Grandpa in law smiled:" the name we have chosen is Feng Lok meaning happiness well-chosen he brought happiness with him it's decided any objections" he looked around.
Feng Jo smiled it was the name he had written on the paper everyone agreed he couldn't wait to tell Chan Millie and see her face he loved looking at her.
Chan Mille brought in the tea with the lemon cake and coconut biscuits that she had made and learned that the name she had to pick was chosen she was surprised and happy she looked over at Feng Jo. Chan Millie knew it was his doing he was so nice to her she was growing so fond of him. But she never crossed the line with him she knew there was a fine line that shouldn't be crossed.
Time flew by Feng Lok grew he was still weak because of the poison in his body although it was completely cleared from his body it left damage behind baby needed regular check at the hospital.
Feng Chou and Chan Mille And Feng Lok moved into the old mansion with the elders. They wanted to be close to their Great Grandchild he had become the centre of everyone attention every one would return to the old mansion more often just to see Feng Lok he loved all his family he was a happy baby he rarely cried. Chen Mille didn't object because it stops Feng Chou from the physical abuse but he found other ways of torturing her she still has them with bruises on her body. But not from torture but from the excessive way he did his idea of being intimate with her.
Chan Millie thought why she put up with this abuse but when she looked at her baby she knew it was for him plus he needed a lot of medical attention and needed round the clock monitoring. But she still wants to clear her name by showing the evidence to Feng Chou. Feng Jo had to gather a bit more evidence and she could get herself off the hook. She just needed the footage of that night at the accident scene once she had that then she would be free of all this abuse.
Feng Jo was happy he got to see Chan Millie every day. He had fallen in love with her bit by bit he like spending time with her and Feng Lok as well. Feng Lok got on more with Feng Jo than his father. Feng Jo liked to show that fact of to his brother he always gloated to him about it. May be Feng Lok knew deep down his father didn't want.
Feng Lok likes Feng Jo more than his father every time he cried he wouldn't be quiet until he was in Feng Jo arms. Chan Millie was also surprised at this behaviour. Maybe the baby could sense his father's intentions or maybe because he saw his father abuse his mother. Well, they all shared the room so he did see what his father was doing. Many a time Chan Millie would find the little tike stroking her face like he was comforting her she found it very touching maybe her son understood more than she thought.
Back in the Chan mansion, there was an explosion they couldn't believe that Chan Millie and her baby survived they previously tried all sorts of new plans but never succeeded they didn't know why the plans were not working what they didn't know Chan Millie was now protected by Feng Jo and his Underworld team.
Chan Wen tried to get close to Feng Chou but no luck he had banned her from his offices she could only see him in gatherings she tried to drug him but never successfully she was so frustrated and desperate now she needed to come up with a plan she wanted to kill Feng Lok and make the family turn against Chan Millie they would kick her out or better still kill her giving her chance of entering the Feng's as Feng Chou wife. She tried to enter the hospital so she could kill the baby but he was heavily protected she didn't even know what to do now but she needs to do one thing the baby needed to die.
Little did she know that Feng Chou only belongs to Fen. He didn't love Chan Millie he only loved Fen and she was still in a coma but she was alive it was going to be shocked to Chan Wen but didn't know this. Also, Feng Chou hated all the Chan's there was no way he would ever consider Chan Wen as his wife but she likes to live her delusional world that Feng Chou was in love with her and the obstacle was Chan Millie.
Just as she devised a new plan her new target was Chan Millie she decided that it was better to kill Chan Millie after marriage she could kill the baby she thought her plan was foolproof only new snag was the police came to look for their precious daughter of the Chan's Chan Wen they manage to hide her and sent her aboard but for how long they didn't know because when Feng's wanted to find someone or something the world was very small. But the Feng's had a better way of getting their daughter to return.
What they didn't know that she was already under Feng Jo's radar they knew exactly where she was and they also had planned a hell of a party for her since she likes to party so much and she loves using drugs on other people. Feng Jo thought she should have retribution he would let their men have fun.
