Chapter 24 - 24: SAYING GOODBYE TO BABY LOK (4)


Chan Millie turned to face Feng Chou she didn't know why he was so smug for why was he so horrible all the time only for her:" what would you like me to say that I am okay with the way you treated me I am okay with the mental and physical and sexual abuse and I am okay with Fen throwing my child and killing him? I will say it's okay if you can return my sanity and return my son, then everything is hunky dorey so don't mind me I am just leaving so you all can go back to playing happy families" she yanked her arm out of his grip started walking towards the door.

Feng Chou looked at the empty hand and the figure leaving why did he feel empty? why did he just slap her he didn't want but he raised his hand to her. He wanted to kiss her so badly why?why did he feel like this? why was he worried about not seeing Chan Millie again? shouldn't he be relieved he loved Fen didn't he but when he kissed Fen he felt nothing when he was with Fen he Fen wanted to make live to Feng Chou but he couldn't bring himself toucheingbher allhe could see was Mu Millie what that was happening to him? what had chan Millie done to him?

He wanted to run behind and grab Chan Millie from behind he wanted so badly to pull her back to his room and lock her there so she could never leave he wanted to all sort to her why had his mind all filled with how he treated her so badly why did he feel so guilty she deserved this all of it she was Chan if he couldn't punish Chan Wen, Chan Millie paid the price he shouldn't feel bad it was revenge on the Chan's.

As Chan Millie headed out and walked towards the gate Chan Millie's father in law approached her:" I am sorry for being cold earlier if I hadn't then Chou wouldn't have signed the divorce papers so you could leave here and I am truly sorry for all the troubles you've faced while living in this house and greatly sorry for the loss of Baby Lok I hope you have a good life here is a cheque so you can sort your self out when you go" he tried to smile without looking stupid.

Chan Millie:" thank-you for your kind words but I can't accept this cheque it would be adding insult to my injuries but the thought that counts thank you once again and my ride is here so I bid you farewell" chan Millie bowed in respect and walked towards the Maybach parked outside the driver got out and open the door the car he bowed at Chan Millie who bowed back she got in and they drove away then the trail of cars followed the first car

When her father in law looked at the number plate it said Mu Jade 1 he realised who the cars belong to. Father in law was now slightly afraid for his son because the Mu's were more powerful than the Feng's 10 fold if the Mu's wanted they could crush them like cockroaches.

Back in the Feng Mansion

father in law headed back in Feng Chou was looking at the evidence in the envelope he was shocked beyond reason he was sure he had the right person but this evidence was solid and the statement that Fen gave saying it wasn't Chan Millie. He had tortured her for almost two years none stop he didn't know how he got it so wrong the damage was done he remember Chan Millie last words as she left she could let the being tortured mentally physically and sexually pass if you can give me back my son he didn't know how he was going to make it up he not only owed Chan Millie but he also owed his son Feng Lok. He had let jus son down what kind of father was he when his baby boy was fighting for his life he was sat with Fen consoling her he wasn't near his baby boy he didn't even hold him for the last time tell him he loved him so much that it hurt every inch of his body.

Feng Chou missed his son so much only he knew how his heart pained for his son Feng Lok. He could no longer sleep at night although he had his beloved Fen by his side which he wanted and pinned for now when he looked at her he saw his son's bloody body she was responsible for him. Felt guilty towards Fen he put her in that situation that's why he would take responsibility for Fen. He couldn't bring himself to hold Fen while sleeping everytime he touched her he felt cringe he didn't know why? was it because he got used to sleeping with Chan Millie or was it the guilty conscious that he couldn't protect his son that has turned his peaceful sleep into one full of nightmares? He dreamt of the same thing over and over again of his son lying in a pool of blood.

Feng Jo returned he had hoped he would see Chan Millie and tell her that he had Feng Lok and he was taking her to America with him he had made all the necessary arrangements through his best friend and his family. Only to be told by his Uncle of what had happened and that Chan Millie had left. Feng Jo whole world had just collapsed he needed to find Chan Millie and explain that Feng Lok was okay the operation was a success and Feng Lok was recovering nicely.

Feng Jo tried to ring the phone kept ringing then finally on the fourth try Chan Millie answered it.

Chan Millie spoke gently:" hello" she didn't know who kept ringing.

Feng Jo:" hello Millie this Jo I was wondering where you are can I meet you please I am worried about you I need to speak to about something very important ," he asked.

Chan Millie smirked:" sorry Jo there is nothing for me and you to talk about I left the Feng's behind that includes you and don't think I don't know to what you did while I was asleep I was only sleeping not dead you are like all the others not like the others at least they tell me from a distance what they think of me you reeled me in and made me think that you were one of the nice guys and then you took advantage of me full well knew I was vulnerable I was hurting but you must get joy from that don't think I will forgive you for it either you Feng's are all the same this the last time we will speak goodbye" she sighed. His was good she wanted to cut ties with them all she had her two, life worth of misery from them. Her baby son would have been alive if I had left the second time without letting them know but I am to blame for staying there knowing my son was in danger but still I ma the reason why my son is dead.

Chan Millie put the phone down she sighed she really like Feng Jo she thought he was different but he turned out to be the worst of all she has had all sort of humiliation in her two lifetimes. Now she didn't want anything to do with any Feng's regardless of who they are. Chan Millie remembered that she felt Feng Jo on her one night and he had sex with her. Chan Millie shouted in her head she wanted to shout aloud and ask him to stop but she couldn't open her eyes or move her body she never felt so helpless in all her life. While Feng Jo took advantage of the fact that she was unconscious she didn't know he was drunk it was properly vetted because it would be made her feel worse. She couldn't stop what was happening to her she couldn't respond however hard she struggled the tears flowed down her face but who was paying attention to her she was such someone who had nobody she asks for help nobody she could turn to say she was suffering nobody to wipe her tears away and say it was going to be okay. She didn't why Feng Jo was doing what he was doing knowings she was still his brother's wife. It was unforgivable. Chan Millie took the sim card out and threw it the trashcan. This part of her life was over she was never looking back.

That's was it she would head to her future without the Feng's or the Chan's to bother her. She was hoping Grandpa Jade would be able to protect her from these evil people. She only wished she had opened her eyes earlier and took her baby boy and left the Feng's house her son would be alive now and the one person she thought was her friend was the one that caused the death of her son she was roaming around free and was protected by the Feng's. How ironic was her life she was punished because Feng Chou thought she tried to kill his beloved and their unborn child but when it came to her son the culprit was living a happy life with the Fengs they accepted her regardless she knew they all knew what had happened at the hospital but they chose to ignore it and welcome her into their lives how is that fair? but then again in the Feng's world, they ruled and they were judge, jury and executioner? But there was law above them the Lord was watching.

Chan Millie wanted to stick around to see what kind of justice Feng Chou would seek from Chan Wen but alas she would miss a good show. Chan Millie knew that Feng's had started to take revenge on the Chan's because they rang her and beg her to talk to Feng Chou to stop.

Chan Millie was shocked they knew how Feng Chou treated her but they still had asked her to help. And why would they think she would help them after the way she was treated by them. They deserved everything that was coming their way.

Chan Millie knew that this family had no bounds they didn't when to call it quits they would still find a way to do something more dramatic but slowly that they would pay for the deeds so that was least a consolation price for Chan Millie. but the Fengs would also pay especially Feng Chou and his beloved Fen. What Fen didn't know Chan Millie knew her deepest darkest secrets. What she would do with them was a whole different chapter?