Chereads / Crap, I was Rifted User Thrasher (Games, Movies) / Chapter 21 - Dragon Age Part 20 Deep Roads & They were Silent

Chapter 21 - Dragon Age Part 20 Deep Roads & They were Silent

The Pull he received was not the best but it would do. The pull was from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time. He pulled Shredder. The System fixed the master ninja up mentally and Thrasher cast Regen to help speed the internal injuries.

A large dose of the moss made sure the Foot Clan Leader would obey. Considering the threat level of those in the room, Shredder knew better to cause a fuss right now. He would be a good addition to go to the Deep Roads.

The next few days was spent lining things out before depature. A good bit would go to the Deep Roads while the others took care of a few small matters in the area.

Darcy was happy to be given the role of Domestic Affairs Leader. Linking the various places and given her own troops to coordinate with. Stormy would continue to work on the Mage Tower for now. Icy traveling with Thrasher.

After a report about the Chasind needing more medical help in the Koraci Wilds, Tsunade changed her focus to there instead of heading to the Deep Roads. Much to Marian's happiness.

Gormalith would take control of the Lothering defense. Much to the enjoyment of several of the people that resided there. Something about her was very comforting to them. Leliana had gotten the several Chantry Sisters she talked to in certain places become Followers of Thrasher.

A changing of their chantry doctrine was more tolerable to mages. But mages that broke the rules were to be punished harder if they consorted with demons and the like for ill intent.

To say they were more accepted was an understatement. Removing the more holy than thou attitude made them relate more to people once more. The way it was suppose to be. Word was spreading fast about the territories under the Free Marcher known as Thrasher.


Heading to the Dwarves-


Arriving was easy enough. Only a few fights against bandits and a few Darkspawn that they chased down. None were allowed to escape of course. Getting into the Dwarf stronghold was easy since Elissa was already there working.

That and Thrasher had been here once before. But not him personally. The soul shard of him had snuck into the place and spoke with a few dwarves. A very small few of them before he fled. Like a total of a week before leaving.

Coming across Elissa, he was informed things were going really slow. The dwarves were very resistant to move forward with electing a new king. As well as lending dwarves to help fight against the Darkspawn.

The more Thrasher heard, the more he wanted to take control and do as he pleased. Which would result in the death of a lot of dwarves. Which made his blood boil in excitement.

"I mean.. fuck em. I just came here to fight and then fight some more." Thrasher shrugged at the others. "Raising my forces against the Darkspawn down here would be nice. Since the Archdemon is down below deep inside, two birds with one stone."

"So the dwarves.. you don't care?" Elissa asked. She received a silent look. "They need our help."

"They need your help if you give it. What have they done for everyone? Nothing besides providing a few Wardens during a Blight. As for them constantly keeping "Watch" at the Deep Roads, that is really a different story. They kill more of their own more than anything. And they do it for their laws and customs. Sure some nobility is there some where. But overridden by other things. Sabtoagting and betraying each other. Look at the disruption between Behlen and Harrowmont, just stupidity from two who wish to rule via power down here."

"Not that simple cousin." Elissa was afraid of this. She rubbed her temple agitated. 'First the Grey Wardens, then this. I was not prepared for this response.'

"I can attest to that." Jarvia stated. "This place.. just sucks. But you are Noble born, you know nothing of it really. At least your cousin has fought terrible conditions and knows the World."

"That should not make a difference. We are all above terrible stereotypes are we not?" Elissa looked out at everyone. They all met her with a stare back. Some looking at her like a child. Even Shredder looked at her oddly. Despite only a red set of eyes looking at her. A few looks of pity from her comrades and friends. "I.. still have much to learn apparently."

"You have a good heart. A byproduct of your raising." Morrigan said. "Much to learn about people and stereotypes as you call them. Makes things easier. Lets you know what to expect from people. Unless they are like your cousin of course."

"Grr." Elissa grumbled and stewed for a bit. "I will help them. I hope you will not get in my way."

"Why the hell would I do that?" Thrasher arced an eyebrow at her. "It does not hurt me in any way. You risking your life is on you and those with you. Price of a leader." He gave a shrug at her. "Learning experience for you, geez." Thrasher walked into the Deep Roads with several ork humans. Fresh ones at that in tow.

"All this just to go fight." Alistair said solemnly.

"To be fair, the Wardens are doing this just to get people to go fight. So.. get off your high horse before I break your legs and drag you off it." Trapper said next to him. He eyed Elissa who had the same views. "You are acting like a spoiled child once again. Thrash helped your family, and helped the Wardens once already. Right now he is helping the Dwarves while helping himself, just because he goes about it in a way you don't like is stupid to disagree with really."

"Just needs to show more concern. It goes a long way." Elissa said quietly.

"Tell me, if he was to pull all his support away then what?" Morrigan asked. This earned her a critical look from them. "No answer? I can tell you. The tide of Darkspawn would crush so many places. His forces along with the remainder of the Royal army is all that remains of protection in certain areas. Imagine if the Darkspwn broke through unmatched. They are all that stands in the way for the people in that area meeting their end. And allowing others to reorganize forces against Loghain."

