"Hmm these soldiers don't want any anyone getting in" Mazak told himself as he was estimating how many shields and metallic objects were blocking the portcullis (gate which drops down made of metal), after Mazak estimates 1-2 metres of strong metallic objects and shields, he chose a medium level fire spell to break through the barricade.
In his head he asked his system how many soldiers are in the city defending it and attacking it. Mazak was replied with;
"The defensive force is made up of 462 guards trying to defend their last safe zone which they have just made and the offensive force is made up of 6338 soldiers, the defensive force are out-numbered and will fall at dawn, it would be wise to go and assist the defensive force now"
After hearing the staggeringly large difference in the number of troops Mazak got ready to fight.
Mazak readied his spell and a few seconds later he shot this 4 metre wide and tall fireball at the barricade, the fireball slowly melted all the way through and as Mazak walked up to the barricade a Calibrica soldier was behind the last of the barricade and when the fireball broke through it sped up and exploded on the soldiers leaving a large area of the city covered in layers of smoke.
Mazak said, "poor guy, oh well" after he finished walking into what looks like a warzone, he drew out his two daggers and started running into the city.
Before Mazak tried to find anyone roughly 70 Calibrica soldiers saw the explosion and obviously went to try and stop the breach, however they did not know who or what broke through the portcullis.
—————————NEW QUEST-——-—————-
The warring empire (Calibrica) is attacking Kraz city the intention behind the attack is unknown.
•assist and help the last line of defence in the city at repelling the invading Calibrica soldiers.
•strike fear into the Calibrica soldiers by destroying over 50% of their army.
•assist/rescue any civilians in trouble and get them to the safe zone.
•kill all of the Calibrica commanders attacking
• get a trick shot on an attacker with a bow
Rewards are as follow;
1 million EXP + 150 Gold + Gold bow
Will you accept this quest?
<> <>
Before Mazak chose he really questioned what his system was, getting a trick shot with a bow, while that would look cool and all it's not very beneficial whatsoever. Mazak decided to accept this quest and ask questions later.
After he accepted the quest, Mazak saw many people surrounding him, people drawing their swords at him and others aiming their bows at him. Everyone in the Calibrica army were around level 370 except the commanders which meant they were easy small fry.
Mazak decided to pull out his daggers and prepare for a small fight. The archers on the walls were aiming at Mazak until an unknown soldier/commander told them to fire. As they each shot their arrows, Mazak stood still slowing time to slice each and every arrow shot at him. To the soldiers Mazak looked like a dance of death, with each slice of his daggers he became more agile and getting faster the more arrows are fired at him.
After everyone saw this the soldiers charged in as Mazak was apparently very experienced in dealing with ranged attacks but they did not know what else Mazak could do. Just as everyone charged in an archer was given some kind of weapon which shot a large light into the sky (flare gun but very crude and primitive) which must be to signal for reinforcements.
This hinderance did not matter to Mazak as he could take everyone on.
Meanwhile on a hill 2 kilometres away a group of highly skilled soldiers, assassins and archers are watching the fight in Kraz city a lot of attention is drawn to Mazak and the flare that was shot up and the rest is to the safe zone and last line of defence near the castle keep.
Back where the fighting was, Mazak saw a lot more soldiers coming towards the flare, which made him know this will be a longer fight than he thought.
As the first wave of soldiers charged, Mazak skilfully executed everyone that charged him, however no-one was scared or worried. 'Oh well' Mazak thought to himself preparing to kill everyone else that wanted to kill him.
Archers continuously fired at him, a lot of the times hitting Calibrican soldiers. Mazak charged the enemy lines surrounding him, stabbing and slicing until a few lucky arrows hit Mazak making him drop his daggers however this did not stop him from killing.
[Although Mazak is extremely strong he can still feel pain, so expect some realistic-ish reactions]
Instead of searching for a new weapon Mazak decided to pull the arrows out of his arms and rush towards the closest soldiers, as he got to them Mazak swiftly and powerfully threw the arrows at their heads, killing them instantly as their skulls and brains were pierced.
After he got rid of the arrows he switched to using his fists. Still charging the lines he is dealing incredible pain and suffering to everyone he hits, sometimes they go limp instantly when they get hit or they get pushed back onto other soldiers.
After Mazak killed around a hundred soldiers he knew he would be super exhausted when this ends and quickly decides to use a spell he hasn't used in a long time.
Mazak clears a small area of soldiers with a weak lightning spell whilst simultaneously creating something in the sky which consists only of magic and spirits, the thing in the sky is only slightly visible and is slowly coming towards Mazak.
The mysterious group on the hill have noticed the anomaly in the sky and have decided to use their telescope/spyglass to glimpse upon it. When they did, they panicked as if it was the end of the world. "REPORT THIS TO THE COMMANDED NOW!!" Shouted one of the soldiers.