Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into a month. Then another one. Thrasher disposition turned slightly cold. He continued to fight in the spearhead as they moved. The ork humans were constantly cycled around to keep them fresh and able to fight. The casters were all affected by the lyrium explosion.
Their magic didn't replenish as fast but they became more powerful and resisted to magic attacks. So not to bad of a lost for now.
Wynne, Icy, and Morrigan agree that they would most likely see a change once going back to the surface.
Those who were injured recovered enough to fight. But not at their best. Everything changed when Thrasher, Leliana and Shredder went to scout ahead. The three came across the mother of all prizes that caused temptation to take root.
Leliana was quick enough to report back to the others about the find. Instantly feeling Thrasher had turned mentally when laying eyes on something. It wasn't long before she came back with the others to try and change his mind.
Thrasher was getting ready to charge the Archdemon. It was there. Just a few 100 feet away. A horde of Darkspawn around it as more came out of cesspools. Cesspools that looked tainted by something.
More than enough to give ork humans a good fight.
"We can't fight it." Wynne said exhausted. The others to tired to even comment really. But Thrasher looked eager still. His body turning better condition-wise as they waited. Causing Wynne to grimace in pain. "Think this through."
"You can all go back. I will take this lot in to fight." Thrasher pointed to the Warband composed strictly of a 100 Nobs. The most brutal of his bunch from the neverending fighting it seemed. They were enthusiastic to say the least. Wounds healing up at a faster rate according to their Warchief's will. "I think we can take it."
"At what cost!?" Icy stepped forward on wobbly legs. She was spent magic wise and could barely wield a weapon anymore. "The troops that you raised are needing to rest. You are almost out of magic as well."
He spared her an almost dismissive glance. He was not magic focus, despite recent changes. He was a Barbaraian. Something that Icy tended to forget, or just ignore. It was no secret she wanted him to excel more in the magic way than the martial way.
"I do not need magic to fight it." Thrasher turned away looking at the Darkspawn. His eyes looking feverish slightly. A bit of drool coming down at the danger the fight would bring. More and more his body tensed in anticipation. "So many down there. Such a good place to cut loose."
Icy looked back for help. Bethany was out cold from exhaustion and the heat. Elissa was still recovering and kept to her own thoughts. The others keeping their own counsel. But a small smile played on her lips. She was influenced more as a Nob to get into the fight. Enough concentration kept her in control however.
"We won't make it back on our own. " Morrigan said tersely. The admission causing a bad taste in her mouth. She hated to admit weakness of any sort. "The moment you start fighting, more might come in from other surroundings."
"Thats right." Alistair added in. "They would want to defend the nest. Who knows how many we run into." But Thrasher did not look moved by their concerns.
"Warchief, they have a point." Pala said. "Even with the will to fight, our injured won't fare well. We should... fall back." She felt her hackles rise looking at Thrasher. His body looked bigger to her. His very presence increasing. "Gulp!"
"We head back." Marian added. "To many injured and we will not risk the bigger picture. Even if the Archdemon is slain, other generals can lead them. And they are not down there."
"Tch!" Thrasher sucked his teeth annoyed. His blood throbbed still. Already in a rage and ready to fight, he took a step forward on instinct. "Take the Warband back... that is an order."
"Good." Wynne said. But seeing him walking forward she did not like the looks of this. "What about you?"
"I am going to cause a distraction. With the entire Warband going with you all to clear a path back, things will be fine. You will all be safe that way."
"No.. no.. no!" Marian got in front of him. Broken from the war lust fully. "You are coming with! That horde will kill you!" Seeing him smile she lost her temper. "Listen you, battle junkie, that is not something to be happy about!"
"But it is." Thrasher grinned. "You know me well enough now that this is in the forefront of things I want."
"And what about us?" Tracker asked. "You die.. that is it for here. We won't have your help anymore. And .."
"It will be fine." Thrasher shrugged. "I am sure someone else will step up. You have the Gray Wardens and the..."
"Not the same!" Elissa walked over. Legs slightly wobbly. Sten helping her forward. "Come back with us cousin. Much to teach me still."
"Oh, like you will listen to me." Thrasher dismissed her with a wave of his hand. "I will do what I must and what I want. The same as I always have." He walked forward again, expending a spell slot to erect a barrier to keep them from following. Instincts were right, the Archdemon had changes within it. A black sheet plate on the front that did not belong. "I order you take them back. Use force!"
"Yes Warchief!" The Nobs said togethor. They followed the instructions grabbing those who pushed against the barrier in defiance.
"Damm you!" Icy cursed.
Norad had sent most of them a message while things were transpiring.
"You better not die you bastard!" Marian screamed. To Nobs had by the arms dragging her away. Seeing that the barrier was already hit from the other side, she understood that the darkspawn or something was already attacking. 'Damm it!'
A bad fight-
Thrasher rampages through the Darkspawn. His Barbarian Rage mixed with Holy energy pushed outward. Each swing killing lesser Darkspawn with ease. Those that did not fall outright were picked off by another.
