The doctor came out of the room into the hall to as he was instructed to do and informed the family that Feng Lok had died the whole hall become a moaning ground there wasn't single clear eye in the corridor. The people-watching was also feeling the pain of this family they had just lost the baby of their house.
Grandpa was shocked he couldn't believe what the doctor said he demanded an explanation father in law took him to one side he would explain what had happened. He explained the plan he had made with Feng Jo his legal guardian and they were setting Chan Millie free he froze for a minute at how his son had thought this through but calmed down as soon as he found out that Feng Lok was alive that was his main concern now he had to act he would fool the family no problem his wife, on the other hand, was not easily fooled she would drill him until he spoke the truth he filled at just thinking about her integration.
Mother in Law wept as she looked around she wanted to comfort Chan Millie, after all, she was the mother of the child she would be in the worst pain right now she asked:" where is my daughter in law she was inside right" she looked at the doctor worried.
The doctor looked at each other then one spoke:" she collapsed inside when she heard the news she went into a coma" he didn't know what else to say he walked away in a hurry.
This the first time he had done against his ethics he never felt so horrible he didn't like what he had done but father in law was his friend and after he explained to him the whole story he agreed for keeping the baby being alive it kept little child-safe he would help but it still made him feel guilty towards the baby's mother who he had observed and the way she begged for he sons well being. The horrible deed was done he left.
The mother in law was in shock she could understand that the shock was too much for Chan Millie. Mother in law felt this was best for now because they didn't know how Chan Millie would handle it. She had no idea what her husband and her nephew had done so she was upset her beautiful grandson was dead she wasn't able to protect him how could her son let him get injured she need answers.
And now she needed to know where we're her son Feng Chou was why he wasn't here with his son... She didn't like the women Fen she always found something about her didn't up she was too perfect in front of Feng Chou but she had seen her real face behind the unmasked face and, to say the least, it was very ugly so she knew this woman had a hidden agenda for entering her family.
The family didn't know the truth bout how Feng Lok ended up in this state but that didn't mean they didn't stop until they foul d out what would happen after that only the Lord knows.
The funeral happened quickly and quietly just the family was there and in no time to waste and Anyone to get suspicious the existence of Feng Lok was wiped from the world. But he would live in all the families heart because he was the apple of there eyes the days past into a weeks and weeks pasts into months. Chan Millie didn't wake up on her own the doctor had to tell, the family he didn't know when she would wake up.
Feng Jo videos call the hospital in America to check on Feng Jo progress he also visited Chan Millie every day soon she was moved back home and have the doctors come home to check on her. Feng Jo was her regular visitors the rest of the family rarely came to see her it was like she never existed in the first place. They had forgotten about her.
On one night the family has attended a gala Feng Jo came home drunk he only had a few it was strong stuff he walked into Chan Millie's room he kissed her on the forehead that wasn't enough so he kissed her on the lips that weren't enough so he deepens the kiss soon the kisses trailed down her neck one by one the nightshirt she was wearing bottoms open as his kisses let to down he was intoxicated, to say the least, he let his hands and body do the rest one thing let to another before Feng Jo knew it he had sex with Chan Millie but not once but all night since nobody checked on her nobody would know what was happening. He made sweet love all night until he was worn out. he told Chan Millie he loved her and she was his he would take her away from all of this pain and torment.
In the morning when Feng Jo woke up his head was pounding he went to pick his phone up he hand touched Chan Millie's body he looked over in shock he jumped out of bed he stared at Chan Millie she was covering his bite and bruises left from his sucking the skin to make marks. It slowly came back to him he remembers what he had done in his head he knew what he had done he had raped his brother wife he couldn't believe what he had done he loved Chan Millie but this was just letting his lust take over he panicked in case someone came and saw her so he quickly cleaned up himself and Chan Millie too he cleaned her bed and open the window to get rid of the smell of his deeds from the previous night. But he didn't regret last night one bit it made him smile every time he thought about him kissing her and the way she made him feel. After his first release he was high as a kite he wondered how did Millie feel did she enjoy it as much as him.
As Feng Jo was walking out he came back he kissed Chan Millie whispered:" I will take responsibility for what I have done promise" he rubbed the top of her head and left.
Chan Millie finally woke up and looked around she had been dreaming again she was with her grandmother and mother and two of her children there was no third child.
Which meant he was still alive grandmother this time had explained a lot so Chan Millie knew what she had to do now. Chan Millie looked around to see she was in a room but it looked like one of the Feng's rooms in the mansion. She then looked around to see her phone fully charged next to her bed she checked the date she had been out for almost one month so what had happened she sat upon shock when he remembered her baby boy Feng Lok. And the doctor telling her he died she fainted she felted so horrible like her heart had been ripped out she wanted to cry but she had a lot to do so swallowed back her tears.
Chan Millie climbed out of bed she stood up and felt her body had been through a wash and dry cycle of the washing machine but she didn't have time to consider her self she needed where her son was.
She wobbled out of the room straight downstairs she saw the butler walking through the main living room.
Chan Millie called him:" uncle where is Master Lok"
The butler looked up to see the little madam standing there without a gown or shoes his heart hurt for her she doesn't even know her son is dead yet his wholeheartedly sympathised with her. But he didn't know how t9 tell this young lady that baby Master Feng was no more.1
Chan Millie asked again this time she became anxious:" uncle please tell me is he still in the hospital, of course, how stupid of me" as she answers the question she turned to walk upstairs.
