Chapter 22 - 20 BABY LOK IS FIGHTER(1)

Chan Millie dropped on the floor her phone was still in her hand her father in law walked in and asked:" what's wrong" There was no answer from Chan Millie he walked over and grabbed her phone and he asked the person on the other side to repeat themselves.

After the father in law heard what the nurse said the wind was knocked out of him this was his grandson they were talking about the apple of his eye his most beloved possession he owned he calmly replied but then when he put the phone down he starting barking orders. Inside he was shaking he was just about holding himself together, but on the surface, he was calm when he looked at his daughter in law who was in a flood of tears. He couldn't break down he had to get her to the hospital. His beloved grandson needed his mother's blood.

Feng Jo came down from his room when he heard all the commotion downstairs, he heard hospital and Feng Lok name he came flying he saw Chan Millie collapsed on the floor. His Uncle yelling orders and most of the family gathered in the sitting room.

Feng Jo walked over to Chan Millie he whispered as he hugged Chan Millie:" what's happened where's Lok didn't he go out with Chou" he feared the worst but he knew that his brother loved his son so he wouldn't hurt him.

Chan Millie saw Feng Jo she grabbed his shirt and yelled:" get me to the hospital now my baby needs my blood please take me" she sobbed in between her words the tears flowed like a river was released.

Feng Jo scooped Chan Millie of the floor and ran out of the door while everyone was still dealing in what had happened. Feng Jo drove to the hospital he had skipped all the lights broke all the rules on the road all that was going through his head was Feng Lok had to be okay he had come to love this baby boy as his own. He prayed with all his might that the Feng Lok was okay.

Chan Millie was praying she was ready to make a deal that she would exchange her life for her sons she know in her last life Feng Lok wasn't even born so it was testing fate at was.

They arrived at the hospital Chan Millie didn't wait the car stopped she jumped out and ran in she went to the desk and asked about Feng Lok the nurse pointed towards the emergency room that Feng Lok was in Chan Millie ran straight into the emergency she didn't stop outside her heart went straight on to her mouth as she saw her beautiful baby boy on all sorts of machines all she could hear was the heartbeat of her baby boy on the machine she breathes a sigh of relief. At least Feng Lok is alive the doctor looked over he recognised Chan Millie he called Her over and took her straight the room where they could take her blood.

Chan Millie was whispering loudly:" he is alive least he is alive that's all that matters" she looked at her helpless, lifeless baby boy. She cursed the day Feng Chou came into her life.

Chan Millie:" Doc Sam what happened to Lok why Does he needs my blood he was fine his morning when me out with his father" she looked at him for answers.

Doctor Sam had become good friends with Chan Millie so he decided to tell her the truth he had no reason to cover it up she was the baby mother after all and the way he had seen her care for the baby he knew she had to know so she could protect the baby in the future:" I not sure of the details on what happened Feng Lok he was visiting one of the patients with his father who has just woke up from a coma I don't know what happen but I was told by the doctor there that the patient dropped Feng Lok in the room" he sighed as he told her he couldn't believe that he would see something like this in their hospital.

Chan Millie was shocked someone dropped her baby want kind of cruel person could do that he is a baby who did he possibly harm. He wasn't a threat to anyone suddenly it hit her could it be her sister Chan Wen. Where was his father during this time and where is he now was he outside she didn't pay attention to who was sat there. Chan Millie was dealing with the shock of want had happened. she didn't speak she didn't ask any more she just needed to make sure her baby boy is okay first she would deal with the rest later.

And this time she would deal with them all when her baby got better she would deal with the Chan's and Feng's she was leaving that house all it's done bring her one problem after another.

All she got was heartache and misery the only light in all the darkness was her son he was her hope and joy he was the reason she lived in that hell hole with Feng Chou.

As she watched her baby boy struggling she couldn't stop the tears flowing on their own she was praying for her baby she wasn't a strong churchgoer so she didn't know how to make a pray but she was praying with all her heart today. She watched as the doctor came in and out doing different things that were beyond her understanding. Although they explained everything to her she wasn't listening all she wanted to do was hold her baby close to her and cuddle him, kiss him and let him know his mother was close by and mostly the baby had to survive.

