Sam was always a very perceptive kid, he was also very very intelligent, he had an exotic personality but he always found work. When he also transmigrated into the world with Leon, he didn't know where he was at all, the town seemed unfamiliar and he didn't recognize the people. Sam had arrived the same day as Leon, along with 3 others, not all of them were from Leon's life but 2 were, they were Sam and another. When these people arrived in this world, the kings of each of the 3 kingdoms were in discussion, as they all were on the brink of war, they all knew this war would end up disrupting the entire region but their people didn't care about that, they all hated each other.
A very powerful mage had noticed the transmigration of these 5 individuals, all seemed equally as gifted in power, but some were more likely to advance in this world, Leon was at the bottom of this list and Sam was at the top, so when they met, this powerful mage was very intrigued and went to immediately investigate...
"So if my power if regeneration then why didn't it do anything to your girl? Does it hurt people if they aren't hurt?" Leon shrugged and continued to hold on to Selina to keep her safe "Maybe you cant heal others." Sam thought for a moment then stood up and posed again "I will save this world from the grasps of evil alongside my brother, Leon!" Leon sighed and set Selina down and stood up too "Fine, I'll make a deal with you if you guard my back Ill guard yours, and we will be brothers."
Leon held his arm up and Sam took it without hesitation "Then let this night be known as The Birth Of The Twins Of Darkness!" Leon laughed and sat back down, picking Selina up and setting her back on his lap "Didn't you just say we will fight all evil? Make up your mind already, man." Sam thought for a moment then sat back down "It should be agreed upon by both brothers, I'm sure you can make an unbiased decision, right?" Leon smiled at himself for getting away from all of the hands-on him, then nodded.
Selina and Violet both hugged him, and he put his hand on Selina's head and whispered loud enough that each of the girls could hear him "I'm not leaving any of you behind, if I'm going somewhere then you are too, don't worry." Selina smiled and Leon looked back at Sam "I say we take the good route, but I will be fine to agree to villainous acts if the people they are on are just as evil." Sam smiled and Leon watched him "Then we will be the group, Grey Midnight, hows that?" Leon nodded simply and he looked back as all the girls agreed too.
Right as they all agreed, a voice sounded from the darkness "'Grey Midnight' is it? I'll make sure to register that as your guild name in the guild registry." The voice was slick and slightly scorned upon when it spoke to them, Leon immediately put his hand on his flintlock as Sam turned and looked where the voice came from. A laugh rattled then spoke again as a man in refined clothing walked out of the shadows "I see a confrontation in your future, and I see strong bonds in yours, Sam I believe? You all can call me Great Mage William."
Selina and Naomi jumped back and gave a shocked look "Y-Your the Great Mage William? W-What would you be requesting your majesty?" All of the girls bowed in respect, but Sam and Leon didn't budge, instead, Sam continued to drink from his cup "Who are you? And why did you interrupt us?" Leon smiled at Sam and continued "I was about to say the same thing, couldn't have said it better myself." Sam smiled back and William sat down in a magic stool he made with the swipe of his finger, all of the girls flinched at Sam and Leon's reactions "Don't worry, I'm not anybody dangerous, I have merely come to examine your relationships, maybe give you advice then send an offer to you."
Leon looked back at the girls who all were still bowing, Leon sighed and spoke to them "You don't need to bow anymore if something happens I'll protect you." William smirks at Leon, Leon doesn't notice as he watches the girls raise and go back to Leon's back "Women are lecherous things, they all need to just listen to us men." Sam and Leon did not agree but they didn't express it as they just moved on "So get on with what you want to talk about or whatever." William smirked again then moved on.
William paused for a while as he brought himself a cup "What I wanted to give you advice on was for each of you to stay away from each other" William crossed his legs in elegance, Sam looked at Leon and Leon looked back "If you're wondering why it because my fate magic which is my Unique Magic has given me an insight on your futures, my magic tells me that one of your will be the top and the other will be the bottom and its very clear which one already." William glared at Leon but continued anyway "Second, I wanted to offer you all a chance to make your guild an official one, me being the ruler of a kingdom gives me great amounts of power, and allows me to officially instate you as a guild."
Leon and Sam both immediately stand and in unison "We decline." William laughs and sips some of his drink "You can't, I already set it up, and using my Unique Magic I got it approved and your already members, all my advisor position does is let me manage you, I can't hurt you in any way. I can tell you boys don't agree with the way this world is run, so I know you're going to get into trouble one day, all I'm saying is allow me to be the one that gets you out of it"
Leon sighed and sat back down and Sam started thinking "Fine, we will accept you for now." Leon sighed in agreement as he nodded. William smiled wickedly and stood up "Then I hope you all go on many great adventures, I will see you later, boys." He walked back into the shadows and seemed to disappear, Sam sat down and sighed "It looks like our reunion has called all the great powers to our actions. We will have to be very careful about what we do."
Leon looked back at Violet who was shivering, he rubs her back and gives her a smile, she stops shivering but doesn't calm down, Selina and Naomi seemed to be in the same predicament. Leon turns to face them behind him and gives each a kiss on the forehead, then he leans his head back and talks to Sam "We will have to care about him, I doubt all the rulers are like him. If they are, then maybe the path of 'Darkness' will be a better choice."
The girls seemed to have calmed down as Violet walked up and held her arms out to Leon, he smiled and set her on his lap "You've got quite the lot, do you ever not have to take care of them?" Leon looked down at Violet in his arms, then sighed "I know they can all handle themselves just fine, I just like spoiling them, they are my wives, after all, I would feel bad if I left them like that." Sam laughed as all the girls perk up and return to their happy moods "So will you accept them as my wives since your my brother and all?" Sam waves it off "Of course, as your brother I want you to be just as happy as my Sisters-in-law."
Leon thinks about it but gets too confused and gives up "Family trees are too confusing, now, when he said 'the 5 of you' that gave us a hint that we are 2 and 3 more are out there, if you meet one be cautious, they might attack." Sam nodded and Leon looked at his clothing "Also we need to get you more 'modern' clothing." Leon laughed and Sam yawned, trying to ignore him.
Leon had escorted Sam back to his inn that he was staying at and had returned home to sleep, but he found all of the girls sleeping on the fur already, so he put the fire out and slept against a wall, during his dream that night, he had a great idea pop into his head, and as soon as he woke up, he wanted to do it. Violet had woken up in the middle of the night and went over and cuddled with Leon, who looked had cold and lonely.