Chereads / THIRD TIME COULD BE A CHARM / Chapter 15 - 15: DIRTY TRICKS (2)

Chapter 15 - 15: DIRTY TRICKS (2)


The doctor told Feng Jo about it. Feng Jo stood in horror he raised his hands on his head what the hell was going on in their house who would poison both mother and child he thought everybody would happy about the baby what had happened in the evening he would go back and find out. He needed to know why this was possible with so many people around he was sure it wasn't his family and the only other family was the Chen's he did notice the way behaved with Chan Millie it could be them?

Feng Jo waited at the hospital until both mother and child were stable. When Chan Millie came round she saw Feng Jo sat on her bed holding her hand she tightens the grip around his hand and asked with a horsey voice:" Is the baby okay I heard poison who has poisoned me or the baby is my baby going to be okay I can't lose him again not this time " she was mumbling all sorts fell back asleep.

Feng Jo looked at her what does she mean again has she already lost a child that was poisoned too he tightens the grip he needed to know everything that was going on. He tried asking her again:" could you tell me what happened to the first baby Millie"

Chan Millie spoke while she is asleep:" he killed him" she signed as tears poured down her face.

Feng Jo:" who killed who Millie" he was puzzled.

Chan Millie:" Master Feng did it he said that I didn't deserve to have his baby I wasn't worthy of being his child mother"

Feng Jo was left dumbstruck that his brother did this why did he hate Chan Millie so much he realised he didn't k ow his brother at all now:" Millie what does brother hate you" he was hoping she would tell him.

Chan Millie:" because he thinks I tried to kill Fen but I didn't I wish he asked if not for my first life I still wouldn't know why he hated me so much" she signed again.

Feng Jo was confused? What first life is she talking about she has stopped making sense now but she was sleep talking so that might be it but he had to look into Fen as well?

Feng Jo had been pulled aside by the nurse that had cleaned Chan Millie who was unconscious she showed her wounds on Chan Millie's body the nurse thought he was the husband she was not I pressed by him he didn't know what to say either t9 defend himself.

Feng Jo walked back into the ward he lifted Chan Millie's top to see the bruises he couldn't believe what he was seeing he knew deep down the only one person that could have done this is Feng Chou but why? His brother was this kind of person who has happened to him? But after speaking to Chan Millie the puzzle was coming together.

Feng joe knew his brother well they grew up together he knew he didn't have a bad bone in his body so what was he seeing he couldn't believe it was his brother that had done this and the question was why? He needed to find his brother to find out what was going on? What made him into this monster and if there was a way to fix this?

Feng Jo didn't know how she affects him so much he felt her pain. He looked at her lying there she was beautiful she was weaker than before but she was still beautiful she lay there sleeping beauty waiting for prince charming to kiss her and wake her up. Feng Jo could feel his heart beating faster he couldn't explain why she made him like this.

He leaned in and lightly kissed her lips they soft like he imagined they would be he couldn't help himself he kissed her again Chan Millie stirred in her sleep he moved away quickly.

After while Chan Millie woke up again this time she was fully conscious she looked around to find Feng Jo sat looking at his phone.

Chan Millie asked again:" have you spoken to the doctors what did they say about the poison is my baby going to be okay" she looked worried at Feng Joe.

Feng Joe:" the baby is fine they treating him now and they have discovered which poison was used they have an antidote for it they have given it to both of so you both should recover well" he smiled as he spoke the last sentence. He didn't want her to worry too much.

Feng Joe only knew what he went through to obtain the antidote but the main thing that they both were alright. He had rung his old army buddy who was expert in poison and got to fly over in his jet to treat the mother and child and make the antidote himself he was instructed heath to do and then he administered the both of them his buddy said he would stay until the both was recovered.

Feng Joe now looked at Chan Millie:" Millie what is going on tell me from where it all started from how did you end up with my brother and why is treating this way so the thing is going on my brother is not cruel so want to be made him like this"?he was hoping she would tell him and ask for his help.

