"Damon is showing early signs of autism" this is what the nurse said after he looked at Damon.
Those words fell on me like a thunder's strike stunning me, rendering me speechless for a while unable to say anything, after I could finally swallowed her words I asked,
"What are you talking about?"
"There is no way that is true."
The nurse shakes her head right and left when she saw me on denial then she said with a sad tone,
"The principal told me all the story it seems the shock was too great on him-"
" His condition could worsen if we do nothing about it, " the nurse continued.
"W-what can we do then?" I asked her desperately.
"If a shock caused this then another equal shock could get him back to his senses-"
"This technique is called shock therapy" this is the last the nurse said before she left the room quietly on her own with a grim expression on her face.
Now that I am all alone with Damon in the room once again, I sat beside Damon on the ground and let out a big sigh, then I looked at Damon and said in a voice full of bitterness,
"Can't you at least sigh at me as you did before"
As expected he didn't react at all let alone talk to me, he stayed looking at the thin air aimlessly as before.
The room was awfully quiet, this silence gnawed at my insides. Silence hung in the air like the suspended moment before a falling glass. The silence was like a gaping void, needing to be filled with sounds.
I tried every possible way to shock him but it was to no avail, now I am lying on my bed like a log from exhaustion coming up with other ways to shock.
One day left till the vacation is over and the students get back.
it's 2 pm…
I am sitting in from Damon trying to grab his attention by putting on weird faces, but it didn't work; he didn't even plink.
As I was about to give up, an absurd thought crossed my mind; "what if I hugged him?"
" I have tried everything so far but this is the only thing I didn't try-"
" I heard that he didn't go out with any girl before-"
"This actually could work-"
"H-hugging him should be no problem-"
" He is lawfully my husband after all-"
" This is a natural thing to do if he is my husband"
I was convincing myself while talking to myself out loud forgetting that Damon existed with me in the same room.
After I prepared myself mentally, I sat on my knees on the ground facing Damon.
I looked at his dull eyes directly then I extended my both hands wrapping them around his shoulder, then I pushed him into my chest embracing him.
I could feel my own face getting red from embarrassment, and I was so nervous that my hands were getting sweaty but I kept on hugging him for a while.
About a minute has passed but sadly nothing happened at all, as I was about to put my hands down and push him away…
he suddenly wrapped his hand around my back locking them together and pulled me back into him, holding me tightly.
He started crying out loud like a baby for hours till the morning.
I tried to pull back to see his face but he would pull me in again not letting me away.
I understood that he didn't want me to see his face, he didn't want to show me his weak self.
So I gave up on pulling away and let myself be embraced by him, while I patted him on the back of his head to calm him down from crying.
Even though I couldn't see his face, I was smiling knowing that this torture is finally over and everything will go back to normal the next day.