"I... am even willing to die to end the Blight." Daveth said. Drinking the Darkspawn Potion, he started to convulse before going still. The others thought him dead. But under his eyelids, a green haze would have been visible. Thrasher had kept the poison from killing the man. But kept him out for other reasons.
"He.. is dead. You killed him.." Ser Jory accused Duncan and the Wardens. "What did you give him!?"
"To defeat the Darkspawn, you must become a little like them." Duncan said gravely. "Defeating them, by consuming their blood. The Joining has that purpose. You will be able to sense them, and know when they are nearby."
"No.. you people are crazy!" Ser Jory backed away. Seeing Duncan's look, he drew his weapon. "I... I.. I am not doing this!"
"I am sorry, but you must drink. Or I will have to stop you." Duncan drew his sword to stop the now frantic man. He moved to cut him down but was stopped. "You." Thrasher pushed him back with his black axe.
"Yeah, killing recruits, pretty bad." Thrasher moved the weapon away, and signaled for Ser Jory to grab Daveth. "He is not dead. Do not worry. Several groups are aware of the Grey Wardens.. test. A lot of records and Grey Wardens who survived battles they others thought they died left records."
*Shin!* Thrasher cast a few Healing Spells on Daveth. Adorned in light, the man started to come to. Which caused Duncan eyes to slit. He could sense the taint of the Darkspawn in the man. But it was not as potent.
"I.. am alive." Daveth mumbled. He was still weakend. "Thank you.. Ser Jory. As well as you Thrasher." Seeing the light around Thrasher still, it was easy to summarise who brought him back.
"Just glad you made it." Ser Jory helped the man up but did not turn away from Duncan. "Bastard was gonna kill me. The King will hear of this."
"I doubt he would believe you." Duncan said. A few of the Grey Wardens looked on a little confused about what to do. Duncan was their Commander, but they saw Thrasher just heal a failed recruit. And the mentioning of people already knowing about the Grey Wardens Joining meant trouble. "Ser Jory, I am sorry. Truly. But Daveth you gave your word. You as well Elissa."
"I understand." Daveth walked over to the Grey Wardens. Seeing as Thrasher did not stop him, he was happy for that. "I still want to stop the Blight. Sorry.. Ser Jory."
"I have a pregnant wife that needs me. I will not be drinking your weird brew." Ser Jory had a very determined look on his face. He turned to Thrasher. "I am willing to do whatever it takes, but not join this shitty organization."
"Then you are one of my men now." Thrasher gave a grin. Turning to Duncan then to Elissa he spoke calmly. "Elissa, the choice is yours. You must make it yourself. Whether you join or step away, I will still support you."
"Thank you cousin." Elissa felt a warmth in her heart. She still wanted to join the Grey Wardens after all of this. Which played into's Thrasher's plans. It would give him excuse, which he really didn't need to mess with the Grey Wardens. "I will still do the Joining."
Elissa picked up the Goblet and killed the last of it. She started seizing immediately. Thrasher watched in wonderment. Considering she consumed twice as much as normal, he wanted to see what would happen to her.
"Uggh!" Elissa kicked and bashed on the ground. Blood came out of her mouth as she bit her tongue at one point. "Horrible.. creatures.. they are coming.. in large numbers.." Her sense towards the Darkspawn was quite far. Further than any of the current Grey Wardens. Once she stopped, Thrasher treated her.
"I will see to her. Do not worry Duncan, she will be with your group when this is over." Thrasher's hands lit up as he used Cure Disease. The D.G. cells helping to mix what she had in her now. In her mouth, Thrasher put a herb to help with her mental development. "Tracker, you are going to have a.. difficult night."
"I will soothe the savage beast within." Tracker grinned. Elissa had a voracious appetite. And with this in her, it would most likely be harder to deal with. "Hopefully the Dwarf can help me."
Few Days later-
Thrasher busied himself with fighting in the area. The ork humans fought viciously taking out the Darkspawn in the surrounding area to keep entertained. Ser Jory and a few of the mercenaries were sent to Denerim. They had families there and would fight harder to defend the place. To join up with Lady Landra's forces to help her as well as her son.
Everything killed by Thrasher's forces were thrown into "pits" to burn. Which consumed them for the moss to break them down for more Ork humans. Around the time the Battle of Ostagar started, Thrasher had 500 or so Ork boy ranked fighters. They all wore eavy armor' to fight with. The group was to lay in wait in case things went bad.
