Chapter 20 - 21st Night

Maybe I should just go to sleep. It's just half past eleven but I'm not in the mood for the midnight snack anyway. Menace went back to the second floor and into the bathroom. After she was finished there, she changed her purple T-shirt and her jeans to her sleeping dress and got to bed.

Perhaps I will dream something interesting at least.

Young Blood was working in the labor till 3 am and went to bed afterwards.

Also Cherry Blossom was very busy with her company till half past 3. Sugar was in her room writing on a receipt for her next cake and got to sleep at about one.

Frosty stayed at the bar for 2 hours. Phoenix stopped by to trink a little cocktail with her but also left for bed early.

Dark Dark stayed in his room till 2 am writing on something he started in the afternoon in the studio.

Saturday, Thrill and Fade continued playing cards in the living room. After an hour they had eaten all the cupcakes they got from the kitchen. At about 12 pm they made a little break and talked if they wanted to get themselves a midnight snack but agreed against it and went to sleep.

At 1 am Care looked after Trick at the station. He fell asleep a while ago and Care went to bed too. July read a book about biology till she got to sleep.

Nervous Wrack and Numb played music till one am and went to bed later.