Chapter 4 - Rebel

The captain knelt down next to Geoffry, he was still bleeding from the bullet. Alex was sat at the edge of the cliff looking over at the ocean and islands. The storms still blasting down on the alternate universe.

"I'm so sorry, Geoffry." the captain said closing the eyes of him. He began to dig a hole and placed Geoffry's body in there. "He was a great man, but he had to go, he will not have died in vain!"

We were all lost with no ideas of what to do, we had no transport, no communication and no one else! We were trapped, we had failed. The world would now get devoured by Anubis.

"Wait! Every island that hadn't been taken over has a communication tower built in!" Captain said

"That's genius, were they used for any survivors like in Jepines, which is why you went for them?" I said

"Yes, but if we hadn't of found your universe, we will never of found the Alternate Universe answer!"

We ran through the shrubs and bushes until we found it. It was a small box with an antenna. We turned the tuning to 106.4 and started to communicate.

"This is November-1, come in home base, over!" Captain said

"This is home base receiving, good to see you November-1! Over" A voice said

"We need some transport off of this island, we have some new friends to help! Over,"

"Copy that, where's your position? Over,"

"Barbuda island, over!"

"Sending pick up crew to you, over and out!"

"Roger that!"

We sat down and waited for a ship to come for us. It didn't take long for a massive capital ship to arrive above us! It sent down a small transport unit and we all boarded.

The capital ship turned around and dashed to the base.

There was a book with a list of all the rooms there. They ranged to the bridged to lounges.

I and Alex followed the Captain onto the deck. The doors opened and we saw the operator. He was a very serious-looking man and apparently a very strong leader.

"Operator, I bring you, Alex and James!" The Captain said

"I thought all conventions were postponed?" He said

"Sir, these are key allies, we need them!"

"If you say so, take them to a lounge. We need to recharge hyperboosters."

We recharged and landed. We went into the main control room.

"Captain Julan, nice to see you again!" Commander Pok said

"You too, commander. So, who are these people?"

"I'm James and this is Alex, we came from an alternate universe after a fri-" I began

"After a traitorous snake sent us here!" Alex ended

"So, it is possible. For years we've tried to get into alternate realities, but we have never been successful! You will have met Geoffry, his daughter was killed in an experiment. I take it that Geoffry didn't make it?"

"No, he didn't, I'll take Alex and James to her laboratory!"

We walked past weapon rooms, experiment rooms and all sorts! We got to the lab, things had been broken and people had been evaporated. There were all sorts of working out.

After looking through everything...

We had figured out that if we flew into space, we would be able to take a small crew up into space and travel into a black hole we can travel into a different universe. We needed to get into the black hole in the coordinates X: 1666 Y: 6616 Z: 6661.

We may have been stopped, but we were bouncing back with power. They had made a shrinking laser, so we took a shrunken down capital ship and crew for when we return. Anubis will be destroyed!

We boarded a space shuttle to fly to a space station which would give us enough fuel to travel to the correct black hole. We all had oxygen tanks attached to us encase we needed to exit into the dark depths of space.

We looked up into the air as a deafening screech came from the engines. The space around us was filled with flickering stars as if their power was being drained from them. Soon, all the stars would have lost it's light and leaving a void of darkness!

When we arrived, we were greeted by Jamila, she was the lead operator of the station.

"Welcome, I'm Jamila!" She said

"Hello there!" Alex replied

"Please, take a seat in our lounge while we fuel your starcraft!"

"Understood," I and Alex followed her to the lounge where we can see space.

A blue and black ship flew past the glass.

"Who was that?" I asked

"A V.O.I.D Ship, they patrol the sky, kind of a space police!" She said

"What's happening with all the stars?" Alex asked

"The electro storms bellow only happen because of the stars, the power is generated by them and taken by the clouds and causes them to strike!" She replied

"Jamila, can you help me with the refuel, I'm having trouble connecting the ports! "A voice said

"On my way! Do use want to come out with me and experience space?" She asked we nodded

We put on white space suits, which were somewhat comfy and were given plasma rifles. They fire 3 shots of charged plasma when you pull the trigger. 1 shot has a 25% chance of stunning the target. 2 shots have a 75% stun chance, and 3 shots, is a permanent stun. We went out onto the outside of the station, where we looked for the man.

"Jamila, where is he?" I asked

"I don't know!" She said

"I think I found him..." Alex says

We look into the distance and see a ripped up space suit with guts oozing out of the sides, he's dead!

Jamila looks out in shock, what could have done this? A roar of battle releases and a Jackal Warrior comes into view.

He ran at us and we all shot at the creature. We hit some shots but they seemed ineffective. He scratched Alex knocking him over.

"Use put the fuel port in, I've got that thing!" Jamila exclaimed we didn't have time to answer.

We pushed the cable in powering it up, we heard a scream and then shots. Jamila has hurt but stunned the creature. They suffered the same fate as her companion.

We ran inside the ship and into the shuttle we arrived in. The coordinates were set and we left for the way home. We braced for impact and were sucked through the portal home.

I opened my eyes to see we had landed in my village. However, this time we had ships in the sky firing on other ships. A resistance had begun and people were fighting for freedom, they were fighting for the end of Anubis!