Chereads / THIRD TIME COULD BE A CHARM / Chapter 16 - 16: DIRTY TRICKS (3)

Chapter 16 - 16: DIRTY TRICKS (3)

Grandma in law kept it all quite she went to the kitchen lucky it was late so even the maids and butlers were ordered to go to bed they would tidy up in the morning the glass that Chan Millie drank her milk from was still there she got a plastic bag and placed it in there she slowly walked to her room and place the two items in her bedside cabinet before she woke her husband and told him what had happened he was shocked and dummy g at the same time that someone could carry out such a horrific act in his home.

Granddad Feng immediately ordered an inquiry all the maids and guards were called to investigate what had happened How the milk ended up with two types of poison in it. And who was trying to kill his great-grandson or it is there heads on the chopping board. If they didn't find out asap he would have all the maids and butlers security killed.

Chen Millie woke to the crying of the elders and inlaws she looked at them she panicked:" hey why are you crying is the baby alright" Chan Mille face turned pale she was worried that something happened to the baby. After all this, the baby didn't survive the tears flowed down her face as she looked at the elders.

Chan Millie looked around to people sobbing she looked around she didn't see Feng Jo everyone gathered in her room it was packed. Chan Millie heart sank she looked at the elders for someone to speak.

Chan Millie sobbed as she asked:" somebody pleaseeee ere tell me what happen to my baby please tell me why my baby what did he do to anyone he didn't even make it to the world so how is it he offended some already my baby is innocent he did third Fen or her baby so why did he pay with his life I hope this will satisfy Master Feng this is where this ends from today onwards no more "? She sobbed so hard it became hard for her to breath.

Grandma in law looked at Grandpa in the shop then at Millie want to be had been going on in there house how is related to the dam girl and why did the innocent baby pay with his life and did I hear right the Fen girl was pregnant so she tried that tactic to become the daughter in law if this house I always knew she was a devious girl:" the baby is in ICU and the doctor said he is stable for now the doctors are doing all they can and my dear child what is going on are you going to fill us in on what's happening right under our nose" as the tears flowed down grandma's face.

Grand ma-in-law looked at everybody as say don't ask we will do this all at home while we work out what is happening. She walked up to Chan Millie hugged her:" everything will be okay I will fix this okay stop crying baby is okay he will be fine after all he's a Feng" she smiled at that thought.

Chan Millie stop sobbing and thought he is alive my baby is alive he is fighting to survive but he is alive:" he will be okay he is a little fighter he fought to open his eyes in this world I am sure that the Lord has blessed this child and also keep an eye on him too" she consoled all the crying members of the household gathered no matter how much pain she was in she never let them see it.

Mother In Law sobbed and came and hugged Chan Millie:" you are my brave child look what's happen yet you are consoling us we are blessed to have you I am sorry for not taking good care of you and my grandchild I should keep a closer eye on you" she was angry at her son for not being here at a time like this he wasn't evening answering his phone. She would punish her so when he comes back.

Chan Millie hugged her mother in law too then one by one the whole family hugged her and past on congratulations. They all hugged Chan Millie they tired her out. Chan Millie fell back to sleep. She had blanketed a lot how would she explain all of this now she was worried about the consequences of her actions the quicker he truth got out the better off she would be or she thought.

The nurses asked the family to leave so the patient could rest. She also explained that Chan Millie had also been poisoned and given birth and lost a lot of blood she was very weak she needed rest. They all left they didn't want to go but they knew it was best. They all had a lot t9 discuss at home too. And by the quietness, if the men they knew trouble was brewing.

Feng Jo had arranged security around Chan Millie and the baby too. He knows that whoever it was and they find out mother and child survived they would try again a second attempt they couldn't take the risk. The mother and child barely survived the first one.

Grandmother in law spoke as she was walking out:" yeah Millie are right baby is a fighter baby and he is a Feng is alright they treating the Poison and he also has to stay because he is born early too. And you have to get better quickly baby needs its mama" she came over and kissed Chan Millie forehead and left Chan Millie might be asleep but she heard everything she smiled in her sleep. She knew this Grandma in law was very sweet.