"Warchief Thrasher, so great of you to join us." King Cailan Theirin said regally. The only General near him left was Urien Kendells. The few others had moved to enact, the Hammer and Anvil strategy. "Just stopping by?"
Info: The Hammer & Anvil plan. Charging ahead into a tight engagement where afterward, the rest of a army would close the trap by attacking from behind. One part was small, that dealt with the enemy coming in. The large force would pinch the enemy in.
"Well.. where is the rest of the army?" Thrasher asked. He could see Duncan and a few of the Grey Wardens nearby. In the distance, the tower was lit signaling the plan. "The Tower of Ishal is lit."
"I.. do not know." Duncan answered. "I sent the newer Grey Wardens to light it. Loghain's forces have more than enough time to get here. Unless they were routed already. Which isd trouble in itself."
"Sir!" A Messager ran over tired and injured. "Ter Loghain has retreated. As well as Arl Howe's forces. And.." He took a breath then spoke again. "The majority of the army left with them."
"Tch!" King Calian clicked his teeth in anger. Seeing his troops faces, he spoke gravely. "We have to fight for our lives. Running.. you will just die tired." The forces understood. They foolishly believed in their young King. "Charge!"
"For Fereldan!" Uriel yelled. the soldiers turned to fight.
"Hahaha!" Thrasher started to laugh. He looked at Tracker. "Go and make sure they survive the battle against the Darkspawn that attack the tower. And if you see a dragon.. do not attack it. That is how you die."
"Of course Warchief!" Tracker shot off as fast as he could. Two hounds chasing with him. The others were already with Elissa. Making sure nothing happened to her. 'You better be alive you little monster.' A green glow lit up in his eyes as he moved even faster with his hounds.
"Ere we go! Ere we go!" Thrasher yelled. The power of a Weirdboy spreading over his troops. It signaled the others to fight all out. The newer Ork boys entered the fray. The Savage Orks attacked unrestrained. The countless Darkspawn met savagery they could not hope to match. "Get stuck in! Kill em!"
Duncan's Grey Wardens felt fear all around them. A more violent presence than the Darkspawn was in the area. Thrasher enveloped the area with his rage. And let out an earth-shattering War Cry.
"Wwwaaaaagggghhh!" Both axes in his hands carved a whirlwind of blood and gore as he carved a path into the thick of it. The savage orks spreading out doing the same. The new orks attacking with every opportunity. They at least fought in tandem with the local forces. "Come err."
*Schlick!* Thrasher cleaved a Hemlock in two. In front of him were a few Hemlock Alphas. A few bits of black metal on them. Corrupted from the war. Which made them way more dangerous.
"Strong.." The Hemlock Alpha duo said togethor. They moved to Thrasher quickly and struck. "Must.. kill.." Darkspawn sword met Axe. Sparks flying about from the force.
The clash continued until one slipped up. The Hemlock Alpha on the left had an arrow in his leg. One of the soldiers fired from far away. Closer look showed several other Hemlock Alphas were getting the same treatment.
*Schlick!* Thrasher cut the injured Alpha down. By bisecting him in two. The partner seemed to take insult to that and stabbed out fiercely. The sword lit up and fired a green pulse. It caught Thrasher in the ribs. Burning into his flesh.
Health -31
"Grr!" Thrasher gritted his teeth. With a side swing, he caught the Hemlock Alpha in the side. The flesh did not give way however. Thrown into another Darkspawn, it stumbled. 'Thunderous Smite!' The axe glowed white with a bright light along the edges.
The attacks went through the enemy like butter. Which left Thrasher shocked to say the least. It took them so long to develop a way to cut through the metal the enemy developed with ease and hear he was treating it like nothing. Even with the last analysis that he obtained, it should have just been easier.
'If Light turned out to be what made this easier, I know a lot of Users who would scream in outrage.' Thrasher left that for later as he continued to fight. A few augmented Ogre's had made it through. 'Oh, this si a great birthday present.!'
"Raaaah!" The ogre howled and charged towards him. A club in it's hand knocking Darkspawn out the way like bugs. Thrasher met it's charge with one of his own. A strike that pushed him to the side. He lost in a strength contest. "Weak.."
System: Strength Check 26 Fail
"What the hell is this thing made of?" Little patches were aligned on the arms of the Ogre. Causing it's veins to bulge outward. With another swing, Thrasher took it in the head. "Tch!" Sliding across the ground he was furious.
Health -42
*Shine!* Thrasher healed him self fully with a level 5 spell slot for over healing. Which turned out to be a good thing. As the weapon was corrosive in a way. His left eye closed as he had to regenerate a new eyeball.
