Chapter 3 - Reveal

The darkness inside the crossing glistened with the star which formed faces of those who were important.

"Which way is it to get out of here?" I asked

"We should be able to find a portal to where James was last seen, we go through we should be near him!" the woman replied

"Surely that would mean we're in that time not the present, right?"

"That's the thing, the portal knows what you want! You could think, I want to be at that point in time or be in the present, but in that location!"

"That's not at all complicated!"

"I know, it took me a long time to understand this! My father was the original gatekeeper, but he grew old and passed the duty to me! Only those who are worthy may know of this! You, me, and James should only know of this, because if Anubis did, he'd destroy the past, destroying now!"

"Who are you?" I asked

"All that, and you want to know my name!"

"Well that is bad, but I still don't know who you are!"

"I'm Kari." She replied

"Well, Kari, nice to meet you. I'm Alex! Now, let's find this portal!"

We walked passed portals from many different events. When Geoffry Renstride defeated the Fire Cracker. James Renstride releasing the spirit of Anubis. The last portal, where James walked back into his village. We walked through the portal and out into his home village. It was empty. No one was there, no one in the streets, they saw what he did and dubbed him as a traitor. Barriers had been put up to stop people from entering the village.

"If there's one place he'd go, where would it be?" I said

"His home, the shop he worked in?" Kari said

"Of course! His shop, he'd have the spirit of his father with him there!" I said

We travelled through the streets until we got to where the shop was. There was no shop, just ruins. The shop had been burned to the ground, everything inside it was gone! The Heart of Searing smashed into pieces, the potions, empty, Greyjacket's fur braid, burned into ashes. Everything was gone. In his despair, he had destroyed everything he loved, because of a mistake!

"Who are use?" A man asked

"Sorry, we're looking for James Renstride!" Kari exclaimed

"He's dead, the only person in this village is me, Karl," He said

"Your to ashamed to have your true name! You're not the bad guy James! Anubis tricked you and now he is going to conquer the world!" I said

"Kid, Anubis is too powerful for anyone to defeat!" James said

"Then it's a good thing you have us!" Kari said

James walked away, he wanted nothing to do with us, but we followed him.

"What happened to you?" I asked

"Anubis brought his forces here after he went to the Gold Mines. He came looking for me, but I had already become Karl. He took people, turned them into his monsters and then left, leaving terror in them. Soon people found out about me hiding and why I did nothing. I knew it was wrong not to do something, but I felt shame. He came again and took more people, but they pulled me forward and showed him me. He cackled and told them that he was here because of me. They saw me as a monster and either joined him or left. I boarded up the Village so no one else can get crushed by me! I'm a shroud of darkness, ready to kill those who come near me!" James said

"They saw you as a monster when Anubis is the true monster," Kari said

"Anubis is your nemesis you have to stop him, just like your father stopped his mother, this is your reputation! You have to keep it!" I said

"Come with us on one adventure! We need to go to Barbuda Island, there's a rumoured weapon that has power unimaginable! It could easily destroy his henchmen" Kari said

"One adventure, if I don't enjoy it, I won't help, if I do, I'll help!" James said

"There shouldn't be a choice, this is what you and your father were known for! It's your duty, you're reputation" Kari said

"So it would seem..." James said

"November-1, come in! It's too dangerous, you'll get struck from the electro storm!" A voice said

"We know, but we need to help those civilians in Jepines!" A pilot said

"By the holy order of the Pultonim, I order you to come back here right now!" The voice said

"Commander, if you're not going to help me, I'm going to turn the comms off!"

"I will not help you! You have gone against The Code! If you don't get back here now, I will have to sus-" the voice said

"Yeah, love to but no!" He had turned off the comms.

They continued to fly through the storm near missing all the electric bolts that stuck down.

"Captain Julan, the storms getting worse, we need to land!" A man said

"We can't lose those people! They are just as important!" The captain said

The storm still raged on crashing down. Suddenly, they were struck by a bolt of lightning. Their engines sparked with energy, but there was too much, they exploded! Then disappeared.

"November-1, come in. Respond!" The Commander said

"Sir, they're no longer on our radar, we lost them."

"The idiots... I told them not to."

