Chereads / destiny were you take me / Chapter 373 - were?

Chapter 373 - were?

me: a park! jerk. not a room!


ara: ah... were is he! her eyes surching for him...

suddenly she saw him... she wave hand as he smiled at her.. waving back hand. fixing coat looking down and suddenly staring into her... making her melt..

ara: uff my heart... do i found the one i was surching for?

jk:why you call me?... oh ha this three chocolates as i promiced..

she grab chocolates

jk: just lets sit somewhere then you can finish them well. she nodded... both sit

jk: so what you want to eat?

ara: your heart.

jk:perdon what?

ara: what your heart want to eat same dish order for me.

jk: oh ok. well you dont answer me what reason for you call me?

ara: to thanks.

jk: you just can say thanks to end it

ara: why you want to end?

jk: what. hum... its not like that.

ara: are you busy today?

jk: n-not why?

ara: lets go somewhere...then

jk: sure... well i had plan to go towards nonna...

ara: ha ha she's brother was with her.

jk: ahh then its fine. lets go. i also want to talk with you. but somewere else. have few questions to ask...

ara: lets go park then!


we were sitting on bench in park. staring at lake.

hum... bing around nature is so relaxing...

suddenly i feel my laps heavy i look down saw his head on laps... closing eyes...

i smiled... crassing his hairs start humming song....admiring him... pating his back to make him sleep.


ara: look we are in park.

jk: humm lets sit somewere

ara: how about near to lake?

jk: fine lets go!

as they start walk ara stoped. little scared face.

ara: ahh what they both doing here!


i was humming song i turn my face my eyes met with ara.

both were shoked!

ara: (sign) leave!

me:(sign his sleeping) how

ara: fast!

i nodded.

me: jerk am boared

he: but am not let me sleep in your warmth... that feels great

me: i want to go fast!

he: what? were ?

me: ladies work! fast we need to surch for rest room!

he: y-yah lets go fast!

he getup grabing hand we both start run...

he: let me check the map!

me: fast!

he: ah got it. lets go!...


ara: that reason was insane!...anyways...

come sit with me...


i get inside and call ara

ara: hello? were?

me: restroom! cause of you. ahhh that was embarrassing...

ara: am sorry kitty.

jk: who's on phone

ara: my cat!... i forget to feed.

jk: do she know how to call owner?

ara nodded.

ara: ha ha.. leave, and dont forget to eat. my kitty

me: you make me feed and now want i eat wow! bye.

i cut the call... and come out of rest room saw him standing.

me: 3 2 1 lets runway....

he: (turning back) do you think you can?

me: what?

he: lets go BABY! you cant run away from me try hard!

me: stop calling me baby

he: aww then you call me?

me: aint my phone!

he: am done. lets go back to bench now...

me: ahh not!... am boared.

he: but i wasnt. you broke my sleep.

me: go and rest in house then

he: but what about your warmth, that song and that peace i found

me: its your problem

he: lets go back were we was sitting.

me: no! lets go somewere else

he: why! i want to sleep!

me: dont be child! lets go somewhere. am ready to come to your favorite place but no sleep!

he: anywere?

i nodded...

he: lets get back home!

me: except that

he: movie theater!

me: umm ok

he: there is new movie out there...

me: horror?

he: nah romentic

me: i must be lunatic to agree...ahh!

he: did you say something?

me: day is so boring.

he: i can make it fun

i glared he gulp...

me: humm i want to get back home

he: i drove back home!

me: car is not here

he: (on phone) hello yah come fast!

me: cant you just take bus with me!

he: well then whats use of my car

me:...😶 am done.

he: want to eat something?

me: nah (stomuch sound)

he: liar!

me: um.... nah my stomach is too honest.

he: lets go there is good shop

me: lets go.

we were eating in peace until i hear her sound.... and she hear mine we both getup from sits turning back (big seat wall between us)

our eyes wided we both sit back

he: why i feel like ara laugh

me: umm then you must be sick. she's not here

he: umm...


jk: nonna?

ara: nah she's not here...


me: wait a minute i will be back

he nodded...


ara: i will be back in minutes wait here.

in washroom....

me: yah am tired! why you come were we go

ara: thats what i wanted to ask you.

me: am first here

ara: take him straight home.

me: good idea...

suddenly i hear knok on door.

me: w-who?

he: its me! am just making sure you dont get caught by incident like morning... talk with me so i can be sure that you are ok.

me: am not child. what if someon-

he: no one dare. now done fast so we can get back. car is also here ara: (teasing) how caring

me: yah yah...whatever.

ara: dont hide your cheeks tell truth

he: is anyone else inside with you?

me: nah.

he: keep talking so i can be sure

me: a..... can i sing instead?

he: thats good idea...

i start singing while washing hands..

ara pinch me...

me: ahh!

he: (door opening) yah am here what happen!

me: nothing actually a-

i look around no ara with me...

me: ah I-i

he: i already know something will happen... if done lets go... am waiting outside.

me: am done lets go!

he nodded grabing hand. we come out sitting inside car

he start car. we was on way to home suddenly he change track my heart sinks in fear

me: w-were you are taking me?

he dont say anything ignoring me increase speed and start driving car.

i gulped... i turn to face him but his face was little serious... a smrink on face... am scared now...

me: we supposed to get back home were the hell you are taking me! you are scaring me! stop the car ( but he choose to ignore me )

my eyes wided when he handcuffed my hand with his and increase more speed.

i try to release but its not working...

(i dont want to think but all bad thoughts rising inside my head, my eyes are teary. why dont he say something... why behaving so weird.....were taking me.... i shouldnt had trust him.... is this his new plan for bet like me?...

ah.....what is his intentions.

Chapter 113, at lake