The more he slaughtered the more that were pulled into the pits turning into moss. Accelerating the development he had for fresh Boyz coming out to fight.
He ripped and tore at what was nearby. Taking two or three before gaining injuries in the process. His blood mixing with the darkspawn creating new types of moss. Making new orks humans to fight.
The Arch Demon paid no mind in the beginning. But After 20 minutes, it noticed that Thrasher was making way towards it. Cutting through its Horde. A power that could kill it was nearby. Almost a direct opposite to what it was.
But the upgrade made it smarter. It was not ready to fight in its current condition. Still developing in a way. It's wings unfurled in defiance.
The Archdemon took flight leaving the area. Its underbelly looked odd with a weird cut across it. To Thrasher, another issue to worry about. But it flew to fast and he was bogged down by to much to see clearly.
"Waaaaaagggggh!" Thrasher bellowed with all his might. His warcry thundering against the darkspawn killing several and stunning the stronger ones. Several wild orcs came up behind him as they fought even harder to get through. "Hahahaha! Kill! Bash! Maim! We die here, fighting if we must you lot!"
*Swirl!* His rage grew feeding his bloodlust. Thrasher needed this more than he would ever let one to anyone. Bloodriven was something that the most die hard warriors indulged in. Also led to an early death.
Thrasher laughed merrily as he pushed forward. Chasing the direction of the Archdemon as he killed. His forces fighting with him every step of the way. The wild orks grew meaner and greener as they fought. An almost neverending process when fighting.
The tint of green almost turning black.
Days Passed in Pursuit-
Thrasher kept pursuing. Those with him doing well to keep pace and stay fighting. He no longer had fresh ork humans coming out. They wouldn't be able to keep up with the current pace really.
Feeling a terrible energy that was not the Archdemon, Thrasher stopped. His forces moved in a circle cutting down the Darkspawn nearby. He himself focusing on the magical source that gave a bad feeling.
System: Arcana Check 30 Pass
Thrasher summoned his armor and sword in an instant. The Chroma Prime D.G. enhanced armor with the Blade of Olympus gripped tightly. His first words was to his forces to spread away from his current location even further. They followed the order immediately. An unstable Rift opened up a few seconds later.
*Screeecchh!* As swirl tore through, the environment changed as a man?? stepped out. White flowing hair that went upward despite no wind. A weird combination of armor and bone it looked like adorned its body.
Another relic of the User War.
Analyze: The Nameless King, Origin Dark Souls. Remove from existence at once. Bounty Level calculating...
System: Quest: An unknown has been located in the current World. User is entrusted to deal with them as needed. Rewards: Vary Failure: Soul Damage
"Hah!" Thrasher shouted triggering the power of his Rage once more. The Blade of Olympus cut through the air with a beautiful glow. His opponent was no slouch. The sword-spear came to meet the blade. "Tch!"
Thrasher clicked his teeth in anger, he was blocked. The weapons clashed brutally. No sound went out oddly enough but the ground did change. It cracked from the force as the two then attacked in abandon.
Thrasher left nothing to chance. He still was mindful to watch out for the Archdemon. His forces kept the Darkspawn at bay. The smile on Thrasher's face was gone. Which didn't matter due to the helmet he wore currently.
'This bastard is infecting the World!' A shoulder check pushes his opponent away. Giving a small breathing chance for a decisive blow. He needed to get ahead in the battle really quickly. With a lunge with the Blade of Olympus, Thrasher nicked the lift hip of his opponent. "Shit!"
Black sludge dripped onto the ground for the wound. The good news it was not potent enough to survive just yet exposed. The bad news, it meant the Nameless King had the upgrades from the traitor Users fully. Not just going through the process.
*Bzzt!* With a swing from the sword-spear, a blast of lightning shot forward. The lighting was a dark black that followed Thrasher when he dodged to the side. As if it was alive.
Health -47
Even with his strongest armor on, Thrasher still felt the damage. For a brief moment, he felt the infection try to take hold. But his resistance destroyed that quickly enough. His body already improving to take any variants from this version.
"Grrr!" Thrasher growled in frustration. Sliding back a brief moment, he fixed his footing and risk using a spell on himself to boost his reflexes. 'Accelerate!' With the slight increase in speed, he went back at his opponent with an intense fury.
Blade met blade once more. No sound echoed out once more. But a shockwave of might disrupted the environment. Small ripples moved in the air as the Rift the enemy used twisted a little trying to reappear.
As the fighting intensified, Thrasher felt something coming to their location. Not enough to spare a look or focus on it. His opponent took most of that up.
"Raaahhh!" Thrasher plunge forward. Swing with his entire weight behind the blow. The Nameless King matched him in speed once more. It was improving in mid battle. Which was odd in of itself. The Blade of Olympus shined for just a moment, enough that the Nameless King froze for a split second. "Tough bastard!"
As the two battle other forces were making moves on the surface. The other Grey Wardens were hunted all over Thedas. A strange organization hunting them each down and killing them outright. The various powers that be had no idea what to think really.