The Chan's were now facing financial difficulty and other businesses refuse to do business with them all the collaboration we're pulling out to they were on the verge of bankruptcy. All thanks to Feng Chou he killed them slowly as he to torture them he wants to watch them squirm like little help maggots before he fed them to the pranas. The Chan's turned to everybody even Mu's under the pretence of being Chan Millie's family but they refused as well. The Mu's blamed them for the death of his daughter Chan Millie's mother he was never happy with the choice his daughter made but he gave in and let his daughter marry the greedy man he always knows he was up to no good when the Mu's stops giving Chan's money he somehow they killed his daughter although his daughter was highly skilled underworld queen she gave all that up to live a quiet life with her daughter Chan Millie he later found out the reason behind killing his daughter was so they could collect life insurance all that was in her name now they had squandered everything.
After the death of his beloved daughter, he asked them to give him Chan Millie but the Chan's refused he tried to use Chan Millie as cash machine but that didn't work either. All the anger then was unleashed on Chan Millie by the Chan's. Then came along Feng Chou with his extremely handsome marriage dowery so they didn't need to think twice they handed her over without a second thought. They sold their daughter without batting an eyelid they tried very hard to get them to marry Chan Wen but they were turned down they were told if it wasn't Chan Millie they would pull all the dowry back so the greedy Chan's agreed with Chan Wen protesting to the last minute. She even tried to Chan Millie so she could take her place but failed as Feng Chou checked his bride before proceeding with the wedding.
At the hospital, Fen had woke up but she wasn't speaking or moving yet. The doctor checked her by scanning all her body everything was okay. The doctors didn't know why because all her limps and throat was fine. They brought in psychiatrist because all the doctors had concluded that she was psychologically affected whatever she was suffering from.
Fen started in response to the psychiatrist she started to talk and the first thing she asked was where her baby was. The doctor told Feng Chou that they needed either tell her truth and she would suffer the consequences or find a baby for her the outcome wasn't looking good.
Feng Chou thought long and hard then he came to a conclusion he went home and used an excuse he wanted to take his son out nobody didn't think anything of it. He was baby's daddy after all.
Feng Chou brought him to the hospital and place him near Fen she turned and looked at the baby she smiled and held Feng Lok she played with him but Feng Lok didn't like Fen. He cried very hard it did scare her at first he was she was also said that she only saw him now she was happy still he did look like Feng Chou. But how she knows because Feng Chou wasn't the father. The father was a stranger she met at the bar when she was drunk she enjoyed herself but the guy was gone in the morning. She was brought out of a train of thought when she heard Feng Lok cry he got louder and louder eventually Feng Chou took him he soon settled.
Fen looked disappointed and asked:" why does he not like me" the tears flowed downed her face.
Feng Chou:" it's because you didn't see him since birth you gave been in a coma that's why" he smiled as he lied so easily.
Fen smiled at the answer:" Oh okay can I hold him again then" she smiled at the baby he was now smiling in his father's arms.
Feng Chou walked over and gave Feng Lok to her the minute Feng Lok came into Fen in her arms Feng Lok cried as he looked over to his father to pick him up. The doctor called Feng Chou out to talk to they were stood just in between the door of the ward while they discussed something.
All of sudden they were loud cry then complete silent Feng Chou almost stop breathing he felt something had pulled his heart out if his chest he turned around to see the most shocking scene in front of him.
Feng Lok on the floor and his head were bleeding all Feng Chou saw was his son covered in blood he screamed asked someone to help loudly. The doctors came running over they took Feng Lok they were also horrified at the scene in front of them they too Feng Lok into the emergency room and started treatment they needed blood from the blood bank but the baby carried a rare blood type only his mother could give him blood because of the poison in his blood too.
The doctor didn't look for Feng Chou at this point they rung Chan Millie because she was the next of kin on their system.
Chan Millie was at home when she answered the phone she recognised the number being from the hospital she thought why are they ringing has she missed an appointment as she answered the phone.
Nurse:" hello are you the mother of Feng Lok"
Chan Millie heart beat so fast she was seeing stars when she heard the name Feng Lok:" yes I am Feng Lok mother what's wrong " she could feel her legs shaking.
Nurse:" your son had an accident and needs your blood could you please come quickly he is in critical condition" there was no emotion just instructions.
Chan Millie listen but didn't listen all she heard was her son accident critical care her breathing was erratic her heartbeat was accelerated her brain had stopped working she could understand what the nurse was saying they were only one thought why now?