Chan Millie looked at him she was quite just when Feng Jo thought she wouldn't say anything she spoke:" well it all started when my stepsister tried to kill Fen Master Feng's girlfriend. Fen was my roommate in university she was my only friend I ever had. My stepsister wanted to marry Master Feng so she one night in a drunken rage ran Fen over with my car and then somehow left evidence that it was me who committed the crime so Master Feng married me to seek revenge for a crime I did not commit and thus my nightmare started. But I knew he wouldn't spare the baby because Fen also lost her baby so he has to make me suffer the same pain as Fen. The poison could either be Master Feng or it could be my stepsister but it's not like Master Feng approach I am thinking it is Wen since she just happened to turn up right now and she couldn't see me next to Master Feng I have a feeling it's my step sister because she would kill the person that gets in the way of her marriage to Master Feng as for Master Feng he is more torture" she sighed as she remembered the way he tortured her.

Feng Jo listens to everything he was horrified that his brother could treat someone like this but then again he did love Fen very much so may he would do all the things Chan Millie is saying. He still remembers when he told all the family that he wanted to marry Fen and they did a background check and found out she was the daughter of a prostitute they refused blankly. Feng Chou went mad he didn't eat for days they were about to give in when he decides then he wanted to marry Chan Millie it did puzzle everyone how he changed his mind so quickly and married Chan Millie. Now it all made sense why he switched.

Feng Jo:" wait a minute did Fen die? do you have any evidence to clear you from all of this or anything that we can show Feng Chou that you were not there at the time" he looked as he wondered what he needed to do.

Chan Millie:" firstly Fen didn't die she is in a comma and secondly I only have a video of my sister behaving crazy when she is telling her stepmother what she had done and how she did it and asked her mother to cover for her, oh! and she has the neckless that Master Feng gave to Fen with a ring on it it has both Master Feng and Fen names in them. I think that's the same ring he used to propose to Fen with she wears saying that Master Feng gave it to her" she looked at Feng Joe.

Chan Millie remembered from the past life she had seen it she also remembered she wore it all the time so hopefully, she had it this time too but a lot had changed she never gives birth to her baby's before this was different so she had slightly changed her past she never met Feng Joe in her last life either she never had someone to help her in the last life this was new as well.

Chan Millie didn't know what lay ahead now but she wouldn't let them all get away with what they did to her that included her husband he tried to kill her baby that's unforgivable he always needed to pay for torturing and abuse she could forgive her baby that's where she draws the line. After her experience in her last life, she was not ready to forgive them she would avenge herself because there was nobody that would help her do any of it.

She didn't know if Feng Jo would help she had only met him he was a total stranger for her. As she looked at the gentle smile on his face she felt he would help her but she knows deep down better not to trust anyone. He is after all Master Feng's brother.

Feng Jo:" okay that's good it's a start let me get the video for that day and get a clear picture of who was driving your car and find out how she planed it who has involved she didn't do all often on her own" he didn't want to say anything but he had a feeling who was behind all of this he would kill him this time.

Chan Millie:" tell me now how my baby is now please?" she looked at him pleading.

Feng Jo:" I am not going to lie to you he is critical care he is also poisoned but for him, it is a very dangerous level one doctors found in your blood, there is a poison mixed with abortion pills at very high content I assume that your assumption was right they are both Chou and Wen are involved I don't if they working together or alone I will get to the bottom of this too" he looked at Chan Mille with sympathy. He thought she has been through a lot I will help you so you can escape this place and have a happy life where ever that might be.

Chan Millie:" hey Master Feng thank-you for believing in me and thank you for helping me too" she smiled. She wasn't 100% sure he would help but it was the fact that he said he would. She thoughts that counts for something if nothing she wouldn't be too disappointed it wouldn't be the first time it wouldn't be the last either.

But Chan Millie was sure of one tho g that if they tried to kill her child once they would certainly try again so she had to protect her baby at all cost she would even exchange her life for her baby's in a heartbeat.

Feng Jo:" no need and call me Master Jo just Jo from now on okay let me tell the family that you are here okay" he smiled as he left.

After he left he rung the house and spoke to Grandma and told her everything he told to get the security footage before someone tries to delete it he would head home first and check that then he would help Chan Millie to gather evidence. He didn't know why but he felt he had to help her this was the first time he had taken a liking to the opposite sex and the worst was she was his brother's wife what a dilemma he found d hi self in.

Grandma was alert she headed to the surveillance room and put her USB in transferred the footage on to the USB so if someone came to delete the footage later she would have the original. She deleted the footage of her entering the room so nobody would be any wiser than she had been and took the evidence. She, after all, was the grandmother of the leader the of the underworld she was the leader before he took over her place.
