Chapter 12 - 12: MISSION SAVING HER BABY (3)


They stayed at the old mansion for a week they were finally heading home. Chan Millie was feeling better they all went back to the city Chan Millie was dreading this because she knew he would have her on her own and Feng Chou could do anything he wanted to her. Chan Millie told her self she would make her set strong enough to be able to defend her self from Feng Chou for her baby sake.

When they got home it was late they headed into the bedroom Feng Chou looked at Chan Millie as she had walked out of the bathroom with her nightwear on he walked in after he had a shower he walked into the room to find Chan Millie leaning on the bannister looking out at the night sky.

Feng Chou thought what is she staring at the dark this women is weird. Had been to see Fen today he had the image of her in his head he walked over to Chan Millie he really wanted to push Chan Millie over the bannister but changed his mind he pulled her hair and drag her into the room he told her to stand facing the wall he explained that he couldn't her hit her just anywhere because she was pregnant.

Chan Millie followed the instructions he gave she placed her hands flat on the wall she spread her legs and waited for what was about to come she knew the drill. The whip came out the first landed on her back she stood there without making a sound the second lash then third and fourth after he got tired he pulled her hair dragged her and threw her on the bed he knew he shouldn't have sex with her but he didn't care he had his pleasure as well Chan Millie lay there like a corpse she didn't feel anything she didn't shed one a teardrop he wasn't worth her tears.

He was unworthy of her anything. What she didn't understand was while he would have sex with her he was very gentle he wasn't rough but she past paying attention to it any more. When he finished he went to sleep Chan Millie lay there stared at the ceiling blankly there was no emotion no sadness no happiness nothing she had stopped her self from feeling anything a long time ago. It was the only way if coping with all of this.

In the morning she woke sore all over she didn't complain she looked around the bathroom door was closed so she knew he was in the bathroom. She sat and waited for him to come out. He walked out with his towel to get his clothes he had a dam sexy body but for Chan Millie, it wasn't tempting she didn't like him at all he was her husband by name only nothing else. She stared at his body like the other day. She wasn't actually looking at him she was daydreaming about what she needed to do today or what was supposed to happen today. Feng Chou came and stood next to Chan Millie but she didn't notice he out one knee on the bed brought is face next to Chan Millie nose and bit it .

The pain brought Chan Millie out of he daze quickly she looked at him his face was close to hers he spoke:" what remember last night enjoyed it do you want me to give you another reminder" he chuckled evilly.

Chan Millie looked at him shook her head she lowered her gaze she never made eye contact with him she moved to the side to avoid him and tried to get out of bed because she got up to quick she felt dizzy and was about to lose her Balance Feng Chou grabbed her.

Feng Chou carried her princess style just as they reached the bathtub Chan Millie thought not a again he threw her in. She lands funny she hurt her wrist she winced in pain Feng Chou looked back and smiled this is the first time he heard her make a sound in pain that's a what he wanted to hear. That smooth sound for his heart he felt unusually good.

As Chan Millie tried to wash her self the pain grew more and more she ended scrubbing herself with her left-handed because she couldn't use her right hand she managed to change her clothes as well she headed down for breakfast where mother in law saw she running over excitedly:" I have booked an appointment with the gynaecologist we will go see her after breakfast they all headed to the hospital.

Chan Millie had breakfast it was especially nutritious today because of her being pregnant she smiled thus was not for her but her baby she thought you are lucky baby you are getting the best treatment you haven't made it to this world. They will love so much when you come there is so many people to dote on you.

They arrived at the hospital went to the gynaecologist department the doctor there already knew her mother in law they both went to the same university. They went straight in she was checked and blood we're taken then the doctor send Chan Millie for a scan to see how far along she was. As the nurse rubbed the gel on Chan Millie stomach, she notices the bruising on her body Chan Millie gestured her not to say anything. The nurse looked Chan Millie in horror.

The nurse thought these rich people we're weird they looked all well behaved but behind closed doors, it was all different this was not the first time she had seen this it wouldn't be the last.

As she checked the baby she did her measurements and did all the necessary checks. Then she turned the screen to Chan Millie and her mother in law they both saw the baby clearly she was already 20 weeks pregnant the baby was almost fully developed they both saw what looked like the baby waving both women had tears rolling down there faces.

Mother in law:" could we have a picture and a video I want to show it at home as well" she smiled. She couldn't believe that that was her grandchild there she couldn't wait to hold the baby in her arms.

The nurse nodded she didn't say anything else. She helped Chan Millie up gently off the bed and patted her shoulder and smiled sympathetically then she sends them back to the doctor with the result as they enter Chan Millie saw her father in law there waiting she was surprised she thought what is he doing here she looked at her mother in law she smiled and gestured she had called him.

The father in law was talking to the doctor he was there to donate money to the hospital this hospital would be looking after his grandchild, after all, he wanted the best he filled in the necessary paperwork regarding the care plan for Chan Millie. It looked like the elders would be her birthing partners she didn't mind at least they were caring she didn't want that man to influence on her child.

Chan Millie sat and watched her father in law she was amazed at how he took note of every little detail like a father she knew it was for his grandchild but still the same this was the first time she saw someone do something so nice for her and pay so much attention for her. She didn't know why she felt crying she felt happy. Chan Millie held her tears until they all reached the car then she hugged her mother in law and burst into tears. Both the in laws looked worried.

Father in law:" sweetheart are you in pain should I call the doctor" he was worried he was about to get out of the car to get the doctor.

Chan Millie grabbed his arm:" no Master Feng I am happy that's all" she hugged her mother in law tighter.

Her father in law patted her head:" don't call me that you make a sound so distance calls me dad or daddy okay sweetheart" he patted her.

Chan Millie heard her father in law that and cried, even more, her mother patted Chan Millie on the back to console her Chan Millie only remembers her grandma patted her to sleep she soon fell asleep they inlaws both smiled at each other as she slept on her mother in laws shoulder her mother in law held her like hold precious cargo.

The father in law rung the old mansion and told them that he had a video of the baby they were all happy they wanted to see it too they told them to come over on the weekend and stay over while they watched at the video together.

Chan Millie couldn't believe how the time had changed she felt happy thinking she would be able to give birth to this child hopefully her husband would be okay with it. She had the whole family on board and they're looking after her from her health to her food was monitored by her in-laws even her clothes we're changed to comfortable loose ones this was the first time someone other than her grandma had brought her clothes. Chan Millie was amazed at this she was happy even if was for a short time.

The weekend arrived they all headed to the old mansion not before Feng Chou had abused her the night before knowing he would be able to touch her while she was at the old mansion.

They arrived everyone greeted everyone Chan Millie became the centre of everyone's attention she wasn't used to being the centre of attention. In her whole life as a child she would hide behind her mother then she would hide behind her grandmother she was shy child.

The whole family gathered for dinner they also had guest it was Chan Millie's father and her stepmother, stepbrothers and stepsisters. Chan Millie was surprised to see them she didn't expect to see so them so quickly in this life. Chan Millie hadn't seen Chan Wen since the day she died she was her worst enemy she had a lot to pay Chan Millie had a lot of depts to collect from this stepsister.

Chan Wen came over and hugged Chan Millie like they were best friends. Chan Millie avoided her hug she didn't want anything to do with this women. Then she went over hugged Feng Chou and hugged him in front of everybody the way she rubbed her body on him left everybody looking on in shock.