"Lady's first! " He said as he pointed to the purple dust swirming in a spiral in mid air.
"Are you crazy? I'm not going there! What even Is that? " I asked terrified of the blob in front of me.
"It's a gate way to the ghost world, where my company is! " He said as he started to get annoyed by all the question I was asking.
"Eather you go first or I'm not going at all! " I said trying to sound tough when actually I was nearly passing out.
As I was waiting for the answer I felt a push on my back right before I went right in the portal looking thing. It felt like I was being torn apart in million peaces but with no pain. Its like I'm supposed to feel pain but I don't. At this point I just think this is a bad dream since you can't really feel pain in dreams, but then again you also can't know your dreaming in your dreams so this can't be one.
I woke up on a concreat floor and I had a feeling like I've been laying here for quite a while.
"Finally you're up! I was about to leave you here and you'd have to find your way around yourself" he said with annoyance in his voice.
"What happened? Where am I?" I asked funding myself in a white room with few other people laying on the ground asleep like me.
"You fell through the gate and clearly didn't take it well so you passed out. Right now we're in the sleepers cell or what you call bedroom" he answered.
"You brought me here?" I asked, as the fact that he would have had to carry me here if that was true.
"yes, who else do you think would? " he answered. I would have rather preferred for him to leave me where I was since I was really insicure about my weight. Even though people consider me as skinny I still am insicure. And I know that I'm litterly being kidnapped right now but I would rather die than go through the emberessment of him dropping me because I'm too heavy.
"Couldn't you put me on something more comfortable than the ground?" I asked trying to forget the whole insecurity thing.
"youre a ghost Bella. You don't need comfort to survive." he answered like it was obvious.
"So you all sleep on the floor then?" I asked kind of bummed since sleep is myfavourite thing.
" The workers have their own bedrooms with beds showers and all the necessitys. We also have a cafe for food." He said.
"So why couldn't you put me in my bedroom, on my bed since I'll be a worker here? " I asked still confused why I'm on the ground.
"I don't know whitch room you have. The boss will pick your job and that will also come in a set with a bedroom. If you're a guard you don't get a bedroom, if you're a collector you get a basic room, and if you're a hunter you get a luxury room. " He said as he proudly pointed to himself when he said hunter.
"so there's a chance that I won't even have a room? " I asked in disbelief that I may have to sleep on concrete with no blanket or pillow for the rest of my life.
"Yes but even if you are a hunter or a collector, you can still lose your room by messing up just like Marlyosa did. If you're a hunter and don't sucseed in killing a person you lose your room and have to sleep here, but if youre a ccollctor and you don't get the ghost in time like Marlyosa, you also have to sleep here." He said showing on all the people (or ghost I guess) that were laying here.
"So now they have to sleep here for forever? And who I Marlyosa that you keep mentioning? " I asked as I was slowly getting up on my feet.
"Marlyosa is your collector. She was supposed to collect you and put you in a cage for our boss to decide where will you go, but the lost her capsule and couldn't find it in time so you woke up as a ghost and I had to come get you, now she's gonna have to sleep here for a while. And no they don't sleep here fo forever, they sleep here until the boss decides that they have earned their room back" he said still looking proud because he go lucky enough to get a luxury room.
"Where's Marlyosa now? And you're name now is Nr. 47 right? So why isn't Marlyosa a number? " I asked as we started walking out of the sleepers cell.
"Marlyosa is probobly collecting somebody now. And calling us by numbers is a type of a punishment for doing something wrong. Marlyosa snuck inside my room to stay the night because she hated the concrete and the boss cought her but I took the blame and told him that I told her to sleep in my room so he punished me" he said in a sad tone. Wow he really must care about that girl.
"So you and Marlyosa are friends? And how is a that a punishment? Your name just changes into a number for a while. " I said as I was following Jackson to wherever he was going.
"It's degrading! Your identity is taken away and now your just a number until boss decides to give you your name back! And Marlyosa is a really good friend, she was my collector. At first my job was a guard because the boss messed something up and put me in the wrong profession. While I was a guard Marlyosa offered me to stay in her room. Then I got my real job but me and her still remained friends" He answered.
"But can't you get in trouble for sleeping in others rooms? " I asked as we entered a big hallway with hundreds of cages on both sides with people in them. This sight was terrifying.
"If you're a guard and sleeping in the sleepers cell isn't a punishment then as long as someone else invited you in their room you can sleep there. But if sleeping in the sleepers cell is a punishment then you can't sleep in other ghost rooms until your punishment gets lifted" he said.
"who even is the boss then? " I asked as I was looking at all the cages with people.
"Nobody knows. He Allways wears a mask in all the meeting" he answered.
We were walking deeper in the hallway as I saw Jackson looking at something and smiling.
"Marly!" He's said as he ran up to a girl. This girl. I've seen her somewhere before. Mary. Mary from my world is Marlyosa in this world.