Father in law stop near the doorway he spoke with no empathy not enable did have any but he had to be cold for their plan to work:" baby Lok is dead" inside each word hurt him so much.
Chan Millie fell on the step she was on and turned around to look at her father in law she was horrified what did he just say? How could it be? When? I heard wrong it must be. She turns to look at her father in law he studied the face she could see the red in his eyes and the rosy cheeks like he had been crying.
Chan Millie mustard up the courage:" what did you say daddy please could repeat it" he looked in hopes she heard it wrong.
Chan Millie was stopped in her tracts her heart pounded so hard she felt it would rip out of her chest the tears flowed she had no control over her self. She was limp sat on the step.
Father in law:" I said Feng Lok died in the hospital his injuries were too severe his little body couldn't take them I am sorry dear" he wanted to say more but he gives her time to grieve. After all, she was the mother of Feng Lok.
Chan Millie looked at her father in law and the tears flowed down she wants to scream her head off but restraint she looked around the family had all gathered they stared at her like she was an alien that had two heads they were sad but not enough to come and console Chan Millie. Nobody came to console her she was all alone at this moment she just wants a pat or touch to say we are here for you but nothing but then again what was she expecting it wasn't anything new.
Chan Millie picked her self up and walked back to the room. She was asleep and now she was in shock she walked to her room and closed the door she walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on stood under and cried she cried until there were no tears left she couldn't believe after all this time she still lost her son. Her precious baby boy was gone she felt her whole fell apart. She didn't know how long she spent there finally she let all her grieve wash away.
Chan Millie stood up and walked out changed her clothes she came downstairs and saw the family sat there they didn't speak to her she didn't speak to them she saw her father in law walking out the door she followed him she called out to him.
Chan Millie:" daddy was is Lok grave I want to go there please" there was no emotion in her words. She had come with a plan in her head now was the time to carry it out she wanted out of here.
Father in law:" I will get the driver to take you there" he called the driver and give him instructions.
The driver opened the door and waited for Chan Millie to entered she didn't speak to the driver normally she would say hello and thank-you but he understood so he didn't say anything. She was there in person but her life had been drained the driver looked in the mirror at Chan Millie his heart went out to her. He thought to himself she is such a sweet girl but she has suffered so much since she has come the Feng's.
They arrived at the family burial grounds. Chan Millie didn't wait for the driver to open the door she got out and headed the place where Feng Lok was buried she looked at the stone placed there it read lying here is the angel of the Feng family, Feng Lok. Chan Millie heart refused to believe that her son was dead. But here was clear evidence. Chan Millie saw the picture of Feng Lok she traced it with her fingers and sat down and looked at the tomb she didn't know how long she had been there it was dark the rain started pouring but she refused to move the driver came over with an umbrella but Chan Millie refused it.
Chan Millie spoke softly:" Loki doesn't like to be alone will he be with his siblings keeping him company he doesn't like the dark will there be a bright light over there I hope grandma and my mother are taking good care of you I love you my sweet baby boy I will always love I am leaving now but we will meet someday soon Loki don't be angry if mummy doesn't come because she has a lot to do and a lot of people to get even with they will pay all of them" she stood up and walked to the car she got in and told the driver to take her home.
Chan Millie had planned a lot in her head she was going to carry out tomorrow then she would leave this miserable place forever.
Chan Millie arrived at home the family were all sat in the living room she was about to walk past when her father in law called her to come and listen to him. He was never rude or spoke harshly. Chan Millie walked in she didn't sit she looked at all the members gathered they all looked at her like she was disgusting. They didn't offer their condolences but looked like she was at fault. She didn't speak either after all she was the one that lost her baby.
Father in law spoke in a gentle but stern voice this was the first time she had heard him speak like this:" I called you over because I need you to sign some documents" he passed them to her.
Chan Millie looked at the paper it was a divorce paper she looked up at her father in law face he had no emotion there was no warmth he normally displays. They looked at all the others there was they all looked down she looked everyone sat there the same reaction she realised they were blaming her for the death of her son. She didn't care this was Feng Chou family, not hers she never belonged here in the first place. She was relieved that they were given her the divorce papers she would have got them her self this was one less headache for her.
Chan Millie smiled and she looked at her father in law:" I will gladly sign this but I want to see Feng Chou first is he still at the hospital or home" she hadn't seen him since she had come up.
Father in law:" I thought you might before you see him here is something that Feng Jo left he said you needed to clear your name " he handed her two envelops one small and one large.
As Chen Millie looked at the envelopes she smiled she was about to ask when she heard the cold voice of the person she wanted to see.
Feng Chou:" what is left that you need to see me about why have you not signed and left yet I thought you would be gone by now what the compensation not enough for you" he was his cold usual self.
His family was surprised to see him speak like this they never seen this side of him but they also why he was like this?
Chan Millie turned around and smiled was of one who had enough of all the bullshit:" just the person Master Feng I wanted to see this is for you" she hadn't him the large envelope" I am not the one who tried to kill your beloved Fen or her child but what you did you will pay tenfold for oh by the way nothing you will find soon enough" she smirked.
Chan Millie hadn't finished the conversation and from behind Fen appeared. Which didn't surprise Chan Millie one bit. Chan Millie smirked and thought well, well, what a surprise.