him he stopped as he gasped he turned his head to see if I was there when satisfied I wasn't he turned to me again

"I'm, I'm sorry Raven please I'm sorry, I wont hurt your mum, I promise" I scoffed

"Oh you wont hurt her?" I asked sarcastically. Just then Shreya entered the hallway

"Raven what are you doing?" She gasped

"He's a Gild mother you were right" I smiled as tears ran down my face she looked at him then me

"I'm a witch, Gild be gone"

"NO" I shrieked as I tried to grab him but he disappeared "YOU LET HIM GET AWAY, MOTHER WHY?"I shrieked as I fell towards the floor but Shreya grabbed me before I met with the floor

"It's ok Raven" she soothed I cried into her shoulder and she gently rocked me, I replayed to her everything that had happened after she had left

"You were right mum, you were right, I'm sorry I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, I should've listened" I cried

"Shhh, Raven it's, its okay" she kept repeating as I kept crying I had been so scared.

Once I had calmed down I sniffed and moved away from her shoulder I looked at the wet patch on her shoulder and apologised

"It's okay" she said with a wave of her hand she had a big grin on her face. I tilted my head to the side

"Why are you smiling?" I asked her not quiet understanding what was so funny about being attacked by a Gild

"You have no idea, do you?" She asked with a glint in her eye, I just shook my head slowly she leaned in closer towards me then looked from right to left as though she was going to tell me secret but needed to make sure no one else was listening, I watched her carefully. She turned to me with a big cheesy smile she told me what was on her mind

"You called me mum" she whispered I looked at her confused thinking back and when I realised she was right I gasped covering my mouth with my hands. She just smiled "I liked it, well I actually loved it" she smiled. I moved my hands away from my face and smiled "you know, if you want, you can call me mum from now on, I mean you know, if you know Zoya won't mind" I knew My mum wouldn't mind because I had discussed it with her, well actually she started the conversation telling me that she was sure that if it hadn't been for her I would've called Shreya mum ages ago, she knew we were close. I smiled with a slight nod. That's all Shreya needed as she shrieked happily wrestling me in a hug I nearly fell over but I held myself up by putting a hand on the floor behind me. Shreya was so happy with the knowledge that I would call her mum that both of us forgot completely about the Gild at large.

(A/N Hope you enjoyed that my lovely readers, whom I love, and as promised here's a sneak preview of chapter twenty two, which I think is the best chapter in the book, but if you don't want to spoil it for yourself finish reading now otherwise enjoy


"I don't think so, evil doesn't pay, good does"

"Not this time" the demon brushed his hand from right to left and Arimas went flying and crashed into the wall, but he got up and flew at the demon and both started to fight Shreya quickly blinked to the unconscious body of Linda and pulled out a spell from her blue jeans pocket then started to read

( spell taken from charmed reworded to suit the story)

"Magic Forces Far And Wide" she read the first line

"No"the demon lunged towards Shreya but I threw an energy ball at him, it didn't hurt him but it slowed him down a little, Arimas got hold of him again and started to throw punches at him

"Enchant These So Those Cant Hide" she read the next line

"Allow This Human To Use Therein" the body of Linda started to shake

"No get away from her" the demon shouted flinging his arm through the air sending Shreya flying and crashing against the cave wall

"MOM" I shouted running towards her, she was lying face down in the sand 'a life will be lost' I remembered the warning I started to cry "please, please be okay" I turned her over, she opened her eyes a little then whispered the last line of the spell

" So She Can kill ..... The Evil Within" she closed her eyes, the body of Linda stopped shaking the demon fell to his knees, the mouth of Linda opened and a puff of black smoke came out, the demon looked at it

"Ezmarelda" he whispered, the smoke was her soul the demon cried, black tears fell

"Ashes to ashes

Spirit to spirit

Take this soul

Banish this evil" (taken from charmed) I said a spell that banishes evil souls, the ground shook and opened, at first it was black and then a fire raged I could hear screaming

(AN hope you enjoyed that, that is what you have to look forward to, there's plenty more I just gave you a small piece, it'll keep you on your toes)