Chapter 9 - 10: MISSION SAVING HER BABY (1)


As Feng Chou approaches Chan Millie she jumps out of bed and runs into the bathroom shutting the door and quickly locked it. Chan Millie couldn't think of anything at this moment so this was a good move which means that she had changed her fate with what consequences she had to see?

Feng Chou eyes showed he was very angry if she stayed in the room she doesn't know what he would have done if she hadn't run he would have killed her and the baby he couldn't let her have this happiness.

Feng Chou couldn't believe he let her get pregnant he made sure she took the pill every morning so what had happened did she do on purpose pretend to take the tablet and threw it out when he left. He couldn't find any other explanation for it.

And now the whole family knew about it wasn't going to be easy. The elders were very happy he couldn't disappoint them. He had to make it look like an accident. He sat down on the sofa and thought you have to come out of there at some point I will be right here when you do.

Chan Millie sat on the floor in the bathroom she was very tired lately she fell asleep. She didn't know her bro in law and sis in law came to see Chan Millie congratulate her. when she didn't come out of the bathroom for a long time sister in law got the keys open the door to check to see if she was alright they saw here asleep they looked at their older brother.

Feng Chou shook his head and step forward and picked her up princess style as he did she cuddled into his chest he didn't know why she felt warm he was angry that she was snuggled up to him sometimes he didn't know why he found himself looking at secretly. The cuddle was warm and soothing his anger disappeared.

Feng Chou placed her in the bed they all left and let her rest they all stayed the night at the old mansion. Feng Chou got ready for bed he walked over he got into the bed he stared at Chan Millie she had an innocent look to her but he knew her better she ran somebody over then got out and beat her until she thought Fen Jia was dead then she leaves her to die or so he thought?

As he stared Feng Chou was going to make sure he paid her 10 fold back to her. She had to pay for killing his child and trying to kill Fen Jia. As he looked at her why did he sometimes doubt that she did all of this? But he saw his Fen Jia suffering and now in her coma, it made him hate this woman so much. He turned the other way and went to sleep.

When Chan Millie woke up she looked around she adjust her eyes to see that she was at the old mansion she turned over to see Feng Chou looking at her he sacred her she jumped out of the bed and stood straight like a rod. She looked at him and the distance between the bathroom because his side was closer to the bathroom would she able to sprint in without being caught by him.

Feng looked at her he seems to know what she was thinking but it was also the first time she was looking to run too normally she let him abuse her however he wanted. As she shot for the bathroom he got up to he doesn't why but he just wanted to have to fun with her he stood in front of her to stop her going in he smirked and thought what will you do now?

Chan Millie was looking down when running so she ran straight into his chest and fell back she landed on her bum wasn't comfortable but at least it didn't hurt it was all carpeted she looked at the mean man in front and what the hell did he want what was the need for that I need a wee quickly I can't hold it in oh no! what should I do she was too embarrassed to tell him she needs a wee she doesn't know what he wants? What would he do?

She didn't speak she looked around she saw the exit out of the room this was the next option for her-she could use one of the guest room and use the bathroom. Chan Millie got up and dashed out of the room as she headed out of the door she turned around and saw her husband staring at her. She pulled a tongue and closed the door she managed to find a room where there nobody in she used the bathroom she looked around it was a nice room.

Chan Millie went to the bathroom it was nice so she also had a shower there too. Chan Millie felt a lot better after her peaceful bath she started to explore the room she was in it was someone bedroom it had personal things in it she walked towards the large balcony she looked out it was the amazing view of the whole garden. The fresh breeze was comforting the view was amazing she was lost in the splendour.

Chan Millie stood there as time stood still For as she looked on. It was peaceful tranquillity here Why was this room so peaceful she leaned on the balcony and looked at the view. She hadn't felt this peace full in a long time. She thought whoever lives here and see this every morning must have a good day every day. They are very lucky to wake up to this every morning.

What she couldn't understand was she felt like she was very familiar with the surrounding in this room it was though she had been here before and she liked it for some reason. She was sure she had not ever been here before not in this life or her last life it was too weird.

Feng Jo walked in he was the eldest grandchild of the house he hadn't got married he hadn't found the one as he told the family he wasn't present for dinner last night he was in the USA had returned this morning he came and stood behind Chan Millie he looked at her for some time looking at the view.

Feng Jo was going to shout but when he saw Chan Millie he stops he found her mesmerizing she was smiling he saw her dimples on her chubby face she was so cute he wanted to pinch her cheeks she reminded him of the cabbage patch kids doll he had seen in the USA.

While Chan Millie looked out at the view Feng Jo looked at her he studied the different faces she made while stood there each cuter than the last. Feng Jo realised he hadn't seen her before was she a maid but she didn't have a uniform so who was she what was she doing in my room he thought to himself.

Feng Jo admitted that he stayed away for so long so he doesn't remember who she was he hadn't stayed in touch with Feng Chou they met in passing and he was even missing at his cousin's wedding and he still hadn't seen the pictures of Feng Chou wedding so he hadn't seen his cousins his wife.

He didn't care who she was he liked her so much he was knocked out at first sight. He didn't believe in love at first sight but he was a believer after seeing Chan Millie. He walked over to her side and stood there he looked at her she was still in a daze she didn't even notice him there. He thought what could be bothering her that she was also frowning with assorts different facial expressions

Chan Millie came out of her daze she looked down at her feet and shook her head she whispered to her self:" well it was nice while lasted I better go face the devil I wish I could just disappear from here but alas it, not the case I will change my fate I won't let him kill you baby okay mama will protect you promise" she rubbed her belly.

As she looked down at her stomach and turned around she jumped out of her skin when she saw Feng Jo stood there she lost her balance she was about fallback Feng Jo caught her pulled her into his embrace. The warm hug was nice for Feng Jo he felt his heart accelerate he didn't know why? He never felt this way about anyone before what was she doing to him?

Feng Jo heard everything she muttered he knew who she was now! He was envious of his brother Feng Chou after he also heard what she said and thought what is my brother up to.

Chan Millie tried to pull out of his embrace she nearly fell he pulled her back into his embrace his heart missed a beat as her body touch his. He could feel her warm breath on his chest through his shirt he felt his heartbeat race like crazy what was she doing to him?

Chan Millie was forbidden for him but she was the one he had been looking for all his life. What was happening to him he looked into her big bright green eyes their we're so sad it was like she was lifeless she reminded him of a kitten you was injured and needed healing why didn't he find her before his brother could he possibly steal he wondered?