Health +500
"Waaaggh!" Thrasher lunged out as his Rage erupted. Swinging and cutting into the Ogre with a blinding Fury. He had tunnel vision and saw nothing else. His sense kept a check on when he needed to move away. A good number of his forces fought near him.
*Ding!* The axe cut through the outside of the enemy finally. The next swing dug into the guts that looked oily and metallic. Another spell slot, 5th level to burned away at it's guts faster.
*Sching!* Thrasher did a cross slash downing the Ogre at last. Tired from the work, he restored his fatigue and that of his forces. Turning to see another wave of Darkspawn pushing through, he smiled.
"Hehehe, this is the place to be!" Thrasher and his forces charged in to battle the Darkspawn. Nothing else mattered. "Crush them! Get em you lot!"
The more they fought, the more powerful his forces became. The more bigger they became. It was good they were under D.G. cells. It kept the bodies from growing to much. But they kept the strength they would get from getting bigger and meaner.
Hours Later-
As Dawn broke, Thrasher and his forces went about cleaning up. They did not pursue the large Darkspawn Horde. The numbers were higher than what should have been. As in, the millions. Fereldan was in deep trouble.
But they were able to find the entrance that they used to arrive to the surface in this area. A base would be set up to keep them constantly thinned down. Which was more than a help. With Darkspawn coming out in the area constantly, the ork humans were more than happy to stay put and guard the area.
As for the king.
"So.. you look like shit." Thrasher said. King Cailan was wrapped up and had healers tending to him nonstop. Uriel stood guard to the side. Duncan was nowhere to be seen. "So what will you do now?"
"Recover.. then.. take back the land from the Darkspawn." Cailan looked at Thrasher almost pleading. "I.. need your help. What will it take.. for you .. to do so?"
"Well..." Thrasher leaned forward and told him. The young king nodded and would make it so. "Then I will go and make sure that they pay for what they did. While getting rid of the Darkspawn." Thrasher placed a Common Pull into the King. Making him a Companion of his. But he was not allowed to use the shop and didn't know if it. Just a little info of what a User was.
"Thank you.. Warchief." King Cailan was already feeling better. Considering Thrasher gave him a large dose of D.G. cells, he would make it in the end. "It will take me time to remove the traitors from the castle. But, they think me dead. So that is something to our advantage." Leaning back to think things over, he reflected on his naivete. 'City of Amaranthine, Recognise Elissa Cousland as the de Facto Leader of the Grey Wardens, recognize my half brother Alistair and I will have my kindom back and happy people. Fair enough trade. Especially with him mentioning an ancient evil returning. Worse than any blight."
"That it is." Thrasher informed his forces of what to do. Uriel would stay a little longer before returning. "Make sure you let the Alienage know. It is important that things go better than now."
The man nodded understanding. The rest of the camp were given orders to keep things quiet about the King. They worked on building an encampment to battle the darkspawn. Since they were forces of the King, they fell under the terms of being Followers to Thrasher.
Exposed to D.G. cells, the odd thousand of soldiers were healing and would become better warriors than before. The Operator Norad was working on explaining things and help guide the Operation.
Leaving, Thrasher came across the Grey Wardens that were with Duncan. They had taken out a few Darkspawn that made it away from the Horde.
"A damn shame." Thrasher said. The older Grey Wardens turned to him. A look of relief disappeared when they saw him lift his weapons up. "Any last words?"
"Why?" Duncan asked. "The Grey Wardens have always fought against the Blight, but not a bLight like this. Is this to be the end of us?"
"Because of the countless men and women that died in the Joining. The Grey Wardens should have made a better way. Using the same ritual all these years, is the height of stupidy." Thrasher locked them down in his domain. "And because of Corypheus, Sethius Amladaris. Not keeping tabs on him."
"You know of that thing!" The senior wardens shuddered. The creature's name was tantamount to being the boogeyman for them. "But the seals.."
"Are breaking. he has already whispered his way into a few Grey Wardens. Making the Joining a damning practice still. But I am taking care of it." Thrasher cut the others down leaving Duncan for last. "How does it feel to recieve the same fate that the Grey Wardens gave others?" Duncan did not say anything. He kept his head held high before it was removed from his shoulders.
*Schlick!" The blood came out black. So far gone by the corruption of the blood. Just like the others. The bodies were sent to the moss. They would make great Elite Ork humans. That knowledge would not go to waste.
"Time for the others." Thrasher was gone an instant with the Space Stone.