Chereads / 2114 / Chapter 2 - Eagles Nest

Chapter 2 - Eagles Nest

The smell of super-heated argon enveloped Liam's nose as he stepped down the fateful ladder, glancing around the vast array of landing pads liam would have been blown over by the masterfull use of boom tech that was everywhere he looked. That was if he was able to hear his own thoughts over the deafening roar of high-power plasma-jets and if he was not literally blown over by the howling winds that skimmed across the concrete surface of the Eagles rest cosmodrome.

After what appeared to be many hours of trecking through the rabbits maze of the largest starport in europe, many where at thier wits end, yet they had nothing to do nor anywhere to go.

The protoclol was to proceed to new assingments, and for all the crew of the sundown this was the end of a long career, they whould be granted a residence of their choice on any of the core colonies, relegated to menial work that anyone could do, dreams of addventure forever extingusihed. Well, that was liam's opinion, most cherised this time and gave it the most anicipation of any thing they had to look forward to.

But most people got an exiting post, where bloomtech ships and majestic nebula where an inescapable reality, and by the time their career among the stars came to an end they would have no heart to put it behind them with a smear of regret or a pinch sadness.