Chapter 2 - Ruin

I walked out of the hole of the desert knowing that I had failed the people I said I would help and now there a thing of the past.

I went over to my horse, Gerald. I looked at him in disappointment! He stared back also sad, but probably not for the same reason. I got onto his back and we rode back into the village.

The houses have ripped apart, they were on fire and people had been slaughtered and left on the ground. There was a green aura in the distance. It was the Tepee that the leader and Bill had been inside of. The tepee was covered in green fire, the leader was laying in the dirt. The god had ripped his heart out and left him to die! Bill was nowhere. I walked around and his hat was on the ground along with a piece of paper.

It read: 'This village was puny! They were easy to destroy, along with there leader! Your friend Bill is alive, but we have taken him away. If you think you can stop me and my warriors feel free to head to the Gold Caverns!'

I thought that I could do this, bat the God and send him back to wherever he came from! Then I thought that maybe I was wrong. Maybe I am destined to fail. I had just happily released a God of Death onto the world.

Someone will surely sort out the problem, I was not like my father. I never will be.

At the golden caverns...

I'm Alex Prichard, I am an adventurer at the Golden Caverns. We recently discovered a cave filled with gold and riches which we hope to sell for Kren!

We thought this would be easy, get in, mine, get out. It was not! The was Goblins and Grublins attacking at your ankles. We'd have to get out our machetes and kill them!

We had mined 5 crates full of gold which was about 50,000 Kren! We were going to be rich and finally become a part of the Mining Guild!

There was an alert sent to us by one of our lookouts, something big was coming our way, but we didn't know who or what. We packed up and evacuated ready for whatever was coming.

My friend Qe'ra took off her backpack, she grabbed out a compass and a walkie-talkie to signal the guard.

"Look out 4, what's the situation?" She asked

"Nothing so far, the trees are shaking in the distance. I can't see anything though!" Lookout 4 said

"Ok, keep an eye out!"

"Wait what the hell I that, some sort of Jackal creature?"


"Guys, it's coming for me! Help me! There's more!" He screamed. There was no response.

Over at the lookout, Anubis walked over to the wounded man.

"Who are you?" He asked

"I? I am Anubis! God of death! Now I have a question for you!"

"I'll never answer to you!"

"Who is the most fearsome person here? Answer correctly and you can live on with me and my army, answer incorrectly and you will be ripped to shreds!" Anubis asked

"No! Never!" He said

"See you in hell then!" Anubis said pointing at the man. One of his followers then jumped to the man, he screamed.

I went over to the crate driver, Demetrius, and told him to take the gold to basecamp! The rustling came to a stop and a man came out.

"My fellow miners, do not be alarmed by my appearance, I just simply need some gold! I will pay handsomely to any who help me!"

"This is our mine go find a different one!" I shouted

"That is no way to speak to your betters, you rat!" The man said

"I will join you!" Qe'ra said

"What? Are you crazy?" I said

"They will pay us loads!" She said

"So will the Mining Gui-" I was cut off by the man who started to choke me

"Anyone else wants to disrespect my power?" He said. Everyone else shucks there head, they all agreed to help them!

Anubis dropped me and stared down at me.

"Behold, as your friends earn true glory!" This dark ooze travelled from his hands and towards my friends. It wrapped around there legs, to the body and then to there neck. 3 tentacle things shot out from there cheeks and chin and then dived straight down there throat. They screamed in pain as they slowly became Jackal warriors. They were no longer human, they were horrors. I was now endangered, the last human in this sector.

"What have you done to them?" I shouted

"I simply made them more powerful! They will no longer get tired, have feelings and always be hungry for destruction!"

"You dehumanised them! That's against the law of the lands!"

"Soon, I will be the law! With the gold of these mines, I will create amulets which will give me the power to take over everything they do! I could take over the President Of The World and cause him to destroy the entirety of Alaska! I could change the law to anything! I could elect myself the leader of the world!"

"You're crazy! Just wait until James Renstride hears of your appearance, he will destroy you."

"He is to busy being depressed, he released me! He set me free," I stared at him in shock, the son of the greatest adventurer had released a god onto the world, "Take this man away, strip him of his riches and take them."

2 Jackal Warriors walked over and picked me up and took me away. I slowly created a plan to escape the creature, I was out of plain view of the other creatures. I twisted in there arms and grabbed my arm piece. I put it on and blasted fire into the face of one of the creatures. It burned its Jackal face and revealed a human underneath. The other one dropped me, he lifted his hands above him ready to crush me. I dodged out of the way and ran into the trees.

I heard a scream in the distance, the predator was calling for help! I didn't look back, just ahead. If I could run far enough south, I could get to James' Shop.

More screaming was heard in the background, followed by the snapping of twigs and the rustling of leaves, I was filled with terror. I pulled out a small but deadly Cybroblade. I turned to face the monsters. They all jumped out of the undergrowth and growled at me in rage.

I raised my sword above my head, ready to attack. One walks up to me to squish me. I swing and the creature grabs the blade. He snaps off the end and walks back. The creatures release a horrific scream. I stare into the eyes of the Jackals as they prepare to kill me.

"GET DOWN!" Someone shouts, a beautiful woman jumps into the sky and fires arrows onto the creatures. They whimper as the arrows pierce their skulls!

"Hello, pretty!" I say

"Shut up, I'm here to help, not flirt!" She replies

"Roger Roger!"

We run through a clearing in the bushes! We reach a log that has fallen over, there were cobwebs covering the entire log.

"In there!" she said

"In there?" I said

"In there!" she said pushing me down to my knees. I looked at her, she moved her head to say go through. I walked through, no idea where I was going. I walked out into a black room filled with portals.

"Where are we?" I asked

"It's the crossing, it holds every portal to every important time!" She said

"If we are going to have a fighting chance, we need James Renstride!"