Feng Jo was next to Chan Millie but she didn't notice she was only worried about her baby. Her eyes were peeled to the little face that was cover in tears. she held on to Feng Jo hands and leaned in and whispered:" he has tears coming from his eyes is was he in a pain is he hurting want should I do how should help him why am I so useless" she squeezed Feng Jo hand.

Feng Jo whisper in her ear:" he has pain relief but he might have heard his mama's voice he wants his cuddles from her" he smiled he didn't know want else to say.

Feng Jo didn't know how to console Chan Millie he was in his dilemma of how this could happen he was go8ng make that person pay dearly regardless even if it was his brother.

The whole family had gathered in the hallway waiting on news the doctors to explain what had happened they all noticed that Feng Chou wasn't here. Feng Chou had told the doctors not to tell the family who baby Lok was visiting don't tell them about someone dropping baby Feng Lok.

Feng Lok great Grandparents and grandparents Aunties and Uncles have all gathered the women sobbed and the men sat in silent it didn't miss their attention that Feng Chou was missing during this period. But they were to busy worrying about the baby boy at the moment to be bothered to where Feng Chou. They would deal with him later.

Feng chou was nowhere to be seen he hadn't even come with his baby he was too busy with doctors who were dealing with Fen because she went to crazy mode she had heard from the nurses that her baby was killed and this baby was Feng Chou's wife in a fit of rage she dropped the baby on the floor then she went crazy. The doctors sedated her all she kept repeating was don't leave me, Chou, I love you after hearing that Feng Chou stayed with her rather going with his son.

He believed that his son had his whole family and Fen only had him nobody else. Feng Chou had made his choice Fen was more important than his son who was now fighting for his life. But at this moment in time the rest of the family didn't know this they assumed he was sorting the person who dropped his son.

Feng Jo came from the emergency room. He placed his both hands on his head and struggled to breath what the hell happen to he was playing with his little man this morning little man was giggling away now he was fighting for his life. He needed answers and quick he would go crazy.

Feng Jo turned to the doctor and asked:" Is there anything I can do? He was helpless he didn't know what he could do to help he never felt so useless they had all the money in the world but right at this moment time it was just pieces of paper it was useless.

Doctor Sam:" all we can do now is hope and pray for a miracle this child has been through a lot since he was in his mother's womb " he sighed he couldn't tell them anything for sure they weren't sure either.

Feng Jo asked:" what happened how did Lok end up here? He looked for an answer. Doc Sam was his school buddy as well as being part of is underworld team as well so he was okay with telling him the truth about what happened.

The doctor Sam told the truth Feng Jo was left stupefied why was Feng Chou bring him to that particular ward he needed to find out. He used his phone and told the other side that he wants security footage of the hospital. But right now Feng Lok was his priority he sat on the other side of his bed as he watched him breathing he could see his chest rise and fall at the moment he knew the machine was helping him but he was praying that he would breathe on his own. He had to Feng Lok was born a fighter he had to fight this too.

Almost 24 hours had passed the machine was still attached to Feng Lok and he was not responding to anything the doctors had tried. Now only a miracle could save him.

Chan Millie was praying so hard she was willing to exchange her life for a baby boy. She couldn't believe how twisted her fate was one minute it gave the biggest joy the next it gave her despair of the worst kind. She couldn't believe that Fen was responsible for her baby being like this she wouldn't forgive Fen or Feng Chou if something was to happen to her baby. Chan Millie was willing to comprise and stay by Feng Chou side just for son's sake but now she and her son's life were put in danger because of this one cold-hearted human being.

Chan Millie always thought that Feng Chou loved his son he saw that way he played with him the way he woke up in the middle of the night the minute Feng Lok gurgled he would watch Chan Millie feed him then take him from her and play with him until he fell asleep. Feng Chou was a completely different person when he was with his son all the hatred seem to disappear just his doting side for his son could be seen. Chan Millie couldn't believe that she thought was so wrong she wished she had left with her son sooner she wished she had listened to her gut and mind, not her heart they were telling her to take baby Feng and run she had so many regrets at this point. She also wished she could turn back the hands of time.

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