Chapter 23 - 24th Fruits

Phoenix and Dark Dark were outside, sitting on some rocks eating their apples and afterwards the puddings. July was in the garden taking care of her flowers. After she was finished she came over to Phoenix and asked her:"You wanna go into the woods picking some fruits with me?" "Sure, you wanna come with us?", she said and looked at Dark Dark. He shock his head and replied:" no, thanks but I will write some music instead." "Alright", Phoenix called and stood up to leave with July. They ran to get some bags to put the fruits in and entered the woods.

Running for a few minutes they reached the part with the fruit trees and climbed them easily. After a while they got 15 apples, ten oranges, seven pineapples and 13 bananas in their bags. Then they went on to the cherry and peach trees. July ran up a tree and caught some cherries to put it in her bag. Phoenix picked some peaches till she had about 25. When they had enough they made their way back to the building.

Meanwhile Dark Dark went inside and got through the hallway to enter the studio. He desided to play drums a little and maybe write later. The studio was empty, so he sat at the drums and played some recent songs by his band. It was fun.