Chereads / The Magic Within / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7 - Lilliana (Earth)

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7 - Lilliana (Earth)

The got changed and came back to the main room, where Lilliana was waiting for them.

"Good," she said. "Do you guys know how to put your clothes on by yourselves now?" They nodded.

"So now what?" Nathan asked.

"It's getting dark, so we'd better go to sleep," Lilliana said.

"Then why did we put clothes on?" Zak asked.

"So you know how to," she replied. "Anyways, go to sleep, and this time DO NOT GO INTO MY ROOM! Ok."

"I'm hungry," said Roy suddenly. "Do you have any food?" Lilliana sighed.

"Get whatever you want from the pantry," she said.

"Pantry?" Oliver asked.

"What's a pantry?" Marvin asked.

"It's the place where human store food," said Lilliana. "Do elves not have that?"

"Nope," Marvin replied.

"The pantry is that door next to that giant box, that humans call a fridge," Lilliana said. "I'm going to sleep." She left.

"Let's see what the pantry has," Nathan suggested. The opened the door to find shelves stacked with an assortment of items. Roy grabbed a bag from the second shelf."

"Hmmmm," Roy said. "Dor-it-os." The bag was already open, so they all grabbed a flat, triangular piece.

"Mmmm!" Nathan grabbed another. "These are so good!" They ate some more, then Marvin made them go to sleep. Marvin fell asleep first, then Roy, then Zak, and finally, Oliver. Nathan couldn't fall asleep, no matter how hard he tried. He looked at the others. Nathan laid back in the chair that he slept on the day earlier. About an hour later, he finally fell asleep.

Suddenly he was standing in the Great Hall at Arimelia, and in front of Lady Kor. It felt so real.

"Hello?" Nathan asked. "Lady Kor?" The female elf turned toward him.

"Ah, there you are," Lady Kor said.

"Is this real?" said Nathan. "Or is this just a random dream."

"No, this is real," Lady Kor replied. "I'm communicating with you through magic."

"Oh," he said. "What is it?"

"Are you and the others doing well?" Lady Kor asked. "Have the humans caused you trouble?"

"Nope," said Nathan. "We are currently staying at a human's apartment."

"How did you take over a human's house?" the elf asked.

"We didn't," Nathan said. "We negotiated with two humans and they let us stay with them for as long as this mission needed."

"Oh?" Lady Kor said. "Really?" Nathan nodded.

"She and her brother agreed to help us by living like humans," he said. "We have discovered a lot of different things."

"Okay," she said. "And the others?"

"They are sleeping right now," Nathan said. "It's our second night here."

"You've only been on Earth for two days?" Lady Kor said. Nathan nodded. "It's been four days since you arrived on Earth in Arimelia. It seems the time is different."

"Wow," said Nathan. "Has anything happened in Arimelia since we left?"

"We've had a battle with the other empires, but we won," Lady Kor said. "Also, King Elmor is sick, and the royal family is not doing that great."

"That's not good," he said.

"Indeed," said Lady Kor. "We have also found out a few different ways of using magic."

"Really?" Nathan asked.

"Yes," she replied. "Lord Matinel found out how to change appearance."

"Woah," he said.

"That's all the news from Arimelia," Lady Kor said. "I'm afraid I have to go. Be careful and don't cause too much trouble."

"Okay, bye." Lady Kor shut off their communication, waking Nathan up in the process. He sat up straight and looked around. It was still dark outside. He fell back asleep.

Chapter 7 - Lilliana (Earth)

Lilliana woke up. The sun was shining brightly through the windows. She silently got out of bed to the bathroom. Lilliana brushed her teeth and opened her bedroom door.

"Kill me now," she muttered. The living room was a mess. Bags of chips were on the ground and crumbs were littered all over the floor.

"Morning," said Carlos, who walked out of his room and into the kitchen.

"Morning to you too," Lilliana said. "WAKE UP SLEEPYHEADS!" The five men woke up. Wait, are they men? How old are they, she wondered.

"Why are you so loud?" Zak said.

"Kind of ironic coming from you," she replied. "How old are you guys?"

"I'm eighteen," said Nathan.

"I'm nineteen," said Zak

"I'm also eighteen," Marvin said.

"I'm eighteen as well," said Oliver.

"I'm seventeen," said Roy.

"Oh," Lilliana said.

"How about you?" asked Marvin. "How old are you?"

"I'm seventeen," she replied. "Anyways, it's time for breakfast!"

"What do humans eat for breakfast?" Oliver asked.

"I think Carlos just made cereal," Lilliana said. They sat down at the table, where eight bowls of cereal were waiting for them.

"What this?" Roy asked.

"It's cereal," Lilliana replied.

"What's cereal, I mean," he said.

"It's like a crunchy thing that is usually made from wheat," said Lilliana. After eating, Lilliana walked towards her room.

"Where are you going?" Nathan asked.

"I'm taking a shower," Lilliana replied.

"A shower?" Zak asked. "What's a shower?"

"Do you guys seriously not take showers or baths?" she asked. "How to you keep clean?"

"We use magic," Oliver replied.

"A shower is a non-magical way to get clean," Lilliana said.

"Can we watch you?" Marvin asked.

"NO! GROSS!" She stomped to her room and slammed the door.

When she was done with her shower, and got changed, she opened her bedroom door and walked out. Lilliana surveyed the living room. Roy and Zak were asleep, but Oliver, Nathan, and Marvin were nowhere to be found.

"Carlos!" she yelled.

"Yeah?" he answered from his room. Lilliana opened Carlos' door.

"Have you seen—" Marvin, Oliver, and Nathan were crowded around Carlos' desk.

"I'm teaching them what a computer is," Carlos explained. Lilliana left Carlos' room and went back into hers. She checked her phone. Two new notifications were listed on the lock screen.

H e y L i l y ! I w a s w o n d e r i n g i f y o u w a n t t o g o t o t h e m o v i e s!:)

W h e n?

T o m o r r o w a t 7:30!

O k.

S o y o u ' r e c o m i n g?

Y e s.

Y A Y! S e e y o u t h e r e!

Lilliana shut off her phone. She laid in her bed and stared at the ceiling. She hadn't actually gone to the movies in forever. Forever being about two months. Lilliana walked back to Carlos' room, where the boys were still around the computer.

"Hey!" They turned toward her. "I'm going to the movies tomorrow, so I expect you guys to keep this place clean while I'm gone. Okay?"

"You're going out?" Marvin asked. Lilliana nodded.

"We want to come!" Oliver said. Nathan nodded in agreement.

"Hmmmmmm." Lilliana thought about it for a moment. "As long as you don't ask questions, and also, try not to point out things and ask what they are, because people are going to think you are crazy."

"Okay," Marvin said.

"Sure," said Nathan. She set a few more rules before being sure they wouldn't attract to much attention.

"And MOST IMPORTANTLY," she said. "DO NOT use your magic in public."

"Even if—" Oliver started.

"No exceptions!" Lilliana said. "We don't want people finding out that you have magic."

"All right," Marvin said.

"We will leave at 7:00 tomorrow so we can get there in time," Lilliana said. "The movie theater is not that far away."

"I've been meaning to ask," Nathan said. "What's a movie?"

"It's like a really long video on screen that shows a story," she said. "That's the best way I can describe it. Also I'm meeting up with Anne." After she made sure they understood everything, she left. Tomorrow was going to be a different kind of day.