°•○● ELEMENTA- The Tale of Immortality - Chapter "35" -/ T
"The Hunt Begins" °•○●
Before the children could get over the shock of the ensuing events, there was a terrible explosion on the tree fifty meters away. The children jumped in their places with the sound of screams coming from the tree they had just escaped with the danger of death.
A burst of sound and pressure that his ears were struggling to bear had pushed them all back. Even the most muscular boy among them was about to have a mess.
Ren lowered the hand he had thrown the bottle and held it towards these children, just as it had impressed Ren as Diana reached out and played with fire. He was holding another bottle as if he were holding a piece of fire in his hand. He had shown them something powerfully hot that they normally couldn't get.
While this thing wasn't a piece of fire, it was a mysterious bottle that represented the same thing. And in two ways, it could put a lot of pressure on the souls of the children watching.
Ren did not lower his hand for a while.
And he didn't speak.
Even though he didn't even know their names, these kids didn't have the skills to hide their thoughts or their personalities. So Ren could see clearly that he could trust these children, or at least not need to be afraid of them. He could manipulate or use these children as he wished.
[Actually, I didn't have such a strong character. In fact, my math teacher in the clan used to say that with the way I think, I'm not fit to be a boss. When did I change?]
Ren knew the answer but didn't want to remember it. Must have been the day I lost a mother and father..
Although Ren didn't know anything about looking charismatic, he tried to look as strong and cool as he could.
It wasn't about a physical ability. It was who had the stronger influence on something.
Because at that moment, there were trees screaming in fire in the landscape that children with wide-open eyes saw. And as these trees were engulfed in flames, they had only one thing in mind.
"A tree that would have easily killed me just now can easily be killed by Ren." Ren was very lucky to be able to create this thought. It wouldn't have made such a big impact if he just saved them, tied with ropes and beaten up.
It was fortunate that these flesh-eating trees were included in his plan.
The idea or image of Ren being powerful and mysterious was ingrained into the children's souls. They got to know Ren through a scenario where they could n't see his status lower than theirs.
The effect that Ren had on the children right now was enormous!
Before Ren could even finish speaking, someone interrupted. The sorceress, using her fire energy by compressing it, called out to him. "I'm not considered very skilled at magic. But I'll do my best. I learned some magic from my older sister and I want to step up to her level. She's an inner court disciple."
Ren looked gratefully at this green-haired sweet girl with a smirk. [Someone had to take the first step and set an example. Thanks. Your place will always be special to me. You're my first after all..]
Ren listened to everyone introduce himself after the girl and spoke to everyone one by one.
"I will do my best so that you don't have any problems with energy pills or magic techniques in the future. I'm not allowed to teach some of my techniques to others. But as a welcome gift, I will teach each of you a spell. The motto of our group will be sharing and working together."
Ren actually wanted to use a swindle technique that had shaken both the magic and warrior worlds and kingdoms in the past.
A pyramid system where everyone donates something to the common cause and receives new benefits per person they find as they bring other volunteers under themselves. In the past, even a few kingdoms had fallen with this fraudulent method, and god-level mages and warriors became poorer than even beggars.
But Ren was planning to make this system for magic sharing.
[These guys will be my minions and they will be on the winning side with me. The people I will harm must be others. In addition, even basic math knowledge of these children is weak. They should get a little training first.
I need more time to start the Pyramid Magic System..]
Ren was calculating other things in his head while chatting with the children.
But then the fires that bounced off the burning tree behind him began to spread to other flesh-eating trees. Seeing the fire slowly approaching, the six children stood up and began to walk away.
"It's getting hot here."
"Are these trees creatures or plants?"
"Who knows.."
Ren smiled and wondered how big this fire could get. Because if it was short, he wanted to examine whether these trees were some kind of animal or monster. He planned to look at the remains of the trees to see if they had the energy crystal.
With a confident smile on his face, he thought the fire would be over soon...
But it started a legendary forest fire that lasted for a week and became a big deal in the school and even in the whole country. :)
The outer court of the Awei school has become quite lively with strange events.
These events started a month ago with a huge forest fire that the school expected to extinguish in a short time. But the fire did not go out immediately, and it also affected the creature habitats inside the Awei Forests.
All the big creatures have moved a bit as their prey and food areas have changed.
It was no longer known where outside the school was safe and where the death zone was. Everywhere had to be rediscovered and students had to stay away from unsafe places.
At first, no one cared because the fire was far from the school. But later on, a strange flesh-eating tree species was found in the area, and everyone was convinced that one of the school's groups had gone hunting. While all the outer field disciples of the school started to gossip, the fact that the magic used in the fire was a very effective fire had eliminated one of the clans consisting only of warriors.
So it was definitely not the Bulls who did this. MMM was more likely than the rest to have done it, as the group that did the hunting collectively and cleaner. It was even said that the main purpose of the group was to collect the energy crystals left behind by the trees. But no one could find out whether these strange trees really had crystals like animals. It is not known if it was all planned, but all the adventurers who went to the region later on could not find a single loot.
While the school thought that one of the two of the three big groups had made a big hit with the effect of this incident, a new incident started at that time.
Annual Hunting Season!
"This semester lasts for two months. In the first month, a competition-like event begins with a few groups of outfield students coming together. In this event, all groups go to the three-day forest to hunt the wolves living around the mountain where the school is located.
In this event, the first three groups that hunt and bring the most wolves will be entitled to participate in the second event, which will be held next month. So to the Red Eagle's Nest..
These eagles, who normally only have red eyes, have a blood-red energy crystal in their body. And this crystal is especially useful for mages and warriors of all kinds who work with the element of fire. The school allows these eagles to be hunted so that they don't become too numerous and students have something to deal with. And the hunting of these eagles is prohibited to everyone except the top three groups, except for the permitted times each year.
While everyone in the school knew about this event, it remained the same in groups that go to eagle hunting every year. So MMM, Bulls, and Klions, where the strongest are."
As usual, Ren gave a ding to the money changer he had bought knowledge from. A ding was one-tenth of an energy tablet. So it was actually an expensive purchase.
But Ren didn't mind it because there were too many energy pills. He loved the way this boy gave information, tone of voice, and explained details. Even if he was being ripped off, he would rather be ripped off for pleasure.
"Thank you. See you later."
"Same time next week?"
"Yes. I'll be around."
Ren always saw the boy walking in the central area or chatting with different student groups.
Maybe he's sleeping here. He knows even the most secret rumors because hahaha...
Ren walked home, thinking about the boy's last words.
The info-selling boy said that every year MMM, the Bulls, and the strongest Klions go eagle-hunting.
Ren was working to make something different happen this year. In fact, he didn't have enough money, personal power, or enough men to take on these big groups right now. The odds of success in these hunts were very low. And it was all over in theory.
"It's not over until I say it's over!" But with an evil grin, Ren gave the order to open his wife's door again.
The door did not open.
"Do you have to spoil me just when I'm acting like the cool and evil villains!"
After dealing with the door that wouldn't open for the next five minutes, Ren no longer felt as cool and evil as before.
With a deep sigh, he entered his house and threw himself on his bed. Even just that door was mentally exhausting.
"I guess I need both a magic master and a better house. At least, a new door is a must."