Chereads / Crap, I was Rifted User Thrasher (Games, Movies) / Chapter 19 - Dragon Age Part 18 A clean Circle

Chapter 19 - Dragon Age Part 18 A clean Circle

Thrasher and company left out of the upper tower. Having collected what they wanted made things even better. All was well, but good things would not last. Norad informed him about something going on in the Deep Roads as well as with his Lothering forces.

Thrasher and a few would go there to Lothering. While the others go to the Dwarves to help the others a bit more with reinforcements.

Cara hopped up the moment she spotted him. From the look on his face, things went well. The strange woman behind him begged the question. The human mage fused with demon energy caused a bit of an issue. But nothing that couldn't be hidden with a few things.

'What the hell is she?' Kara thought.

"New recruit is all." Thrasher answered. As if reading her mind. Currently, he was not. Telling her he would explain later, he moved to the Templar Commander Gregoir. "OK, the tower is good. A bit of a problem of Darkspawn coming up from the underground cavern. We sealed it temporarily, but there will be more that eventually breakthrough."

"That is terrible news. How many remain.." Seeing no other mages really did not bold well for the Circle and its future. "Surely they are not all gone?"


"Most are gone." Wynne added in. She already recieved information from Thrasher mentally as he came to back down. "Betrayed by the First Enchanter and others. Not much we could do but put them out of their misery. All you see left are those who resisted and defied even the teachers that tried to lead them astray."

A few mages whimpered. Scared they would be killed just because it would be safer. they looked on with hope.

"What to do now?" A Templar asked the commander. His commander however was looking at Thrasher expecting something. The Templar turned to him as well. "Captain Thrasher?"

"Ummmm.. well bullocks." Thrasher lulled his head about. "If you can get the higher-ups to listen, I will help out. A few Chasind can learn her as well. Becoming Mages of the Circle kind of. As well as my Templar forces joining up here. Just pass it up and see what they say."

"I will do just that." The Commander was hoping this would happen. He moved off to get working on writing it up. Another Senior Templar was left in charge of everything else. 'I am getting to old for this. First the Battle of Ostragar, whispers of the King not being dead, and now almost an entire circled destroyed.'

"Thompson sir." The templar said. "You have orders?"

"Ok.. just jump right in are we." Thrasher smiled awkwardly. "Alright, have the Templars sweep the rooms with a mage to make sure things are good. Never be to careful. After a sweep finishes switch up and do it again. Get on a first name base with each other, gain some humanity.. or elventry."

"Heh, this will be something." Thompson smirked. The Templars behind nodded and got to work. While he talked with Thrasher and Wynne. "This mage with you?" He looked toward those with Thrasher on the side.

"All marked and able to be tracked by me anyway." Thrasher answered. "Elissa here is a Grey Warden. I think she will use the treaty to get some to join their rebuilding order."

"Yes. The woman name Wynne and one other. But that can wait till later." She turned to Thrasher determined. "The darkspawn that are down below, we need to curb them a little. Any ideas?"

"Well yeah." Thrasher was planning on letting a few orc humans deal with them exclusively. Another training zone as he builds up his Warband again. "Gonna let them come in a little. And move in slowly following the pathway they were coming from. Most likely leads to the Deep Roads."

"That sounds good." Elissa had checked on any letters but didn't receive any. The group that went to the dwarves did not check back in anyway. So it was good they planned on going to them. She still had know idea how Thrasher knew what he knew though. "Are you leaving someone in charge here? I really want you to assist me with the dwarves. I have a bad feeling."

"Yes, I will come and help. But not leaving for a few days. Time to recover and whatnot." Thrasher said. He could feel Cara staring a hole in him. "I have some Mord-Sith to break in."

"Almost thought you forgot." Cara grinned. Her hood was already back up. Hiding her expression a little. "The new recruits will be here in a day or so. This place has a lot of room now. Perfect for breaking and teaching the templars a few things." She moved up to the side of Thrasher. "And... add another trial to these weak-willed mages. Straighten out their mind against demonic temptation. "

"I... want to over see that." Wynne was not to excitied about that. "Rather the mages not have a bad time after losing everything they know."

