Right as he used the skill, something popped infront of him, it read.
>Magic Level(Grade):19(Sage Mage)<
Seeing this he paused for a bit an was bombarded with questions,
'Magic level 19? A sage mage? Is it high or low, how many people are at this level, what even is the highest grade for this planet?'
He then continued to think about it for a few more seconds until stopping and thinking again.
'I should just ask Rai about these things, it's too much of a hassle if I think about it myself and just have wild guesses.'
So he did what he thought, went to the room next door to ask her about it. He knocked the door, and went inside. Folaei was just lying on the bed, seemingly thinking about something, and Rai was casting some magic spells.
When he entered the room, they were a bit surprised but then Folaei asked,
"Oh Sir Godo, did something happened?"
Godo just made a gesture and said,
"Ah no, nothing happened. It's just that i wanted to ask Rai about something. Can you come with me Rai?"
Rai gave a nod,
"Ok, just wait a minute."
At the Guild
Shuya was currently still training his 'One Point Thrust'. A few minutes had passed after he talked to Jene. He was steadily progressing at the move but it seemed like he had hit yet another wall. Thinking that no one would be able to help him now he decided to stop.
He went back to the main building and suddenly had the urge to ask the receptionist about the monster corpses they had brought back, but he decided not to as he thought he would just be a nuisance if he asked that.
Inside The Guildmaster's Room
A man was sitting behind desk of the guildmaster and was talking to another man who was sitting at the couch.
"So. Its that time of the year again huh? Who should we pick this time."
"Your choice. We have to send some talents. Its still a bit far ahead so we can start observing some starting from now."
"True, guess I'll have to do some sneak peeking again, you know what? Let's call it observation. Why did I even say sneak peeking anyway."
Back At The Inn.
Godo was currently asking Rai about some of his questions right outside the door.
"So you say that there are 20 Level/Grade of magic/mage. And they each have their special names. So what's the last one called?"
"The last one? I think it- they were called Top-Tier mages. I learned that there are only 3 recognized mages in the world who are at the 20th level of magic."
"Top-Tier mages huh? And there are only 3. That's seems quite normal for the number of people currently standing at the top. Who are they?"
"They have not revealed their names. They are just called 'The Pinnacle Three' or sometimes also called 'The Great High Mages'."
"Oh, their names sounds quite strong."
"It is said that they each hold the power enough to destroy the entire world with their strongest spells."
"Is that so. They are quite interesting huh?"
Then Godo gave a smile and continued,
"Anyways, thank you Rai for answering my questions again, if you want to you can go back now."
After Rai gave a smile and nodded, she went back to her room. He could hear some mumblings from the room but payed no attention to it as he thought it was probably just Folaei asking her somethings.
Godo went back to his room and used 'Statistics' on himself.
Name: Godo
Race: Human
Age: 73
Title: (none)
Class: (none)
Level: 15
Skills: Statistics(Lv.6), Inspect(Lv.3) , Full Control(Lv.4) , Create(Lv.1), Destroy(Lv.1), Alter(Lv.1), Magical God(Lv.2), Five Step Assault(Lv.2), Magic Unification(Lv.5), Strength Amplification(Lv.3), Magic Enhancing(Lv. 4), Impact Fall(Lv.5), Creator's Blades(Lv.8),
RP: 54772
MP: 78882
LF: 167772
SP: 42672
G: ⬛⬛⬛⬛
After looking at his skills section, he was a bit surprised to see 'Magical God' still in the section instead of shifting to the title section,
'Seems like 'Magical God' is a skill and not a title after all. And the class, i think i should be at least a magic caster or a mage or something along the likes of that. So why is it (none)?'
He thought about this over and over again and still couldn't find out what the reason could be. So he decided to let it go. He then looked at the amount of money he was carrying in his pocket. Then continued to do some small things like this. A few minutes later, Shuya came back. They talked about the move for a bit then tend to their own things again.
They went down and ate some dinner, then they came back up and slept. Shuya was sleeping soundly, it seemed like he was really tired from the day they had. So Godo also did the same thing and went to sleep.
At The 'Villains' Place
"Sir, are we no longer going to pursuit the old man? Personally, i think its better to target him."
"No. We will search for another one. We have lost too much men for this single old man. If there is a chance sure, we will catch him. But we will search for another one for now."
"Of course its your command so we will follow it."