Chapter 14 - 13: MISSION SAVING HER BABY(4)

The Chans walked in and greeted everyone as though they were close but even her inlaws knew since she has been married they once haven't checked in here they were invited they came. And now they looked like a doting and loving family.

Chan Millie smirked at them then she purposely went and sat next to in between mother in law and grandmother mother in law they both were happy they pampered her throughout the meal the Chan's were all shocked at the way Chan Millie was been treated they thought that nobody would bother with her she would be living in the servant quarters and treated badly.

Chan Millie looked over at Chen Wen who was sat next to her brother in law she behaved like they were a couple she put food into Feng Chou plate he eventually had to put his hand over to stop her in the whole time he had his sight on Chan Millie he also noticed her smirk and her peeking at them. He thought what is she thinking wants with the smirk this woman is growing wings he would have to deal with her later.

Feng Chou notices Chan Millie smirk like she knew something and she was looking to confirm something. Feng Chou for some reason didn't like that look she just gives why even he didn't know why but it upset him and this woman Chan Wen was seriously getting on his nerves he couldn't tolerate the women her perfume was so wrong it was giving him a headache but for some reason, Chan Wen would cling to him like they were lovers.

Chan Wen perfume was so strong that he could even taste it in his food he didn't have much of an appetite left. He excused himself saying he had to make a call from the table went to hide in the office. He locked the door so Chan Wen couldn't come in. He was annoyed at Chan Millie for running and sitting in between his mother and grandmother she would pay for this after.

Feng Chou couldn't understand why this Chan Wen hovered around him he didn't like her he had told her that and she was banned from entering the office buildings. She somehow found his private mobile number Chan Millie didn't even have the mobile number he had to bar her number from his phone. He was going to have to do something about this woman she was becoming too much.

After he comes back out he was called by his father to have tea in the sitting room.

Chan Millie looked at the way Chan Wen came over and hugged her husband and ran her hand over his back if she had seen this before she would think they were close but she knew better now that this was all for show but it still disgusts her the same.

Chan Millie pretended she didn't notice this time she walked over and sat down next to grandma again. the rest of the families joined her she watched how her so-called father suck up to her in-laws she found his lecherous behaviour disgusting. And her stepmother was talking about the latest fashion and the latest jewellery.

The Fengs owned a few malls the clothes they wore all designer and they had their jewellery stores so they always had the latest design first as her you get sister in law was the designer of the jewellery store Chan's Millie stepmother was bragging about.

Overall, there was not one person in the Chan family that was nice they all had their agenda but apart from Chan Xiao at least he bothers to ask Chan Millie how she was the others don't even bother greeting her. Feng Chou notice this he did feel sorry for Chan Millie but he surprised that Chan Millie wasn't concerned with her family either.

Chan Millie smirked at their stupidity of her family thinking they were going get some money from the Feng's. The only person from her family that didn't speak to anyone and kept himself to himself was Chan Xiao he looked disgusted at his greedy family.

Chan Millie enjoyed the attention that was being given by the elders they always treated her nicely even in her past life they were nice to her but it made her miss her grandma this was the next best thing they were very nice.

Grandma was also watching the shameless behaviour of Chan When she wasn't happy she also watched the shameless parents who were smiled at their daughter's antics. She couldn't hold it any longer:" Youngster these days have forgotten their boundaries and how to behave in front of their elders but I blame the parents for not teaching them the basics of which of relationships are forbidden" she spoke every elegantly and wasn't rude but she hoped she got her point across.

Feng Chou had walked back to sit in the same spot looked up his and saw his grandmother looked at him in anger he soon moved away from Chan Wen because it upset his elders. He was the apple of their eyes but they still would scold him about his wrongdoings. He came over and his mum moved next to his father he sat next to his wife.

While Feng Chou is sat there he grabs Chan Millie's hand and squeezes it. Millie is in pain it is the same hand that was damaged in the bath it hasn't healed properly so when someone grabs it or she grabs a something it is pain full. He then placed his arm around her waist pulls towards him they were so close it made Chan Millie uncomfortable.

They haven't sat like this in this lifetime or last so Chan Millie is feeling slightly strange. On the other hand, Fang Chou is feeling strange but in a good way, he can smell his wife scent it is pleasing to one's nose. He didn't know why he likes the feeling in his whole body.

Chan Millie wasn't going give the satisfaction that it was pain full she sat the quietly she looked over at Feng Chou thinking" you're a bastard and vile human being". What was he playing at isn't he suppose to be flirting with Chan Wen for everybody attention.

The Chan's had stayed that long that it was ready evening dinner time so they were invited to stay so they all headed to the dining room. Feng Chou let Chan Millie sit down first then walked over and sat next to her he rubbed her leg then squeezed her leg. Chan Millie looked in horror what was he doing. He smiled at when she looked at him. What was going on she thought this isn't right he never did this ever.