"Surely he would not pull his forces back if he gets to upset?" Alistair dared to ask. He eyed everyone overthinking it would be a joke. No one laughed. Eyes resting on Elissa for any response. "Surely you have some sway?"

"I have my cousins ear only. And that is only because he is shaping me for something. I am smart enough to determine that much. Wanting me to be something more. I do not think he would just follow my orders though." Elissa understood enough from the talking with her cousin overtime something was amiss. "I am useful and he enjoys my company, it goes only so far."

"But to abandon the populace.."

"Why not? Loghain did it. Several others did it at the Battle of Ostagar. Did you choose to forget?" Wynne added in. From the look of Alistair's face, it seemed he had. "Young wardens... make mistakes. No wonder Thrasher did not join. I seriously doubt it would have ended well."

"Power is what you need as well as resources to make a difference Elissa." Morrigan said. "Take it from someone who hid in the woods most of her life, without it, things will end terribly."

"Enough of this." Sten said. "We must get things done. We need to go into the Deep Roads to find this woman of his." They turned to the dwarf they recruited. "She is down there yes?"

"Aye, that she be." Oghren said sober for once. "I say we stop dallying. I hate to see what this cousin of yours is up to unminded."


Thrasher heading to the Deep Roads-


Jarvia stopped Thrasher at the entrance. They waited a little for her contact to come over. Seeing the all female group come out was enough to make Thrasher pause. The Ork Humans just grinned. Gripping their weapons ready to fight.

"They are the... not so Silent Sisters." Jarvia stated. She clarified to make sure they didn't start to brawl. "The Silent Sisters are a group that are not allowed to lose in the Proving. They fight to the death. Usually."

The Proving was a more than rigged arena fight that was supposed to be a way to gain prestige and make some money. Usually never went the way it should actually.

"What changed?" Thrasher asked.

"A dwarf tended to them against their will. Saving them from death. Of course, they were not happy. Feeling their honor besmirched, they fought even harder in the area. But the damage was done. Looking for good fighters, they are some of the best."

The Silent Sisters used a form of sign language to communicate. Thrasher smiled then cut it short. It was fine when they worked in their own groups, but they would be working for him now if they agreed to his terms.

*Woom!* Using a Regenerate spell, their tongues grew back. They also were exposed to the Ork spores.

"I will make this simple, your old vows are no more. Speak now or I will make you."

System: Intimidate Check 25 Pass

With a steely gaze, they each spoke up. Lacking any trace of fear in their eyes. These women were pretty hardcore. The orc humans started getting rowdy. They wanted to spar at least a little.

"I am Lenka." A red head dwarf said. Her skin was quite pale. She was actually attractive. Even by human standards. Thrasher gave her a double take then looked back at Jarvia. "Is something the matter?"

"Yeah.. I mean no. Might be the lack of fighting I have not done lately." Thrasher rubbed his eyes. "If I see another hot dwarf I might think I am losing it."

*Snort!* Jarvia sucked in air a little to quickly at that statement. A few of the others understanding laughed a swell. Most had never been around humans really.

"I am Pala." A black-haired dwarf said next. She had a no-nonsense attitude about her. It was the eyes that did it for Thrasher. So odd and cut deep into him. "Maybe you have fought to much." The entire area became quiet at that. The stone-cold look Thrasher's forces gave her was enough to let them know they said something wrong. "Something I said?"

"Yeah, never to much fighting for freshies." Thrasher said. He signaled the ork humans to go on ahead before they decided to start acting up. They need the relief. The former Silent Sisters looked in intrgue at the running men and women. The smiles were a little creepy and reeked of bloodlust. "So.. new name for your group. To keep for causing confusion."

"Daughters of Astyth." Jarvia said quickly. She was quite quick with words. Thrasher just grinned. "They still have the spirit of wanting to be warriors like she did. Just are not missing their tongues. Which is a handicap actually." The dwarven women gave her a glare. "I meant nothing by it, jeez."

"Let's get in there and cut down on the Darkspawn and clear some things out." Marian said. She wanted to get into the Deep Roads to reduce the numbers. A quest that Norad provided her caused her to almost make a few mistakes. 'Prove myself to another Warband of his, easy enough. I wonder what the rewards will be? Then again, the more power I have, the more I can help my family as well. I just know Bethany is wanting to prove herself in a way.'

"Alright let's go." Thrasher moved up and talked with Pala and Jarvia. Lenka was still to new for tactics. She ran with Mairan to get more information about things. The glow of all of them becoming Followers already was good enough for Thrasher. 'Norad this is all you, let's see how you organize this.'

Norad: Easy day. Already sent what was needed to help them understand. None wanted to leave, so that makes it easier. Speaking of leaving, you ready to visit another World for a bit?

'Ugghh sure. The new Ork humans will need to get some fighting in. As well as the Daughters of Asyth. But I am jumping in as soon as I can.' Thrasher eyes flickered a little. As a bit of his soul left his body.

Only one to notice what happen was Marian. Despite being further ahead on up. Bethany moved with Wynne discussing things. Only giving a brief look at Thrasher before turning away.

Leliana was speaking with Shredder and learning a few things. The two built a scary rapport really quickly.