Chapter 5 - Return

People say that the world was on the verge of destruction and they resisted. I grabbed the shrunken down ship and threw it in the air. There was a flash and the ship appeared big and mighty.

They absorbed us up onto the ship, everyone was prepared to see the end of Anubis. The corridors were filled with troopers ready to take down the Jackals and anything else in the way!

"Come in Ship Supremacy, are you receiving? Over" Someone asked

"This is James Renstride, receiving! Over" I said

"This is Commander Akimasa, your father helped us defeat the firecracker. We saw that you and he were missing and built an uprising, we formed the Resistance!"

"How many people are in this resistance?" I asked

"Everyone, people who your father helped and those who saw use as hero's!" Akimasa said I was shocked. People hated me, but saw the threat and when I was missing when I was needed the most.

"James, I'm going to take a group of warriors down to fight. The ground needs protection too!" Alex said

"Understood, enjoy!" I said

"Anubis, the dimension weapon is nearing completion!" Kari said

"Good, keep the Jackals attacking!" He said

Anubis was not happy with the progress of his weapon or the progress of the Resistance.

Alex had managed to sneak himself and his men into the compound of the dimension weapon. He didn't know what was inside there other than Kari and her soldiers.

"ATTACK!!" Alex shouted as he and his men dropped down onto the compound. His men fired at the Jackals killing them, however not all of them managed to kill. Shots were fired at gas cans causing it to explode. The main building was burning and my men still continued to shoot the warriors.

"Alex, we meet again!" Kari said

"Indeed, you traitor!"

"Haha, traitor? No, I was just pulling a very good act. I fooled you and now you will witness the destruction of your Spanish friends!"

Alex turned to the weapon as it charged up, it fired a purple blast at one of the ships. It hit the ship and it disappeared.

"You see, using the power of the sword, we can fire at anything and remove them from our universe!"

"James? You saw that?" Alex asked

"Yes, Everyone on the channel if you get hit travel to the coordinates I'm sending you!" I said

"Your friends are going to lose, we are too powerful!" Kari said, sword in hand

"Yet your wrong, we have each other, each shot you take is making us stronger!"

(Alex's POV)

Kari then ran at me and swung her sword, I dodged! We clashed blades and she looked into my eyes. I saw her as my friend, not my enemy. However, I no longer believed that. We pushed each other back and walked around in a circle. She fired an arrow at me, hitting my arm. The floor below us was crumbling as the fire burned more, the weapon was becoming more unstable! We clashed blades more and more, cutting each other. I knocked her down disarming her.

"Sir, the weapons become too unstable, we need to leave!" One of the men said

"You go, I'm right behind you!" I said

The remaining people retreated from the place, it was only us.

"You meant something to me, Kari! That monster had taken all my friends, you helped me, but you never did!" I said

"You were deceived, you're a fool! Believing that I was really your friend!"

The weapon behind us exploded and the surroundings collapsed around us, this made Kari scared.

"Please, don't leave me here!" She said as I walked away

"I don't even know who you are! You are no friend, just a traitor!" I said

She screamed as she fell through the collapsing floor, the compound exploded, leaving a crater of rubble and death!

"Sir, who was that?" A trooper asked

"It was just a leader, no one special!" I said

(James's POV)

The battle raged on, but the warriors were now getting aboard our ships and slowly blowing them up! Soon all that would be left was our ground forces! The battle was not over yet...