Chereads / Lost in Time; Battlefront / Chapter 33 - Storm's Brewing

Chapter 33 - Storm's Brewing

Wren could feel the slight change in temperature that came along with the dark clouds, and the smell of rain. She took a deep breath in, 'How long has it been since I've been able to enjoy the rain?' Wren thought to herself as she removed her ceremonial robe and tucked it into its pocket which doubled as a water resistant bag to protect the robe. "Heh, and Valen just laughed at me when I told him my plans for his old jacket." Feeling satisfied, Wren straightened her dark grey shirt, folded a small cuff on the bottom of her black pants, and tightened the laces on her shoes. "Gosh My Lady, couldn't you have chosen the dress? I had Aster bring it for a reason. You are expected to meet with Sir Valen and the others Elders after dinner," Michael said as he was walking towards Wren. "Hey, if you wanted me to wear a dress, you know the deal, it needs to have pockets." Wren chuckled then stood up, grabbed her robe that was now tucked neatly in a small bag, and walked over to Michael.

"Enough about me, why are you here right now? Don't you need to go be a show off like you usual do when there's a storm?" Wren stopped when she was within arms distance of Michael. "My Lady, I am not a show off, they ask me to help and to demonstrate the potential capability of someone who-" "Yeah yeah, as you say SIR Michael. Come on, I want to go stare at you to throw you off your game hehe," Wren began walking towards the training area and Michael followed. 'Why Wren...why do you do this to me? You're so-' "Hey Michael, did you hear me?" Michael shook his head, "I'm sorry My Lady, no I did not hear you." Wren sighed and repeated what she said as they walked next to each other on a small dirt trail that led to the outer area of the temple. The wind had picked up slightly and the surrounding trees were swaying side to side. There were 6 different training areas located on the far end of the temple. Each training areas are divided by the abilities an individual possesses; one for Lunar, one for Shadow, and so on. Due to some individuals having an affinity for more than one, they complete testing within all the training areas relating to their abilities.

These tests consist of both physical and mental challenges. Some of the levels require more physical strength, some require healing abilities, while some require high spiritual abilities. Which ever ability is the more dominant, will be the one to be trained and honed for more accuracy and efficiency. It is extremely rare for an individual to have a strong affinity for more than one level as well as be able to train and improve upon them. Most individuals that have these special abilities, begin showing signs between the ages if 12 and 14 years old with some occasionally showing signs earlier or later. By the age of 7, Michael had exhibited a strong affinity for Lightening level, as well as a slightly less strong affinity for Lunar. Wren began exhibiting strong spiritual abilities by the age of 4. She showed strong affinities for Lunar, Lightening, and eventually Shadow Unit abilities. She was able to see well in low light-(Lunar), she could teleport-(Lightening), showed strong ability to control spiritual and nature energy-(Shadow), as well as other traits for each of the 3 levels.

"Lady Wren, how are you feeling? You only just got out of the medical ward today, yet here you are; teleporting to our meeting, walking around the temple, and at a time when there could be a storm no less." Wren sighed and looked over to Michael, "I'm fine. You know, as well as I, that I'm not one to get sick just after a bit of rain. If I'm not outside enjoying nature or somewhere training my abilities, I'll be stuck inside, most likely "against my will," and I would have caused some sort of disturbance resulting in Hanako or the Elders getting mad." Wren chuckled and paused for a moment, looking around at the trees and shrubs that surrounded them. Some of the foliage began to change color for the season. "My Lady?" Michael stopped in front of Wren, causing her to stop as well. Wren shook her head and looked up at Michael, "Sorry, I was spacing out, did you say something?" Michael carefully put his hands on Wren's shoulders. "My Lady..." 'I really wish I could hug you right now,' Michael didn't dare say what was on his mind out loud.

Wren looked at him questioningly then she sensed someone was coming their way and quickly turned in the direction of the presence. Michael's senses were keen, but not quite as keen as Wren's, so his reactions were slightly slower. By the time he turned to look where Wren was facing he, saw Vivi smiling from ear to ear. "Don't you dare start Vivi, I know what you're thinking, and it's NOT." Wren said in a stern voice; Vivi just giggled in response, "Why are you not in the training arena Miss Vivi? This is the best time for trainees to practice their skills." Michael said and Vivi immediately straightened her posture. "I-I'm sorry Sir Michael. I had to help Sir Shoyo take some records to the council. It slipped my mind that there was a potential for a storm today." Vivi hung her head low, "Come with us Vivi, we were just on our way to the arena. Michael is eager to show off some of his skills when we get there," Wren said while motioning for Vivi to come closer.

Vivi instantly perked up and bounced over to the two. "Okay! I haven't seen Sir Michael's abilities yet. I have only heard of them. Is he really as fast as they say? Oh, will he do the-" Michael put his hand up to hush Vivi's questions. Everyone stayed perfectly still as he listened intently. The sound of low thunder could be heard in the distance, followed by a flash of lightening high within the clouds. Wren finally broke the silence, "What is it Michael?" He put his hand down and began walking once again, with Wren and Vivi following close behind. "Michael what is-" 'There's something bad coming. Not sure what, but the look of the sky, the upcoming ceremony...something isn't right,' Michael let go of Wren's shoulder as he finished the last thought. "My apologies, I thought I heard something important, but I was mistaken. Pardon my actions Lady Wren and Miss Vivi. Let us hurry and get to the training arena. Lady Wren, do you think you could use your abilities to teleport yourself there?"

The training area was still over 200 yards (about 183 meters) until they would arrive; the path was partially covered with low hanging trees, shrubs, and different tall grass. "Of course I can. Who ever makes it there last has to buy the others lunch!" Wren was grinning ear to ear, as was Vivi, while Michael seemed exasperated. "Oo~ sounds fun. I'm in, how about you Sir Michael?" Michael sighed deeply. "Fine, I'll participate. We will count to 3 and then teleport to the training area. Everyone in agreement?" Wren and Vivi looked to each other, nodded, then turned back to Michael, "Yes," they both said in unison. "Alright, prepare yourself, I'll be doing the count down." Vivi took a couple steps backwards and stood in a position with her legs slightly apart and bent for stabilization. Wren tucked her robe under her arm, readied her stance, and closed her eyes. Michael stood in place and took deep breaths. There is nature energy involved with being able to teleport, so an individual who can do so, needs to acquire a large amount of energy into their body.

"3..." Michael had been teleporting for years and typically stored reserves of nature energy within his body for occasions such as this; the dirt around his feet began to move slightly. "2..." Vivi was still a trainee so she had to focus intensely on gathering the nature energy. Her focus caused the grass and dirt around her feet to move rapidly. "1..." Wren has been teleporting for years, and like Michael keeps reserves within her body. However, due to Wren being Shadow Level she could teleport as well, but it was slightly different from the others. Her clothes began to rustle around her body and a thin layer of "smoke" began to for around her body. "Go!" Less than half a second after Michael said go, all three vanished from site.