"It will be fine." Thrasher said. "My forces will help bolster the tower. Templars and Mages and a few other people to help rebuild it. A garrison to go down and start taking out the Darkspawn while we deal with other things. A win win."

"So do I head with you or Elissa?" Revka came over asking. The others are heading with Icy after the ward is placed on them. Heading to a safe place to study after rehabilitation. What is with Sten over there?" She pointed at Sten talking with a few Templars.

They shrugged and let him be.

"You are coming with me. I want you to meet some one." Thrasher said. "We will head to Lothering and check on that situation. I have the feeling that things might change in a few days there."

"I will make sure all the mages that remain adjust well enough to the new rules before heading to backup Elissa." Wynne said. She looked to Alistair. "I think it best he stays here and then heads with me to regroup. Much to discuss with the former Templar."

A bit of a ruckus was happening down the hall. A small break happened as some forces came inside.

"Sounds good to me." Thrasher looked towards one of the orc humans that came up with news. They passed over a missive. He gave a nod and the man left. With a gesture, Thompson came over from his discussion with the other Templars. "A few more of my people have made it. Mages and Templars. They will bolster the order and rebuild the area as I have said. In about a month it will be ok for families to visit."

"How many?" Thompson asked. To have that much work done that soon would be something else. 'Why were they not sent to the battle at Ostragar? Or did they come from far away?'

"About 3000 or so. Then another 1300 at the end. More than enough to make a nice little town. The support will be needed if what happens underground turns for the worse. The place needs to be remade. Getting ready the old pain for something new." Thrasher said with conviction. "Templars, Mages, and their families uniting." He pointed at the floor. "This will be the starting place of something good."

The various forces nodded agreeing. Happy for help in the dark times that they found themselves facing. A flickering gold light passing over most of them as they believed in Thrasher's words. Their belief causing a change inside of him as well as the Spirit of Faith within him.


On Foot-


The next few days went by quickly. Organizing and rebuilding underway. Elissa and her people already having left off. Thrasher, Cara, her new second the broken in Templar that needs some fine-tuning and deeper training Carmen, Revka, and Lelianna for some odd reason. She wanted to stick with Thrasher a little bit longer to talk.

Cara wanted her to become a Mord-Sith but she declined. Thrasher actually thought she pouted a bit. Which couldn't be right?

Right..? No way would Cara pout at that.

Icy left with a good bit of the mistreated mages. To take to the Witch Tower Thrasher made. Stormy decided to stay in the Circle for a bit to watch over them and make sure they followed the new rules.

As well as fight against the Darkswpawn spiders down below.




Once they were far enough away, Thrasher teleported them all to Lothering. Revka was beside herself in glee. The experience had her feeling ecstatic. Leliana and Carmen however were terrified and disoriented. Cara was fine.

Within moments of arriving, one of Thrasher's warband came over. They were expecting him but this was something else. The Orc human man was just doing patrol when he felt the presence of his Warchief.

"Boss!" He ran over quickly. A goofy look on his face.

"Is everything alright?" Thrasher asked.

"Yeah yeah!" The orc human nodded quickly. "You have gotten stronger. Good good. Warchief must be strong. Oh oh!" The man was excitied. "They will be happy you made it so soon. Come on! Come on!"

He shot off quickly away. Heading into town. Thrasher running behind with the others taking their time. Leliana and Carmen were still shaky. Cara would make sure nothing happen to them.

Revka was just happy to be out of the circle but kept up with Thrasher. Eyes taking in everything every step of the way.

Making it into town was easy enough. It had gained additional walls up. At least three solid thick ones. Battlements all over had changed the landscape a good deal.

Patrols all over the place. At least three seasoned warriors in the group from Thrasher, with 7 newer ones patrolling. In a few places, members from the king's remaining forces were mixed in. Several arrows and bows along the area.

