Chapter 8 - Chapter 8

Knock. Knock. Sheryl entered with a big smile on her face. She greeted everyone, "Hi! Dinner's ready, kuya. Mom and dad are waiting for you downstairs."

"Oh! Nice timing, Shy. My stomach's grumbling," Shane said, patting his belly.

I said, "Be there after a sec." Sheryl nodded and went down.

"I don't want my parents to know about this, so as much as possible, act cool in front of them," I told them after my sister left.

"Don't worry. This mouth is shut tight!" Owen replied.

"If he opens his mouth, we'll shut it for him," Luke added. They all laughed and agreed.

Amanda had to go back to the mainland to close a deal. As much as I wanted her to stay by my side as my woman, I had to let her go as my secretary.

"Thank you so much for visiting Bradley today," my dad told everyone as we ate our dinner. My mom smiled while putting a grilled chicken leg on my plate.

"Mom... kuya isn't a child anymore," Sheryl told our mom, frowning so I mussed her hair and pinched her nose.

"Aaaaaw!" she cried as she reached for my cheeks and pinched it hard as well. We both screamed in pain. My friends laughed.

"Children, we're in the middle of our dinner," dad scolded in a growling voice. "Also, don't forget that you have visitors. Bradley and Sheryl, show some respect, will you?!"

We behaved like military subordinates. But, before Sheryl continued eating, she stuck out her tongue at me. My parents just shook their heads. But, I knew that they were happy seeing us having a closer relationship than before.

"Thank you for the delicious food ma'am, sir!" Tamara said enthusiastically. The other ladies said their praises, too.

"Now, I understand why these three hungry wolves love coming here," Diana added.

"I am glad you like it! That's the reason why it's difficult to stay in shape!" my father replied.

"Why?" Cassandra asked curiously.

"Think of it as a torture, ladies. My wife wants me to keep my good body shape, but she cooks irresistibly delectable dishes! Can you imagine how hard it is for me to keep my control?" he answered.

My mom looks at him and raised her eyebrows. "Are you saying that I am torturing you?" she smirked.

My father responded defensively, "Of course not! I mean it positively!"

We laughed when mom grabbed a throw pillow behind her hit her husband. As usual, we were in the living room after dinner. My parents met the ladies, but they were not properly introduced. So, when everyone was settled, I introduced them.

"Mom, dad, before you kill each other, I would like you to meet our newly found friends, Diana Schneider, Cassandra, and Tamara Cortez, and Keira Miller," I said while my parents smiled and nodded at them.

"Welcome to our family," my mom said.

"Thank you, ma'am," Keira replied.

"Oh please call me mom! Ma'am is too formal. This is a family, not a firm," my mom corrected.

Dad agreed. "Anyway, what brings you here in Isla del Fuego?" my dad asked while we all looked at each other and laughed which confused my parents. I knew for sure that we were all reminded by the night when we first met.

"Sorry mom, dad," Owen said. "We're just reminded by the first time we met."

"Interesting I suppose," dad said with a mischievous smile and wink at my mom who slapped his arm. My friends and I know for sure that he's thinking of naughty things.

"Haysh! Dirty old man," she said. We all laughed.

"What? Why? I was thinking that maybe they met at the Den and had a couple of drinks. Then, to the beach they went to relax and have a nice chat!" dad told her while laughing.

"Ei! That's how we met!" my mom replied, blushing from the realization. Then, there was a loud 'Oooooooooooh!'

"Mom! Dad! We have visitors," I reminded, smiling at them.

My father immediately sat straight and apologized, "Right. Pardon our silliness! So, why did you come here to this paradise?"

"Uhm... aside from pampering ourselves with the island's majestic landscapes and delectable cuisines, we're here to study its unique marine ecosystem," Diana told them.

"Our company sent us here to work for a month," Cassandra added.

"Oh so you're both marine biologists?" my mom exclaimed. "How amazing is that!"

"Tamara is a Neurologist and Keira is a lawyer," Diana added which made my parents love them more.

"That is something I love about the new generation. Women try to find their footing in our society," my dad commended.

"Yeah. Equality should be pursued, you know. It should start from their families, providing equal opportunities to their children regardless of their gender," my mom added. "So, you're all here for work?"

"Uh no! We dragged my sister and Keira hoping them to find happiness in this heavenly place," she added.

"Oh... that would be easy since they're both beautiful and successful," my mom said while looking at the two ladies who smiled shyly.

"I agree. But, I am starting to believe in the idea that if you're beautiful and successful, you're unlucky in love," Cassandra stated.

"Oh?" I asked angling for more information. Tamara looked at Cassandra warning her to stop talking but to no avail since Cassandra is a human-machine gun--- every time she starts talking, no one can stop her unless she has nothing left to say.

"My sister was engaged to be married three months ago, but she canceled their wedding a couple of days before the date when she found out that her wicked ex-fiancé fucked his slut secretary. Now, he's asking my sister to take him back because the bitch is pregnant!" she continued. We were all stunned by her revelation and didn't care much of her slurs.

"Cállate!" Tamara said before she stood and went outside. Shane followed. Cassandra just shrugged it off.

"You have to apologize to your sister, Cassandra!" my mother said calmly after recovering from her shock.

"Why?" she asked innocently with her puppy eyes.

"I understand that you are sisters and you are just as angry as her, but that's her privacy. You have to respect that," my mom added. Cassandra sighed, realizing her mistake and went outside to apologize.

After chatting for a couple of hours, mom and dad said goodnight while we decided to grab a drink at the Den.