I, James, Alex and Kari, are going to Barbuda island. This will most likely be my last adventure since I have released a devilish spirit onto our world. We travelled South to the Puterport Boat Servis (P.B.S). We then travelled through the water and onto the island. When we landed, it was warm and bright, but something didn't feel right.

"So, Alex, what does this weapon do?" Kari asked

"Well, I did some research. The weapon is a sword that can banish anything into alternate universes! We could take the entire Anubis Army and send it into an alternate universe!" Alex replied

"Yes, we could. However, we shouldn't! Our world is close to destruction, we shouldn't bring that upon a brother world!" I said

"Indeed, but it's the best we can do!" Alex said

We continued through the island until the sky groaned and cracked. The crack widened releasing a small ship. It fell to the ground and crashed. The sky then returned back to normal, as if nothing ever happened! We looked at each other and ran towards the crash site.

"This craft isn't of our kind! It came from a different universe!" I said people started to walk out of the wreckage. Some were carrying corpses, others searching the wreckage. One man looks up at us and runs over.

"I'm Captain Julan of November Squadron, where are we?" He asked

"Barbuda Island!" Alex said

"What happened to the electro storms?" he asked

"We haven't had electro storms since we defeated the Sparky!"


"Electric Dragon! It was legendary!" Alex continued speaking

"Kari, go and help them with there ship, they need some help!" I said, "Captain, tell me, what happened to your ship."

"Well, we were going to Jepines, to help the stranded people. We were flying through an electro storm and then we got hit and I blacked out. Next thing I knew we had crashed and many people had been killed!" He said

"That's it, when I was at my home, I was looking through the possibility of travelling through alternate universes! It seems different worlds have different ways. We have that sword, you have the electro storms! It's entirely possible!"

Alex looked at me confused and the Captain smiled!

"Son, you just figured out what we needed to know a long time ago! In our world, a threat has been ravaging through each country and killing them, we tried to make a universe hopper, but we didn't know how to power it! We wanted to escape that world to relocate in another world!" Captain Julan said

We walked over to the wreckage, to see the only other survivor, he was tall, strong and looked very adventurous.

"This hear is Professor Geoffry Gold, our top scientist!" Julan said I was in shock. He had the exact name of my father before his adventures!

"Geoffry, do you have any sons?" I asked

"I have a daughter, called Jasmine, but no sons!" He said, "Why do you ask?"

"My father was called the exact same name! Anyway, we need to get this sword to get you all back home!"

We left to head up towards the sword. The island was very overgrown but looked nice. We saw Pinkabeasts and Fordagunds roaming around in the bushes, Yunkeys swung in the trees scaring away the Torin Birds. There was no danger like we thought there would be, it was just peaceful and full of animals.

We approached the sword, it was on a pedestal covered in a purple glint. We all stood around the sword. Kari reached out and touched the blade, it burned her. Gates sprung up around us making it impossible to leave! The Yunkeys then jumped into the box, however, they had red eyes and looked angrier than before.

"The only way out is to kill them!" I shouted. Kari pulled out her bow, Alex grabbed his sword, I grabbed my daggers and the other 2 grabbed there guns! We started to slash and shoot our way out of this mess. We had one Yunkey left. He jumped towards Geoffry and slashed at him. Julan fired his gun piercing the Yunkey. The animal fell off of him and died, however, the bullet went straight through the animal and into Geoffry. He bled, but it was too late to help him.

"Finally, the sword is mine!" Kari exclaimed!

"What? It's ours, not yours!" Alex said

"Actually, It's Anubis's!"

"What?" Alex said, "You... were working with Anubis?"

"Of course! No one could hear you for miles when you were chased by those Jackals!"

"Kari, you were like a friend! You... you were my friend!" Alex said in despair, she then grabbed the sword and pointed it at the floor.

"How very touching, but now your time is at an end you see the sword has Hieroglyphics written down the sword, they say the words to cast those into the unknown universe. Sunom Kulom Wilumin!"

The floor cracked and we all fell through. We were gone.

"Anubis, I got the sword! Our plan will soon begin!" Kari said

In an alternate universe...

I looked up, the sky was grey, and yellow beams were flashing down to the ground. We were no longer in our world, we were in Captain Julan's world!