This is the first time in her two lifetimes she has received this kind of love she didn't know how to respond she didn't want to get close she knew to leave it would be harder for her to leave if she let this person in they were after all Master Feng's family, not hers.

After visitors had to leave the mother in law said she would stay until later she had to make sure Chan Millie was okay she was feeling extra guilty she also knows she didn't have a mother who would care for here she had seen the way Chan Millie's family treated her they brought everyone gifts apart from Chan Millie this was not the first time they had done this.

But she never once saw Chan Millie frown it gets upset it was like this girl was use to it she thought to her self have Chan Millie's family always treated her like this her heart was in pain overthinking about this she stroke Chan Milli's hair like a loving mother would she smiled and thought what a patient child you are.

I do know why my son mistreats you but I don't interfere with it but know I will make sure he is answerable to everything he will not treat you like this anymore. He will pay for his sins especially that Feb girl she the reason behind all of this she frowned at the thought of that girl who was trying to still get her foot in the door.

Feng Jo had been out busy gathering the evidence to show to his brother that he was punishing the wrong person. He needed to open his brother eyes before he took the next step. He was worried the next step would be worse. Feng Jo felt he had already stepped over a line that was hard to return from but once they dealt with this he was sure there would be away to fix this too. He had contacted his school buddy in the police to help him out which he did he needed a couple of days to find the evidence.

Then he rang his secret underworld team to deal with following he needed to investigate this Chan Wen and all the family see what they are up to he knows she wanted to enter the Feng Family but why and was it love or did she have a hidden agenda.

Feng Jo didn't know why he was helping Chan Millie but she melted his cold heart she manages to knock down his defences e had built to protect himself of ever feeling love again. every time she was near him he couldn't control his emotions he needed to stop thinking about her she was his brother's wife after all.

As he entered the ward his Auntie was sat there Feng Chou's mum he greeted his Auntie he then asked about Chan Millie. The Auntie told him the doctor he had to sedate Chan Millie because she wanted to see the baby and the doctor asked her not to move but she wouldn't listen she was out of control so to stop her they ended up sedating her.

Feng Jo didn't know why she affects him so much he felt her pain. He looked at her lying there helpless he wants to hug her and comfort her but couldn't his Auntie was sat there. Chan Millie was beautiful she was weaker than before but she was still beautiful she lay there sleeping beauty waiting for prince charming to kiss her and wake her up. Feng Jo could feel his heart beating faster he couldn't explain why she made him like this.

Mother in law looked up and asked:" did you get hold of your brother" she sighed.

Feng Jo:" brother didn't answer his phone but don't worry Auntie I have to send someone to go and fetch him he should be here soon" he secretary wished he would take his time so he could spend time with Chan Millie he knew it was wrong but he couldn't stop himself.

Mother in law:" Jo could you sit with her while I go and check on your Uncle you know how he is if I am not around the silly fool won't eat unless you pull him away from the laptop sometimes I wonder who his wife is?" she smiled gently.

Feng Jo chuckled:" yeah of course I know" he remembers once when Auntie and Uncle had a fight Auntie came to the old mansion with Uncle following he followed her around her like almost puppy it was so funny they had a fallout because Auntie threw Uncles laptop in the swimming pool outside because he was ignoring her. He had scolded Auntie for the first time since they had been married. In the end, Uncle won Auntie ended up giving up and going home with Uncle.

He watched as Auntie left then he walked over to Chan Millie he stood and looked then realised tears were flowing down Chan Millies face he took a tissue and wiped them he kissed her forehead and whispered:" Millie hang in there I will take you to see the baby when you wake up" he sighed as he stroked her hair. He pecks her lips he couldn't help himself she was so cute he know it was wrong but something was pulling him towards Chan Millie he couldn't explain this to himself but there was a great sense of dejavu.