Chereads / The Law of Tournament / Chapter 2 - May The Wind Lift Your Soul pt1

Chapter 2 - May The Wind Lift Your Soul pt1

Ever since the night of my moms death I've never been able to trust a single soul but my own. To be honest I think people just use other for their own upbringing and personal gain. Which is precisely why I don't trust anyone.

"Hey gale, master says it's time for dinner" says one of my colleagues. well...there is one exception. Alizeh, one of the prettiest girls in our village. We have been friends ever since we were kids and if there is one person that I can trust it's her.

I snap out of my deep thought process to get up and walk to the dining hall with her. "So...what were you doing in your room, it looked creepy" she says filled with energy.

"It's called mediation, maybe if you listened in class instead of eating you would know about it". I keep my head high and facing forward.

"Yeah yeah I wouldn't want my legs looking like twisty pasta anyways" she says speeding ahead of me.

"Hey Ali wait for me".

We make it to the dining hall and everyone is already in their seats waiting for me and Ali to sit down. After We take our seats the director steps up to the stage and gathers everyone's attention before beginning to speak. "Western wind tribe, today we eat in thankfulness that King has let us live another day, And we thank the wind spirits for watching over us in our time of need. You all may eat knowing you have survived King" The director steps down from the stage and everyone claps as he walks over to join the elders at their table.

"Hey gale have you ever wondered what the king is like?" she asks with sparkling eyes.

"You ask me this every time. It's one thing to be curious but you're legit obsessed."

"you call it obsession I call It love" she puts a strange emphasis in love.

"Yeah well don't bring any of that 'love' near me, I want nothing to do with that man."

Alizeh gains a shocked expression on her face and goes into a moment of realization "im sorry" she says in a sad tone "I didn't mean to bring him up like that. I forgot."

"hey there's no point in feeling sad now. My dad did what he did and there's no turning back time". As hard on me as it was, now was really not the time to be talking about such a sensitive topic.

"I still can't believe your dad would do something like that. He didn't seem like that type of guy."

"Yeah well whatever his reason was. King must've tricked him" I say trying my best not to shout out of anger.

Alizeh and I both sit quiet for awhile after that. we finish eating our food and just like that the banquet was over.

The next morning I woke up thinking about King. About why he chooses to rule like this, what does he gain?, is it for amusement? No ones that sick, right? I take off my blanket and get out of my bed and leave my room to take a breath of fresh air. Strangely when I got outside The wind was blowing hard, the air smelt earthy and warm "petrichor..." I say to myself "the smell of rain". It's odd though, normally a smell like this would be calming and pleasant but makes me feel uneasy.

I start to head a little up the mountain to get a closer look of the clouds. "That can't be good". I quickly turn my body to rush down the mountain. I tried to move fast and be careful at the same time. At the time I wasn't thinking straight. cutting myself on branches and bushes, all I could think about was whether I was going to make it back in time. But while in my head space a small rock slipped from beneath my shoe which caused me to lose my balance and I started to fall off the mountain edge.

Although I was falling to my death I couldn't think about anything else accept for the same 4 things. My mom, My dad, Alizeh, and King. My eyes at first were glued shut but for the slight moment I opened my eyes I could see it, I could see the wind. It was brushing against me, pushing me, almost like it's trying to catch me, or hold me. I knew I was powerless in this situation. I close my eyes once more accepting my death. But I suddenly had a change in heart, I realize it now, I can't die...Not yet. I feel a rush of wind, really strong wind, push against my back. "The wind saved me? I guess that's what it's like to have your life flash before your eyes." I say with streams of tears running down my face. I didn't have time to think about that any longer I needed to warn everyone about the massive storm coming. I gathered myself and ran back to the village.