That brings us back to the present.
Location: shuttle outside eagle's nest
The sky was full of flickering lights from the bus telling shuttles, this one gently gliding towards the warp node that was aimed at Ceres, the watery paradise of many a romance novel.
Liam fiddled with the sharp, concealed knife in his leaft hand and fought the temptation to stab it lunar deep into his left hip as he miserably dwelled on the bland and overly peaceful life he was going to be living.
Suddenly and without deep thought he leapt up and, keeping his knife concealed within the grasps of his left hand he confidently strode up to the control deck . No one had noticed him get up, they where buried so deep in their hollophones; and so no one took any notice of the muffled scream from the cabin as Liam held a knife to his throat, and no one else noticed the shuttle gently alter its trajectory towards the lunar shipyards.
In fact no one noticed anything until the shuttle gracefully landed outside the dicing port for the lunar shipyard known as Fernando's point but the shuttle door remained locked for hours after-and by the time people had broken out of the craft that played prison to them they had no gape of catching up with the person that had led them here.
Liam's only potential pursuers here where the few security that patrolled the station, as he was sure that the shipwrights whould quake in fear at the sight of someone dashing through the station with a pistol that he stole from the shuttles command deck in one hand and a knife in the other. However the first real threat that he faced was not that of anyone in particular, but more of that spontaneous nature of his actions had lead him no have not a single ideas as to what direction he should proceed in. Luckily for him he soon, quite literally, stumbled on a map after a short sprint around the rabbit warren.
He soon began to pace towards the corvett docks, tossing the sound emitters that he had found in the weapons compartment of the ship and had loaded the sound of running footsteps onto, to throw off the swarms of guards that where enveloping every escape route he saw with frightening ease.
at this point he knew that his only hope was to steal whatever ship was going to get him out of here fast, and was seriously regretting not just taking the passenger vessel he had arrived on. Of the twenty corvette class ships he only three where in a state that could hope to leave: one was already powered up, presumably just about to be delivered, one was also powered up but was still docked to the repair pillars and the final one Liam felt instantly drawn to, it was way larger than the others, shiny alloy plating reflecting the distant image of the earth. He knew that now was the time to make a choice to stick to it, he could hear the guards swarming towards the ship that was powered on, obviously thinking that was the logical choice for him and to even remotely considering the immense racket they where making, suddenly he jumped up and made a sudden dash through the long cuboid and metallic corridors towards the largest vessel with great haste.
He jumped onboard just as he heard the distinctive roar of high powered argon-accelerator drives spinning up, he dashed towards the cockpit with great speed, pistol in hand, and then open the door on an unsuspecting man, knocking them out with the stock of his pistol before they had a chance to react.