They had been really busy. The outside of the walls were clean.

"I found him!" The orc human they followed said loudly. A few turned to Thrasher and Revka. They waved in acknowledgment. "Boss lady! Boss lady!" From a map area, Marian looked up for a bit before striding over. Behind her, a cloaked female followed.

"Well well, the warchief decided to grace us with his presence, how nice." It was somewhat sarcastic. A few chuckled before getting back to work. "I am just kidding Thrasher."

"Uh huh." Thrasher folded his arms looking her over. "You have gotten stronger. That is good. Trying to undermine me are you? If so, I am ready to fight any time. Suffer not the traitor to live." His eyes were cold as he spoke. Natural rage washed over the area. Then spread over the entire town.

System: Intimadtion Check 30 Pass

System: Quest Complete: Reminding them who is in charge. Orc humans are still orcs at the core. They respect strength above all else. A Warchief unwilling to knock sense, is no warchief at all. Reason is for the ummies. Increase loyalty with Orc humans. It will now takes years for orc humans to think of rebelling when warchief is not around.

"Well, defintely is you." The woman said from behind. She took off her robe and hugged Thrasher. "I couldn't stay in Kirkwall anymore. Had to come to you."

"Couldn't find a good bad man there Bethany?" Thrasher hugged her back. Her magic was a good bit higher and defintely more controlled. The fine leathers she had on underneath were something. Looking ever part the warrior more than the mage. "You are looking good."

"So are you. Nice neck tattoos." Bethany smiled. Spotting the women behind him coming up, she was a little taken back. "Jeez, you are such a man-slut! Look at them all, not an ugly one in the bunch."

"Hehe, you have competition sister." Marian teased from the side. "He is not the settling down type, you should let mom find you a good man. Leave the bad man Thrasher to me."

"Umm ok, no." Revka said quickly. Cheeks slightly red. "I am not interested in him besides his magic." Bethany and Marian looked her over a bit. She looked a little like a picture they saw when they were younger of a cousin they had. As well as a good bit like their mother. Feeling embarrassed further fromt he looks, Revka stepped back. Still not to good with people. "What is it?"

"Marian and Bethany Hawke, this Revka Amell. A cousin of yours." Thrasher said as he turned to Cara who gave him a long look. "What is it?"

"Are they sisters?" She pointed at Bethany and Marian. Thrasher gave a nod. "Important to you yes?"

"Yes. But they can protect themselves." He shook his head knowing where this was going. "Your job is yourself and the Order of Mord-Sith. Other affairs are just that.. other affairs. I want you to make sure those in your Order grow right. You are a prime example to hold them to. Just do not go to crazy."

"I understand." Cara took pride in her work. She turned to Carmen and was even more determined to straighten her out. Both the Mord-Sith role was private force of a king. Among other things. It extended to those close to him as well if he wanted it that way. Which it seemed he didn't. "We need more recruits. Those left at the Circle are still learning the basics."

"I know. I am sure we can get a few from here. If not I will make sure the next "batch" are ready for what you need to fill numbers." Thrasher meant the next that would arrive from the pits as orc humans. A little tweaking and the next area would be all-female to fit some of the conditions of Mord-Sith. "No rush."

As he talks to her, the others had spoken with each other in detail about a few other things.

The next few hours was spent going over things and a meeting with King Calian was set for later. Thrasher rather not go at all, but it was whatever at this point since he was already found out.

Leliana had found some Chantry sisters and was talking with them. Her acting had gotten even better. She was more than well versed to be a sister. Along with a strange bit of magic she developed since the tower incident, she was able to inspire people somewhat.

The Chantry members hung on her every word. She started professing Thrasher to be a Champion of the Maker. Calling him a "Paladin" sent to right the wrongs of the Darkspawn as well as something more.

The Spirit of Faith did quite a number on her Thrasher thought. But it was the work of Norad sending her information once the "Bard" became a full Follower of Thrasher. She was working a quest to build up the faithful for something.