Chereads / The Magic Within / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 - Oliver (Earth)

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 - Oliver (Earth)

Oliver found himself kneeling on the ground. He looked around him. The others were just starting to get up, but Nathan was still on the ground. Oliver quickly got up and scrambled over to Nathan, who wasn't moving.

"What's wrong?" Zak asked. Oliver pointed to Nathan. The others ran over to him.

"Is he dead?" Roy asked. Oliver shook his head.

"I think he's just unconscious," said Oliver. "What do we do?"

"We need to wake Nathan up, if there are humans around, we might need his knowledge of magic," said Roy. They looked out the corner of the alley. Humans were bustling around in a hurry.

"Where are we?" asked Oliver.

"We are in Earth," answered Marvin. Zak rolled his eyes.

"Duh," Zak said. "But do you know where in Earth?" He shook his head.

"No," Marvin replied. "But what I do know is that we have to find a place where we can stay while we learn about humans."

"Can't we just abduct one and learn from it?" asked Zak.

"That's actually not a bad idea," said Roy. "Then we can force the knowledge from the human."

"But how are we going to get one?" said Oliver. "Surely the other humans will notice."

"Not if we are quick," Zak said. Marvin glanced at him.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Marvin said. Zak nodded.

"But we have to wake Nathan up first," said Zak. Marvin sighed and a sphere of water appeared in his hand. He dropped the water on Nathan's face. Nathan sat up quickly, sputtering, and looked around.

"Are you okay?" asked Roy. Nathan rubbed his eyes.

"Yeah," he replied. "Just exhausted from using so much magic at one time to activate that portal."

"Zak wants to abduct a human," Marvin said. Nathan's eyes widened.

"Not the worst idea," said Nathan. "Maybe he's getting smarter after all." Zak swatted at him and Nathan ducked.

"How are we going to do that?" asked Oliver. At that precise moment, a human walked into the alley and dropped a bag into a large rectangular container.

"This is our chance!" whispered Zak. He walked up to the female human. "Show us your secrets now!" Marvin sighed in exasperation.

"Woah, woah, woah," the female human said. Are you guys actors or something?���

"We demand to know your secrets!" Zak said. The female took a step back.

"I don't know what you guys are doing," she said. "But I'm not part of it." She started walking to the exit of the alley.

"Grab her before she gets away!" Nathan yelled. Oliver leaped over and grabbed her from behind.

"Hey!" the human said. "Let go of me!" She started squirming.

"Tell is your secrets first," said Zak. The human shook her head.

"What if I don't want to?" she said. "What if it's really private information?"

"TELL US!" Zak yelled. Marvin shook his head.

"Don't be so harsh," he said. "Let me try. Greetings. What my friend here was trying to say is we need help. We come from a different world named Arimelia. Me and my friends—"

"Wow," she said. "You guys are really into this acting, huh?"

"What acting?" Marvin said. "This is all real." The others nodded their heads.

"Beings from another world?" she asked. "Pfffft, prove it." Zak produced a small fireball on the palm of his hand, and the female gasped. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and she went limp.

"You killed it," said Roy.

"No, she's just unconscious," said Marvin. A small figure stepped out of the shadows, revealing a small form with pointed ears, four legs, and a long tail.

"It's a spirit!" said Nathan. "It's trying to lead us somewhere." Oliver carried the limp body of the unconscious human and followed the spirit up a few flights of stairs and across a hallway to a door.

"How do we open it?" said Roy. "It's locked." Zak burned the doorknob and it clicked. The door opened and the spirit walked in.

"I think it's letting us go in," said Marvin. So they did. They were greeted with a large well lit room. Oliver walked to a couch and placed the human gently down.

"Explore the place," said Zak. "Find anything that might be a source of magic."