Feng Chou placed food into Chan Millie dishes she was watching him she ate with her left hand so it wasn't a problem eating but why was he trying to fatten her up. Wasn't she fat enough as it was? When the dessert come Chan Millie eyes lit up. She loves her desserts. Grandma gives her a bit of everything. Chan Millie smiled while she ate. Feng Chou looked at her smiling and smiled himself he didn't know why but when he saw Chan Millie smile it made him smile too.

This didn't go unnoticed from Chan Wen she was fuming inside she wanted to slap Chan Millie until her face bruised. She hated the fact that she was supposed to be in the seat that Chan Mollie sat in that should be Hershey should be doting on her why is this fat bitch get it all what was good about her?

Feng Chou placed his dessert in Chan Millie plate while all the Chan's we're watching they couldn't believe that Chan Millie was so well taken care of even her husband doted on her they couldn't allow that they needed their daughter Chan Wen to replace Chan Millie.

Chan Millie stepmother spoke:" Millie dear you shouldn't eat too much you already piling so much weight on it will be difficult for you to get pregnant I am sure the Feng's want a grandchild soon my Wen is so smart she keeps an eye on her weight she exercises every morning so she never becomes like Millie men get put off by chubby women" she smiked sarcastically.

Feng Chou looked up and thought nobody is allowed to bully Chan Millie but me she is my criminal:" I like my wife like this I don't like anorexic women they look like they been starved and what's with she won't get pregnant didn't my parents tell why you are invited were having a baby that's why we invited you to lunch to celebrate and look you stayed for dinner she is giving birth to the grandchild of this family isn't that fantastic news " he smiled happily.

Leaving the Chan's all in shock the only one who got up was Chan Xiao who got up from his seat and came and hugged his sister:" congratulations sis" he had a genuine smile on his face. He thought was happy for this sister she deserves this happiness she has suffered all of her life.

Then the rest of the Chen's congratulate the Feng's but not Chan Millie the Feng's watched the behaviour of this family the elder has already not likened this family now they impression was worse. Grandma pulled Chan Millie in for a hug.

As they finished they all took a walk to digest the food Chan Millie watched her husband and Chan Wen was trying to make conversation with Feng Chou while walking together Chan Wen was holding Feng Chou's arm Grandma noticed again she was very angry with her grandson she walked in between and pushed Chan Wen away she just about stabilise herself and gave grandma a very dirty look.

Chan Wen spoke in anger:" can't you see where you were going I nearly fell " she frowned she was expecting Feng Chou to speak up but he didn't he was angry the way she spoke to his grandma. Nobody in the family had ever spoken an elder in that manner.

Feng Chou grabbed Chan Wen arm and pulled her in front of grandma. Chan Wen thought he was pulling her so Grandma could apologise for pushing her she was now smiling Feng Chou spoke he was angry:" apologise now" he growled.

Chan Wen smirked at Grandma thinking any minute now the old hag will apologise. She waited but nothing she looked at the old hag then at Feng Chou as to say she is not apologising. Feng Chiu had gripped on Chan Wen arm tighten she winced in pain then teared up as she looked at Feng Chou:" brother Chou you're hurting me please hold it gently and look Grandam won't apologise" she pouted like a silly school girl.

Feng growled:" who said that Grandma needed to apologise you how dare you who do think you are you apologise for being rude to my Grandma now or I will snap your arm like a twig" he tightens even more.

Chan Wen was left stunned at what just happened she was in pain:" sorry Grandma" she whispered she was too embarrassed.

Chan Wen then looked up to see Chan Millie quietly observing what had just happened she lashed out at Chan Millie:" it's all your fault I bet you said bad things about me to the family that's why they treating me like this your just horrible slut will always be a slut" she went to hit Chan Millie.

Chan Millie was looking at her sister in shock what the hell did I do. Chan Wen pushed Chan Millie she fell back Chan Millie was waiting for an impact she thought I will certainly have a sore bum and back She felt two warm hands grab her.

Chan opened one eye to see Feng Joe had caught her. Chan Millie was left surprised as well, when did Feng Joe arrive want he out of the country on the business they all we're watching them. Feng Joe straighten Chan Millie then asked:" Are you okay"

Chan Millie looked and smiled:" yes thank-you " she liked the way he made her feel safe.

Feng Chou gripped Chan Wen and pushed her she fell to the ground with a big thud. He then walked over and pulled Chan Millie towards him and asked:" are you okay any pain anywhere" he looked like he was genuinely worried about her.

Chan Millie shook her head and smiled at Feng Chou. Then she looked at her stepsister sat on the floor in tears. She was giving Chan Millie evil glares. Chan Wen yelled:" it's all your fault look his you have wrapped the Feng men around your finger's you've always been good at seducing the men with your sultry ways" she sobbed.

Chan Millie did answer her she was used to this she was called a lot worse this was Chan Wen being nice to her she was tired she slowly walked back into the house. She didn't want to fall for any more of Chan Wen dirty tricks.